Also known as
  • UnixClowns
  • L1nuxR1d3rs
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Participated in CTF events

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
380OFPPT-CTF Morocco1268.00001.277
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
584DownUnderCTF 2021 (Online)1000.00001.530
319CyBRICS CTF 202150.00000.471
376Lexington Informatics Tournament CTF 2021532.00001.593
732redpwnCTF 2021613.00002.181
655Hack-A-Sat 2 Qualifiers8.00000.000
1065DCTF 202150.00000.000
318UMDCTF 2021426.00000.000
1039ångstromCTF 202165.00000.517
260FooBar CTF 2021101.00000.355
308DaVinciCTF 202135.00000.366
119Real World CTF 3rd41.00000.772
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
347X-MAS CTF 2020150.00000.000
162ASIS CTF Finals 202020.00000.932
1732020 December Metasploit community CTF400.00004.926
66RundergroundCTF #2210.00000.000
88e-Jornadas 2020800.00003.395
356SECCON 2020 Online CTF51.00000.891
276b01lers CTF bootcamp610.00002.430
383DownUnderCTF 2020910.00001.658
1143DEF CON CTF Qualifier 2020100.00001.408
292b01lers CTF102.00000.429

Team members