Fri, 04 March 2022, 23:00 UTC — Sun, 06 March 2022, 23:00 UTC 


UMDCTF event.

Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL:

This event's future weight is subject of public voting!

Future weight: 43.77 

Rating weight: 35.90 

Event organizers 

UMDCTF 2022 is the sixth annual competition hosted by the cybersecurity club at the University of Maryland, College Park!

The CTF will run for a period of 48 hours and will have a team size of 5 players. The categories are: crypto, web, pwn, rev, RF/hardware, forensics, OSINT, and of course, misc.

Join our Discord!


Placed Prizes (Generously contributed by two of our incredible sponsors Trail of Bits and Blue Star)
1st - $500 cash + $100 Amazon Gift Card
2nd - $300 cash
3rd - $200 cash

PWK Prizes (Donated by another amazing sponsor Offensive Security)
1 voucher for the highest scoring individual player (excluding team accounts)
1 voucher for the player with the most weighted bloods (excluding team accounts)
3 vouchers raffled to players who scored more than 500 points


552 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 b1c 30613.00071.800
2 thehackerscrew 29611.00052.675
3 idek 27658.00044.401
4 FaKappa 26628.00040.202
5 IrisSec 23220.00034.410
6 bi0s 22699.00032.603
7 Maple Bacon 19356.00027.827
8 born2scan 18167.00025.792
9 Project Sekai 17948.00025.037
10 havce 17487.00024.097
11 notsigpwny 17251.00023.494
12 KCSC 16668.00022.538
13 BYU Cyberia 15800.00021.290
14 Ereignis 15431.00020.660
15 xXxpassword123xXx 15403.00020.456
16 DCDC 15241.00020.117
17 Vicemoon 14812.00019.482
18 Flag Poisoning 14571.00019.082
19 ffffx00000 14070.00018.389
20 Sabertooth Cyber 13251.00017.335
21 drain scholars 13036.00016.997
22 r3kapig 12927.00016.791
23 K!nd4SUS 12462.00016.175
24 Blue Hens 12321.00015.945
25 TU Delft CTF Team 12169.00015.707
26 OnlyFeet 12132.00015.608
27 R3Vengers 12085.00015.502
28 TeamCC 12013.00015.370
29 wakatta 11939.00015.239
30 catgirls 10670.00013.709
31 InfoSecIITR 10530.00013.507
32 {The NaN Squad} 10185.00013.066
33 hack^3 9675.00012.434
34 toxicpie9 9433.00012.118
35 FluffyPwny 9352.00011.993
36 Cyber Peanuts 9265.00011.862
37 BlueAurors 9253.00011.821
38 ESCAL8 9072.00011.584
39 Red Knights 8851.00011.300
40 Knightsec 8790.00011.206
41 b01lers 8036.00010.299
42 Ret2Cringe 7966.00010.197
43 Haboob_Force 7113.0009.176
44 Keyboard Monkeys 7084.0009.123
45 fearless 7063.0009.081
46 NULL 6985.0008.972
47 Heaven's_Birds 6916.0008.874
48 Blaid Barliament of Bwning 6693.0008.597
49 Lost Boys 6624.0008.501
50 DRHS001 6611.0008.471
51 coldboots 6562.0008.399
52 Shellphish 3 6460.0008.266
53 Jutlandia 6350.0008.124
54 UAC 6175.0007.906
55 NOsecurity 6105.0007.812
