- Use audio to text service to get subtitles from the file.
- Google string from subtitles 'भीख में मिले देश और दान में मिले हथियारों के तुम पर इतना भौंकना ठीक नहीं' with 'indian film' appendix.
- First link to youtube video fragment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dnqr7kUJVVg starting at 7:23.
- Comments on this video tell us it's a Zameen movie.
- Searching Zameen movie on TOI website: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/entertainment/hindi/movie-details/zameen/movieshow/61272072.cms
- Comments from Kshitij Narkhede32 obviously telling us that we are on the right track.
- Searching for the box office of Zameen:https://boxofficeindia.com/movie.php?movieid=521
- 16,99,00,000 + 2,29,00,00,000 from Kshitij Narkhede32’s comment = 2,45,99,00,000.
- Watching all ROHIT SHETTY movies from https://boxofficeindia.com/actor.php?actorid=124&role=25
- Closest to 2,45,99,00,000 box office value is Simmba https://boxofficeindia.com/movie.php?movieid=5568
with a release date of 28.12.2018.
- So, from TOI comments we know that the flag format is {release date of blockblaster_Name} date ----> DDMMYYYY.
Flag: VishwaCTF{28122018_simmba}.