Sat, 28 Sept. 2019, 06:00 UTC — Sun, 29 Sept. 2019, 22:00 UTC 


PwnThyBytes CTF event.

Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL:

This event's future weight is subject of public voting!

Future weight: 25.00 

Rating weight: 25.00 

Event organizers 

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Update your tools, stock up on energy drinks and turn off all of your notifications 'cause we've got some badass CTF tasks coming your way, guaranteed to keep you plugged in, jacked up, glued down but ultimately knocked out.

You're looking down the barrel of 40 hours of some serious mayhem including but not limited to: mind-bending memory corruption, bewildering binary reversing, convoluted cryptography, feral forensics, and wacky web.

We'll do our best to ensure PTBCTF engages you by making you dive into arcane secrets of known software or tackle new challenges that expand your knowledge.


- Mostly hard and very hard challenges

- Prizes: 2048 €, 1024 €, 512 € for the top 3 teams

- Approximately 30 tasks to be gradually opened

- Discord-based comm

- Dynamic scoring (CTFd or similar)

Do not expect:

- Guessing challenges

- Untested challenges

- Breakthrough points (no reason to give advantage to teams based on timezone)


First place: 2048 €
Second place: 1024 €
Third place: 512 €


454 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 LC↯BC 7213.00050.000
2 hxp 6597.00035.365
3 MELTDOWN 6017.00029.188
4 Balsn 5743.00026.155
5 jinmo123 3739.00017.959
6 Black Bauhinia 3715.00017.043
7 3011.00014.007
8 Plaid Parliament of Pwning 2913.00013.221
9 easy_heap_trick 2903.00012.839
10 PLUS 2131.0009.886
11 𝙥𝙞𝙯𝙯𝙖𝙩𝙦𝙡 1453.0007.309
12 FluxFingers 1453.0007.119
13 Lancet 1065.0005.614
14 CodeRed 1037.0005.380
15 gf128 987.0005.088
16 dotsu- 967.0004.914
17 dcua 957.0004.788
18 hashkitten 937.0004.636
19 RedRocket 907.0004.459
20 ****** 617.0003.388
21 The Flat Network Society 567.0003.156
22 Satans0days 517.0002.928
23 no 451.0002.650
24 OpenToAll 201.0001.738
25 robin 151.0001.523
26 TokyoWesterns 151.0001.485
27 House of Suicide 151.0001.449
28 NEUQRO 101.0001.243
29 PWD 101.0001.212
30 PwnaSonic 101.0001.183
31 6999 101.0001.157
32 xord by the C 101.0001.131
33 okas tiNG 101.0001.108
34 Nu1L 101.0001.085
35 TeamRocketIst 101.0001.064
36 ziiiro 100.0001.041
37 Experiment 100.0001.022
38 TEAM 51.0000.835
39 p4 51.0000.818
40 faultyRNG😭 51.0000.802
41 Team-TaRaKa 51.0000.787
42 ff 51.0000.772
43 Monorail 51.0000.758
44 BambooFox 51.0000.745
45 GranolaSport 51.0000.732
46 Cr0w 51.0000.720
47 SIGFLAG 51.0000.709
48 Sudo_root 51.0000.698
49 UniPisa 51.0000.687
50 blablabla 51.0000.677
51 n0n3 51.0000.667
52 The Additional Payphones 51.0000.658
53 the cr0wn 51.0000.648
54 Doraemon 1.0000.466
55 D.E.B.U.G. Mafia 1.0000.458
56 shinigami 1.0000.450
57 m4r5 1.0000.442
58 LEFOOT 1.0000.435
59 fr3nzy 1.0000.427
60 HackAllYouSee 1.0000.420
61 OK_Throw_Me_Some_Numbers 1.0000.413
62 watevr 1.0000.407
63 ghostpepper 1.0000.400
64 Contrail 1.0000.394
65 KogCoder 1.0000.388
66 p4wnWAT 1.0000.382
67 0x90r00t 1.0000.377
68 SecurityFACT 1.0000.371
69 h3xal00t 1.0000.366
70 Seelkadoom 1.0000.361
71 1.0000.356
72 o ard solo 1.0000.351
73 O.P.T.I.M 1.0000.346