56 1nf1n1ty 5829.0007.477
57 beerpwn 5803.0007.435
58 MarrotTeam 5578.0007.160
59 FireShell 5328.0006.857
60 Wani Hackase 5271.0006.780
61 The Hermit Cryptographer 5271.0006.770
62 noTeamName 5228.0006.710
63 Hamad 5207.0006.676
64 mnur 4915.0006.325
65 Khonsu 4910.0006.310
66 K3RN3L4RMY 4802.0006.175
67 B00T2R00T 4793.0006.157
68 qwerty 4761.0006.111
69 VA Miner 4651.0005.975
70 acdwas 4624.0005.935
71 sln.1550 4447.0005.721
72 0ni0n 4442.0005.708
73 atx2600 4416.0005.670
74 n0n$la$ 4373.0005.613
75 /(spin)*s/ 4318.0005.542
76 LarryLarrison 4239.0005.443
77 CyberSlacker 4206.0005.399
78 ACES GANG 4185.0005.368
79 BroncoSec 3912.0005.042
80 ST4RT 3828.0004.938
81 No Pwn Intended 3809.0004.910
82 kava bar strobe party 3760.0004.847
83 uetctf 3758.0004.840
84 ISITDTU 3681.0004.744
85 burner_herz0g 3673.0004.730
86 C4T BuT S4D 3658.0004.707
87 The Umbrella Group 3536.0004.559
88 Ferocious Kittens 3514.0004.529
89 CyberJon 3357.0004.340
90 N0N@me13 3352.0004.330
91 Th3_Order_Of_th3_pH0en1x 3352.0004.325
92 ?YBER 3335.0004.301
93 f1rs7_7im3 3319.0004.278
94 L Distribution 3243.0004.185
95 Wx9090@GMU 3225.0004.160
96 apoc 3186.0004.110
97 hsvcs 3165.0004.082
98 OofedUp 3164.0004.077
99 10 3154.0004.061
100 Shellphish 1 3039.0003.923
101 xSTF 2958.0003.824
102 RockPaperCaesar 2766.0003.596
103 2Fast4U 2755.0003.579
104 Emu Exploit 2735.0003.553
105 Ran42 2735.0003.549
106 krzysztof1222 2684.0003.486
107 upbhack 2668.0003.464
108 meraxes 2667.0003.460
109 itdogodown 2652.0003.439
110 CifTF 2652.0003.436
111 SHALFEY 2633.0003.411
112 CryptoKitties 2600.0003.370
113 #DEFINE AIDAR ASADULLIN 2550.0003.308
114 Darkside 2445.0003.182
115 UMGC Cyber Team 2332.0003.047
116 Vindicator 2252.0002.950
117 m1z0r3 2248.0002.943
118 Fluffy Wolves 2238.0002.929
119 Flaggermeister 2163.0002.838
120 OneFalseMove 2156.0002.828
121 CarpeDien 2129.0002.793
122 DilettanteSquad 2125.0002.786
123 noraneco 2103.0002.758
124 TahSec 2070.0002.717
125 flag{}___Orz 2034.0002.672
126 Hacklabor 1918.0002.534
127 :v 1861.0002.465
128 memyselfandi 1812.0002.405
129 hamayanhamayan 1774.0002.359
130 89cr3w 1751.0002.330
131 ARESx 1749.0002.325
132 onepunchpwn 1737.0002.309
133 RUSecure???? 1734.0002.303
134 Armitage 1725.0002.291
135 Eword 1724.0002.288
136 Debugmen 1722.0002.283
137 Bender 1713.0002.271
138 Martial_Law_Enforcer 1698.0002.251
139 r4 1697.0002.248
140 binExplorer 1693.0002.242
141 pilum murialis 1683.0002.228
142 He1loW0r1d 1647.0002.184
143 PwnFlag 1646.0002.181
144 lok2h4rd 1646.0002.180
145 Zeynarz 1646.0002.178
146 Harvey Norman Inc 1646.0002.176
147 micromaster 1646.0002.174
148 atx2600b 1635.0002.160
149 blanc. 1598.0002.115
150 yeah nah nah 1574.0002.085
