Fri, 08 July 2022, 10:00 UTC — Tue, 26 July 2022, 10:00 UTC
A Hacky Holidays event.
Format: Jeopardy
Official URL:
This event's weight is subject of public voting!
This event lasts more than 5 days! No global rating points.
Event organizersHacky Holidays (Unlock the City edition) is a jeopardy CTF hosted on the Deloitte Hackazon platform, where you can test and improve your skills with all sorts of challenges (technical puzzles) related to cyber security and emerging technologies.
You’ve been officially chosen to compete in UNLOCK THE CITY from July 8. till July 26.
Help! The smart city is in trouble. An A.I. algorithm went rogue in the once so peaceful, intelligent city. It's chaos out there.
To regain control and restore peace, we need a group of talented hackers. Each hacker or hacking team will unlock the city in phases by solving a set of challenges in four city districts. The city council has announced that the event's winner will be appointed "Mayor" of the City to sweeten the deal. Additionally, the best hacker in a particular district will become the "Sheriff" for that district.
Can we count on you to unlock the city?
Top 3 student teams*
-- 1st place: 1337 USD
-- 2nd place: 777 USD
-- 3rd place 337 USD
* Each member of a student team must sign up as a student and be able to provide evidence of being a student.
Top 3 non-student teams
-- The members of the top 3 non-student teams are awarded a 50 USD voucher which you can spend at the M5STACK webshop for your IoT hobby projects!
Best 10 writeups
-- We invite everyone who solved a challenge to write a creative and detailed writeup on how you solved the challenge. You must publish the writeup after the game has ended in order not to spoil the solution to anyone else in the competition (starting July 27th). Out of those writeups we will select the best 10 write-ups that will be rewarded with a 50 USD voucher which you can spend at the M5STACK webshop for your IoT hobby projects! You can participate by submitting (a link to) your writeup to [email protected] before August 2nd, 2021.
Note: Deloitte employees can play in the event but are excluded from winning a prize. The top X players refers to the entries on the scoreboard and is based on the total score of the team and the time of flag submissions. Participants can win a maximum of 2 vouchers by participating in Hacky Holidays.
919 teams total