Points: 1000

Tags: reverse_engineering 

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Fat Module

Author: adrians

You need to create a kernel module that can be loaded on both x86 and arm kernels.

Send us a mod.ko file such that insmod mod.ko works in both virtual machines provided by the task.

The kernels are slightly modified in order to accept a "fat module" format. You need to figure out the format by reversing the kernel.

The .config files for building the kernels are provided. The kernel source tree that was used is https://mirrors.edge.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v5.x/linux-5.1.16.tar.xz

The module should create a character device with the major 400. Reading from this character device should return the string Hello, World!\n.

archive password: Dea4choo5ahc5E

nc 13376


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