151 HHJ 1563.0002.071
152 RVCTF The Clueless Ones 1530.0002.030
153 amat 1512.0002.008
154 Ba Sing Sec 1504.0001.997
155 Night_Sonics 1496.0001.986
156 jar 1460.0001.942
157 JiniePaksProdigies 1458.0001.938
158 0xSh3rl0ck 1457.0001.936
159 K0nFu53D C@ 1411.0001.880
160 noyou 1410.0001.878
161 mpt13 1398.0001.862
162 CYB3R_T3N4CI0US 1374.0001.833
163 bout_to_get_flagged 1229.0001.661
164 negative1 1226.0001.657
165 team enu 1214.0001.641
166 Learning Is Fun! 1201.0001.625
167 SavedByTheShell 1174.0001.592
168 Arr3stY0u 1149.0001.561
169 prks 1125.0001.532
170 Kernel Sanders 1085.0001.484
171 CMSC426 1079.0001.475
172 FED 1073.0001.467
173 badsctr 1058.0001.448
174 S@n!t!z3r 1027.0001.411
175 watchdogs 1027.0001.410
176 2600-1 1019.0001.399
177 fzhshzh 1000.0001.376
178 0xdeadalus 998.0001.372
179 Fomorians 990.0001.362
180 l00p3r 987.0001.357
181 n03tAck 986.0001.355
182 Weenie Hut Jr. 980.0001.347
183 dodododo 975.0001.340
184 TeamName 973.0001.336
185 Shellphish 2 965.0001.326
186 hiikunZ 963.0001.322
187 Contrail 959.0001.317
188 jai_bajrang_bali 953.0001.309
189 ri5e 951.0001.305
190 phasetw0 913.0001.260
191 y0d31 909.0001.254
192 IwannaMakeSomeCoffee 908.0001.252
193 YaPoKeky 897.0001.238
194 qwert 897.0001.237
195 FITSEC 890.0001.228
196 LEXS 838.0001.166
197 Pigeon Crushers Inc 815.0001.138
198 Haoyang Lu 815.0001.137
199 Glitch 809.0001.129
200 CSI 808.0001.127
201 AppSecP 792.0001.107
202 UnibaCC3 765.0001.075
203 OptimusPrime 764.0001.073
204 ret2shower 764.0001.072
205 Team Steam Stream 742.0001.045
206 PowerPoint Warriors 738.0001.040
207 Sn0w7L@k3 735.0001.035
208 metalunits 734.0001.033
209 ice-cream truck 726.0001.023
210 Hmmmm 723.0001.019
211 A&S 723.0001.018
212 HuntsvilleTechSupport 711.0001.003
213 laicopteam 709.0001.000
214 ~DHCP~ 709.0000.999
215 NGA 708.0000.997
216 jeff 683.0000.967
217 UmbraDeorum 683.0000.966
218 CT 681.0000.963
219 Galahan 675.0000.956
220 Dai Gurren Dan 667.0000.945
221 ZorBor 666.0000.943
222 myteam1234 634.0000.905
223 wackers 616.0000.883
224 b0rdga 611.0000.877
225 nisteam 541.0000.794
226 LostSheeps 426.0000.658
227 ByteSizedSword 424.0000.655
228 CyberSpace 418.0000.648
229 NoHintSherlock 417.0000.646
230 TRIKKSS_alone 415.0000.643
231 HURRRRS 415.0000.642
232 H25 400.0000.624
233 rub1ck 368.0000.586
234 LunarDog 367.0000.584
235 thisisatest 366.0000.582
236 h4ckx0r5 317.0000.524
237 TEAM0001 317.0000.523
238 anbo 315.0000.520
239 EvilBunnyWrote 303.0000.506
240 H34pst3rs 301.0000.503
241 DoomHack 299.0000.500
242 MQCyberSec 267.0000.461
243 Th3L4ZyH4CK3R 267.0000.461
244 North Dakota 266.0000.459
245 TripleBaka!!! 266.0000.458
246 greenpizza12 266.0000.458
247 CLOVVN 266.0000.457
