Stop The Heist
Oh no! Attackers might have stolen our precious documents from the super secret share. We need to know what they took exactly...
Author information: This challenge is developed by OHaalstra@deloitteNL.
The attackers seem to have gotten a foothold on our system. And executed some malicious code. We need to know what the code does.
To report to the authorities we must know exactly which files have been taken by the attacker. Are you able to figure this out?
Can you please find out whether the attack was caused by a weak password? We need to know whether the users are adhering to our password policy. Our password policy for the domain is CTF{[ROCKYOU_1]_[ROCKYOU_2]!} where [ROCKYOU_1] and [ROCKYOU_2] are distinct words from the rockyou.txt list.
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