74 Kernel Sanders 1.0000.341
75 Penguinist Russia 1.0000.337
76 pl@y3R_ 1.0000.332
77 ddd428 1.0000.328
78 Bl4sph3my 1.0000.324
79 CBA 1.0000.320
80 No Pwn Intended 1.0000.316
81 stankc 1.0000.312
82 PoE 1.0000.308
83 T1M 1.0000.305
84 zenozama 1.0000.301
85 random 1.0000.298
86 swu_Interlude6 1.0000.294
87 n3wB¡3$ 1.0000.291
88 NIS 1.0000.288
89 huawei2 1.0000.284
90 lyc 1.0000.281
91 Lovely 1.0000.278
92 noraneco 1.0000.275
93 Nol3ptr 1.0000.272
94 Mamanx Revolution 1.0000.269
95 Sagami 1.0000.267
96 :-) 1.0000.264
97 coffe 1.0000.261
98 YourBunnyWrote 1.0000.259
99 noNeedTeamName 1.0000.256
100 v1d 1.0000.253
101 White Hats 1.0000.251
102 JohnBerr 1.0000.249
103 quriosity 1.0000.246
104 anishray 1.0000.244
105 we'll try to do our best 1.0000.242
106 Cyberlandsholdet 1.0000.239
107 get hacked! 1.0000.237
108 GR00T5 1.0000.235
109 Spacesheeps 1.0000.233
110 吃老鼠的貓 1.0000.231
111 EPAD 1.0000.229
112 onotch 1.0000.227
113 lForsakenl 1.0000.225
114 bgbzbn 1.0000.223
115 Delusions of Grandeur 1.0000.221
116 NoobMasters69 1.0000.219
117 v3sirion 1.0000.217
118 WatchNekos 1.0000.215
119 IowaBois 1.0000.214
120 jsutset 1.0000.212
121 Ave M 1.0000.210
122 ENKC 1.0000.208
123 swt02026 1.0000.207
124 Signal1 1.0000.205
125 Infosec 1.0000.203
126 BitWarriors 1.0000.202
127 lost+found 1.0000.200
128 Cyber Security Trunojoyo 1.0000.199
129 hackoff 1.0000.197
130 The Legacy of 101 1.0000.196
131 warlock 1.0000.194
132 CoolKids 1.0000.193
133 test1 1.0000.191
134 DMU Hackers 1.0000.190
135 Mars Explorer 1.0000.189
136 pwndefend 1.0000.187
137 yyangcs 1.0000.186
138 RottenCabbages 1.0000.185
139 BitdefenderGayLordz 1.0000.183
140 CopiiDeLa402 1.0000.182
141 testteam 1.0000.181
142 KOR-BLACK 1.0000.180
143 Poison byte 1.0000.178
144 $peedster 1.0000.177
145 uomisc1 1.0000.176
146 Lcark 1.0000.175
147 TeamTry 1.0000.174
148 DanielOfService 1.0000.172
149 outOfCheese 1.0000.171
150 supergrub 1.0000.170
151 HackingForSoju 1.0000.169
152 BBC 1.0000.168
153 NiceWay 1.0000.167
154 Wani Hackase 1.0000.166
155 SamaraHackers 1.0000.165
156 Kabouter's 1.0000.164
157 oppa 1.0000.163
158 Armia Prezesa 1.0000.162
159 voltra 1.0000.161
160 SOTC 1.0000.160
161 $p8_t0}{1c1ty 1.0000.159
162 IKEA 1.0000.158
163 sample2448 1.0000.157
164 3mllik 1.0000.156
165 1r0n3y3s 1.0000.155
166 Disaster 1.0000.154
167 Stack 1.0000.153
168 C0Br@ 1.0000.152
169 cylolan 1.0000.151
170 Ellipse 1.0000.151
171 nonames 1.0000.150
172 KrustyKrabs 1.0000.149
173 Belka 1.0000.148
174 1.0000.147
175 flyingheap 1.0000.146
176 Spikers 1.0000.146
177 oppai 1.0000.145
178 220 1.0000.144
179 Faceless 1.0000.143
180 dotan33 1.0000.142
181 sh4d0w 1.0000.142
182 Razzor 1.0000.141
184 ThereAreNoTasksForUs 1.0000.139
185 Callipygian Consortium of Cryptography 1.0000.139
186 SEU 1.0000.138
187 Ernest1337 1.0000.137
188 69 1.0000.136
189 aboots 1.0000.136
190 hansei 1.0000.135
191 stratoteam 1.0000.134
192 Dryrun 1.0000.134
193 2nit 1.0000.133
194 Zarko 1.0000.132
195 A Whitebear in Cyberia 1.0000.132
196 spenaro 1.0000.131
197 h0ax 1.0000.130
198 Faraday 1.0000.130
199 Nerd squad 1.0000.129
200 WebSpiders 1.0000.128
201 H00L13 1.0000.128
202 Itemize 1.0000.127
203 iziz1 1.0000.127
204 cait-sith 1.0000.126