248 guetsec 265.0000.456
249 ygsrt 265.0000.455
250 newbie 265.0000.454
251 Bear's cave 265.0000.454
252 RedTeam 265.0000.453
253 wodeda 265.0000.453
254 warashi 265.0000.452
255 Akaza 251.0000.435
256 Solo [Nepal] 251.0000.435
257 ISFCR PESU 251.0000.434
258 Spectre 250.0000.432
259 RVCTF 0x45 250.0000.432
260 SheepishSwedeBalls 250.0000.431
261 LinyTail 225.0000.401
262 base64 202.0000.374
263 Flag Hunters 202.0000.373
264 neoh 202.0000.373
265 0xFF 201.0000.371
266 secsyst 201.0000.371
267 gladiatorT 201.0000.370
268 bolt 200.0000.368
269 AuroraDawn 175.0000.339
270 itzme 165.0000.326
271 bruh 165.0000.326
272 WashedUp 152.0000.310
273 Task_Hashed 152.0000.310
274 2600-2 152.0000.309
275 REThugs 152.0000.309
276 space_cows 152.0000.308
277 DemoGods 151.0000.307
278 Hwi 151.0000.306
279 Clooless 151.0000.306
280 DD214 151.0000.305
281 uncl0ak 151.0000.305
282 Ninjago2022 151.0000.304
283 Angry Newbies 151.0000.304
284 Republic of Hackers 151.0000.303
285 JohnDoe 151.0000.303
286 hydrex 151.0000.303
287 fS0ciety 150.0000.301
288 aNO 150.0000.301
289 Chef Boyardee 150.0000.300
290 N3V3RMIND 150.0000.300
291 craniaxe 150.0000.299
292 Grackins 149.0000.298
293 shokk 125.0000.269
294 Simple_tuck 103.0000.243
295 Lactose Intolerant 102.0000.241
296 Solomon Ucko 102.0000.241
297 ImaginaryCTF 101.0000.239
298 killswitch 101.0000.239
299 wlswotmd 101.0000.239
300 INVALID_TEAM 101.0000.238
301 mikejam 101.0000.238
302 Sigma Grindset 101.0000.237
303 s0mename 101.0000.237
304 zach 101.0000.237
305 RanGo 101.0000.236
306 ck_ac_kr 101.0000.236
307 ketchup 101.0000.235
308 about._.DS 100.0000.234
309 YOLO 100.0000.233
310 bad@hacking 100.0000.233
311 Alternative_Success 100.0000.233
312 lawhackzz 100.0000.232
313 whoo 100.0000.232
314 trick 100.0000.232
315 Natrium Security Labs 100.0000.231
316 whiter 100.0000.231
317 sploitclub 100.0000.231
318 0xtest 100.0000.230
319 l33t1m 100.0000.230
320 ronen8231 100.0000.229
321 Archbishop_of_Security 52.0000.173
322 omggstuff 52.0000.172
323 xerox 52.0000.172
324 Fs0ciety00 52.0000.172
325 Federal_Bonk_Investigations 52.0000.171
326 LOGE 52.0000.171
327 Slab Allocator 52.0000.171
328 manwithateam 52.0000.170
329 DNC&G 52.0000.170
330 Bl@ckWhite 52.0000.170
331 naikordian 52.0000.169
332 AlwaysLearning 52.0000.169
333 Do_I_Know_You? 52.0000.169
334 cyberrok 52.0000.168
335 CR45HV3ND3TT4 52.0000.168
336 TR-BrainOverflow 52.0000.168
337 Just4Fun 51.0000.166
338 HWS 51.0000.166
339 LYNDA 51.0000.166
340 bolgia4 51.0000.165
341 no0p 51.0000.165
342 Forestwolf 51.0000.165
343 Team Ace 51.0000.164
344 ctfChallengers 51.0000.164
345 Venom 51.0000.164
346 Cock_Intelligence_Agency 51.0000.164
347 Helius 51.0000.163
