Also known as
  • n0nla
  • nón lá

Academic team From KMA with love <3


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Hiphop never die!!!

Participated in CTF events

Overall rating place: 352 with 94.103 pts in 2022

Country place: 14

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
423DEF CON CTF Qualifier 202211.00000.507
182HeroCTF v4624.00001.070
435BYUCTF 202250.00000.000
163ångstromCTF 20221320.000015.878
67b01lers CTF676.00005.992
15CrewCTF 20228138.00008.564
72DCTF 2022700.00002.594
27Securinets CTF Quals 2022 5019.000015.392
296PlaidCTF 20221.00000.348
61RITSEC CTF 20222024.00006.498
24LINE CTF 2022796.00004.868
25Wolverine Security Conference/CTF5428.000010.811
51zer0pts CTF 2022730.00005.277
57UTCTF 2025 20225432.00009.991
9Pragyan CTF 20227300.00008.686
74UMDCTF 20224373.00005.613
20TSJ CTF 2022788.00006.678
70TetCTF 2022200.00001.128

Overall rating place: 194 with 122.851 pts in 2021

Country place: 8

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
60X-MAS CTF 2021 Second Weekend1499.00001.868
16ISITDTU CTF 2021 Quals2088.00008.462
176pbctf 2021134.00000.771
43TastelessCTF 20211.00000.838
55TSG CTF 2021657.00005.947
55DownUnderCTF 2021 (Online)4277.00006.811
19SunshineCTF 2021463.00005.616
46CSAW CTF Qualification Round 20214814.00000.000
91ALLES! CTF 2021441.00004.151
18corCTF 20217790.000015.542
83InCTF 2021829.00003.344
63UIUCTF 20211293.00003.171
53redpwnCTF 20212335.00008.753
2370CTF/TCTF 2021 Quals 24.00000.592
26CTFZone 20213400.00005.611
65WeCTF 20211481.00000.000
67FAUST CTF 20215658.108615.575
69Pwn2Win CTF 2021253.00004.304
44m0leCon CTF 2021 Teaser477.00003.642
19DawgCTF 20213730.00000.000
380DEF CON CTF Qualifier 2021101.00002.559
57WPICTF 20211200.00000.000
146PlaidCTF 2021101.00002.329
83RITSEC CTF 20213135.00000.000
40ångstromCTF 20212900.000022.218
100VolgaCTF 2021 Qualifier440.00004.115
40UTCTF 202114578.000014.966
75zer0pts CTF 2021500.00002.684
70Aero CTF 2021100.00001.328
32Tenable CTF 20214275.000014.763
98DiceCTF 2021580.00003.281
29justCTF [*] 20201205.00008.200
16Cyber Grabs CTF 0x021435.00007.562
56*CTF 20211350.00003.354
44TetCTF 2021500.00001.890

Overall rating place: 504 with 64.519 pts in 2020

Country place: 8

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
13VULNCON CTF 20204946.00009.789
7ISITDTU CTF 2020 Finals1377.00000.000
134#kksctf open 2020214.00000.662
32X-MAS CTF 20204689.00000.000
195pbctf 202026.00000.243
373HITCON CTF 202050.00001.235
16CTF InterIUT 20201130.000014.938
112Dragon CTF 2020197.00004.805
42Block CTF 2020501.00008.488
36SunshineCTF 2020914.00006.471
23Hack The Vote 2020271.00002.315
404N1CTF 202069.00000.315
13ISITDTU CTF 2020 Quals5172.000015.502

Team members

Team writeups

DownUnderCTF 2021 (Online)rabbit [100]read writeup
corCTF 2021YeetCode [402]read writeup
Tenable CTF 2021Look at all the pixels, where do they all come from [125]read writeup
DiceCTF 2021Babier CSP [107]read writeup
DiceCTF 2021Missing Flavortext [111]read writeup
X-MAS CTF 2020Least Greatest [50]read writeup
X-MAS CTF 2020Biggest Lowest [50]read writeup
X-MAS CTF 2020Bad GameBoy trade [494]read writeup
Affinity CTF Lite (Junior/Beginner)Revendless64 [30]read writeup
Block CTF 2020Deep Web Blog [200]read writeup
DarkCTFQuickFix [449]read writeup
picoCTF 2019WebNet1 [450]read writeup
picoCTF 2019WebNet0 [350]read writeup
picoCTF 2019Investigative Reversing 1 [350]read writeup
TG:HACK 2020Exfiltration [103]read writeup
TG:HACK 2020The Message [137]read writeup
TG:HACK 2020Poke [142]read writeup
picoCTF 2019Investigative Reversing 0 [300]read writeup
picoCTF 2019shark on wire 2 [300]read writeup
picoCTF 2019like1000 [250]read writeup