205 414141 1.0000.125
206 secek 1.0000.125
207 n0n@me_13 1.0000.124
208 El null 1.0000.124
209 rndt 1.0000.123
210 d4rkc0de 1.0000.123
211 MorningLightMountain 1.0000.122
212 EvilBunnyWrote 1.0000.121
213 PUT 1.0000.121
214 Griffin 1.0000.120
215 blabla123 1.0000.120
216 DC21321 1.0000.119
217 ronen8231 1.0000.119
218 atm-noobs 1.0000.118
219 Defenit 1.0000.118
220 30 seconds to segfault 1.0000.117
221 Liikt 1.0000.117
222 K1_W4L0 1.0000.116
223 Hecării, Țuica și Păunii 1.0000.116
224 JustATeam 1.0000.115
225 MadMans 1.0000.115
226 SUID 1.0000.114
227 Tarnished Trepidation 1.0000.114
228 F0rPr4ct1c3 1.0000.113
229 Harvey Norman Inc 1.0000.113
230 hades 1.0000.112
231 '); DROP TABLE CTF; -- 1.0000.112
232 Platz 3 1.0000.111
233 learning 1.0000.111
234 knock-knock 1.0000.110
235 Skittles 1.0000.110
236 codex 1.0000.109
237 Eddie_51 1.0000.109
238 parkyongwoon 1.0000.109
239 CerberusTeam 1.0000.108
240 hoicha 1.0000.108
241 PingTrip 1.0000.107
242 JonPwnJones 1.0000.107
243 21 school 1.0000.106
244 zassou 1.0000.106
245 MiloTruck 1.0000.106
246 GRIS 1.0000.105
247 Dr@g0n_Ch@m_pi0n 1.0000.105
248 HONDASHI 1.0000.104
249 Joon 1.0000.104
250 Lan_left 1.0000.103
251 Hus@r1@ 1.0000.103
252 polygl0ts 1.0000.103
253 Nop Slide 1.0000.102
254 IrRaptors 1.0000.102
255 Deadlock Team 1.0000.102
256 0x00SUDO 1.0000.101
257 denoverflow 1.0000.101
258 wr47h 1.0000.100
259 Asteroid 1.0000.100
260 MV9rwGOf08 1.0000.100
261 3sta5 1.0000.099
262 ArkHamAsayLum 1.0000.099
263 FuxSoci3ty 1.0000.099
264 Secret Ciphers 1.0000.098
265 UIT-Mak3.1t.Happ3nd 1.0000.098
266 LFVFRH 1.0000.097
267 Hak5squatch 1.0000.097
268 EternalGreen 1.0000.097
269 hckyou 1.0000.096
270 Eagles1901 1.0000.096
271 Xpl0N4T10N 1.0000.096
272 SomeRandomTeamName 1.0000.095
273 t0mcr00se 1.0000.095
274 theuser 1.0000.095
275 홍식당 1.0000.094
276 Kronos 1.0000.094
277 HuMMer0k 1.0000.094
278 Dokko 1.0000.093
279 qqq 1.0000.093
280 ASIS 1.0000.093
281 TrashPandas 1.0000.092
282 Tzilacatzin 1.0000.092
283 ECU 1.0000.092
284 Blue Hens 1.0000.091
285 CritFail 1.0000.091
286 NBP Security 1.0000.091
287 Andrei3c 1.0000.091
288 jajeczka 1.0000.090
289 kernelpoppers 1.0000.090
290 LittleCockyTables 1.0000.090
291 v3nt0sa 1.0000.089
292 bababa 1.0000.089
293 nullptr 1.0000.089
294 in_the_w3ll 1.0000.088
295 P@Ge2mE 1.0000.088
296 Sice Squad 1.0000.088
297 Specterists 1.0000.088
298 qw3709 1.0000.087
299 106 1.0000.087
300 DARK↯STARS 1.0000.087
301 Whatever 1.0000.087
302 bkbl4ckc4tsl 1.0000.086
303 shadowCrack 1.0000.086
304 dropthedrob 1.0000.086
305 perfect blue 1.0000.085
306 Ternary Bits 1.0000.085
307 the_stenqs 1.0000.085
308 Shellphish 1.0000.085
309 UC_Stags 1.0000.084
310 The Hootsforce 1.0000.084
311 Los Topanas 1.0000.084
312 MhackGyver 1.0000.084
313 Pharaohs V01D 1.0000.083
314 Twous 1.0000.083
315 Yu0 1.0000.083
316 AtchaySkhown 1.0000.083
317 HxH 1.0000.082
318 3Idiots 1.0000.082
319 OrderofShadows 1.0000.082
320 The Psychedelic Ostriches 1.0000.082
321 Delt-A 1.0000.081
322 cyb3rTUN 1.0000.081
323 pastabase64 1.0000.081
324 Wildcat 1.0000.081
325 Enigma 1.0000.080
326 Test12345678 1.0000.080
327 Cyber Kitties 1.0000.080
328 swiss 1.0000.080
329 hemanth 1.0000.079
330 Gryphons 1.0000.079
331 1nteger_c 1.0000.079
332 Loopback 1.0000.079
333 High Tech Hacking Touch 1.0000.079
334 Robert Mueller's Day Off 1.0000.078
335 NaN-ny 1.0000.078
336 Freakazoids 1.0000.078
337 Sumeru CTF Team 1.0000.078
338 hanto 1.0000.077
339 TheOddIsLow 1.0000.077
340 Nayos 1.0000.077
341 dnes 1.0000.077
342 theheavyhorse 1.0000.077
343 nottoday 1.0000.076
344 austun12 1.0000.076
345 Neya 1.0000.076
346 X0r3d 1.0000.076
347 sababa 1.0000.076
348 Blackfoxs 1.0000.075
349 T34mp13 1.0000.075
350 pwnPHOfun 1.0000.075
351 bi0sblr 1.0000.075
352 kmm555 1.0000.074
353 Escalation 1.0000.074
354 BitWornHats 1.0000.074
355 VikasGola 1.0000.074
356 Boxers 1.0000.074
357 room2042 1.0000.073
358 pwndevils 1.0000.073
359 robzom 1.0000.073
360 Netflux 1.0000.073
361 TopWing 1.0000.073
362 A 1.0000.073
363 twoplusmore 1.0000.072
364 Revers3c 1.0000.072
365 FLInfoSecCTF 1.0000.072
366 dltw 1.0000.072
367 upgrayedd 1.0000.072
368 CAPTCHA the Flag 1.0000.071
369 flyingDutch 1.0000.071
370 NorthWest 1.0000.071
371 Vim Appreciation Society 1.0000.071
372 r3billions 1.0000.071
373 gigelteam 1.0000.070
374 RO 1.0000.070
375 oliv3r 1.0000.070
376 MiniRocketTeam 1.0000.070
377 rng 1.0000.070
378 paiv 1.0000.070
379 NotEveryTeamAccount 1.0000.069
380 bl33d 1.0000.069
381 Hacking101 1.0000.069
382 Magic~Team 1.0000.069
383 ch4inl3ss 1.0000.069
384 Crimson Agents 1.0000.069
385 HipHoppaPotamuses 1.0000.068
386 Root-kids 1.0000.068
387 SWV_L 1.0000.068
388 bound 1.0000.068
389 Slick 1.0000.068
390 hadrosaurs 1.0000.068
391 Scorpio123 1.0000.067
392 TheSludges 1.0000.067
393 BogoMips 1.0000.067
394 PFS 1.0000.067
395 newteam 1.0000.067
396 N30Z30N 1.0000.067
397 starks 1.0000.066
398 Adholokham 1.0000.066
399 xdjibi 1.0000.066
400 seclabu 1.0000.066
401 HCS 1.0000.066
402 aliup 1.0000.066
403 FailedTeam 1.0000.066
404 11111111111111111111 1.0000.065
405 Haccsi10g 1.0000.065
406 bandA1d 1.0000.065
407 Abyss syndrome 1.0000.065
408 Albanis 1.0000.065
409 kanbedon 1.0000.065
410 ro5eCknight 1.0000.064
411 zeroonedayteam 1.0000.064
412 o__g_ 1.0000.064
413 Team Name: 1.0000.064
414 SSAT 1.0000.064
415 Lbyte 1.0000.064
416 snwflwer 1.0000.064
417 Blue Team Bangladesh 1.0000.063
418 PORO 1.0000.063
419 Promptitude 1.0000.063
420 HelloWorld1 1.0000.063
421 nullnull 1.0000.063
422 Bulbasaur 1.0000.063
423 cat 1.0000.063
424 w1ght 1.0000.062
425 frazylogs 1.0000.062
426 NoMoney 1.0000.062
427 kkamikoon 1.0000.062
428 lalala 1.0000.062
429 aiurg 1.0000.062
430 fzhshzh 1.0000.062
431 les zigotos 1.0000.061
432 Hehexd 1.0000.061
433 Mazala 1.0000.061
434 ByteForc3 1.0000.061
435 DOOM 1.0000.061
436 s5s5s5 1.0000.061
437 oe5ohph6aech5taPh9oh 1.0000.061
438 Punga3 1.0000.061
439 mrgogas 1.0000.060
440 hope 1.0000.060
441 Midway 1.0000.060
442 noplalic 1.0000.060
443 LogicalGeezers 1.0000.060
444 Malware 1.0000.060
445 lalasax 1.0000.060
446 erikkabir 1.0000.060
447 i_belong_to_jesus 1.0000.059
448 sabrinsonuresettir 1.0000.059
449 wirjg38 1.0000.059
450 th15k1d 1.0000.059
451 HackITGuys 1.0000.059
452 BASH Bois 1.0000.059
453 E42494 1.0000.059
454 V1LL4N0US 1.0000.029
455 MyOwn 1.0000.029
J0hannesMay 13, 2019, 5:09 p.m.

SecurisecCTF is looking for new members. Join us at

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