348 Jasmine 51.0000.163
349 n-0n 51.0000.163
350 CyberNova 51.0000.162
351 Sc4reCr0w 51.0000.162
352 s3cur3_sh3ll 51.0000.162
353 k1ll4ll 51.0000.162
354 caxuyc 51.0000.161
355 strange_uncle 51.0000.161
356 GanSw 51.0000.161
357 Monkeys 50.0000.159
358 dhkim 50.0000.159
359 scuffed 50.0000.159
360 oreosec 50.0000.158
361 Glutton 50.0000.158
362 Jordan 50.0000.158
363 cr4ck/y0ur/s3cr3t 50.0000.158
364 Nameshield-CTF 50.0000.157
365 h4ck0c10ck 50.0000.157
366 NorthWest 50.0000.157
367 PARSECT 50.0000.156
368 botb 50.0000.156
369 hann 50.0000.156
370 kong-san plays piano 50.0000.156
371 EchoSec 50.0000.155
372 helloworlds 50.0000.155
373 Berry 50.0000.155
374 RANd 49.0000.153
375 w3libz 25.0000.125
376 RommGT 2.0000.098
377 army_of_one 2.0000.098
378 m4lware 2.0000.097
379 kgrzk2 2.0000.097
380 HermeticWizards 2.0000.097
381 Pa0x73cal 2.0000.097
382 0x00-exploits 2.0000.096
383 alexia6119 2.0000.096
384 SHAOCHI LU 2.0000.096
385 Red Tuxedo 2.0000.096
386 oievneapoq 2.0000.095
387 gohome 2.0000.095
388 rumahcahaya 2.0000.095
389 AbnormalSec 2.0000.095
390 IsolatingBeforeItWasCool 2.0000.094
391 n00bster 2.0000.094
392 lokesh009 2.0000.094
393 New-thinkers 2.0000.094
394 hunter 2.0000.093
395 DDHC 2.0000.093
396 lite 2.0000.093
397 plueee 2.0000.093
398 Huntik 2.0000.093
399 xoxo 2.0000.092
400 cybersecurityli01 2.0000.092
401 Dolpari 2.0000.092
402 Paradoxical Hackers Squad 2.0000.092
403 ZakuroSoda 2.0000.091
404 SL 2.0000.091
405 H@k1mLukh@ 2.0000.091
406 WIGIF 2.0000.091
407 Wireshrhack 2.0000.091
408 rainbow unicorns <3 2.0000.090
409 xteam 2.0000.090
410 Endless 2.0000.090
411 dbytes 2.0000.090
412 HackUTT 2.0000.089
413 tmdgk 2.0000.089
414 wqsemc汪锦岐公众号视频号 2.0000.089
415 EISCTUTN 2.0000.089
416 coffeeGuys 2.0000.089
417 jipog25120 1.0000.087
418 f 1.0000.087
419 DisgruntledPhysicists 1.0000.087
420 glebberina 1.0000.087
421 TheLazyHacker 1.0000.086
422 dm 1.0000.086
423 umdctf_S3V 1.0000.086
424 ok 1.0000.086
425 SSAT 1.0000.086
426 md4 1.0000.085
427 rwx 1.0000.085
428 gruf 1.0000.085
429 Yersinia 1.0000.085
430 The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation 1.0000.085
431 watermelon 1.0000.084
432 Ax86 1.0000.084
433 sin9yt 1.0000.084
434 norf 1.0000.084
435 According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. 1.0000.084
436 PatagoniaHack 1.0000.084
437 FPTU EThical Hackers Club 1.0000.083
438 D34nhK13n 1.0000.083
439 sirius 1.0000.083
440 Binan 1.0000.083
441 nascopie 1.0000.083
442 BOT 1.0000.082
443 tr#masters 1.0000.082
444 NuevaBlueHats 1.0000.082
445 COMPASSS 1.0000.082
446 NVN 1.0000.082
447 BisonSquad 1.0000.081
448 The_Toms 1.0000.081
449 godspeed 1.0000.081
450 revgod 1.0000.081
451 1.0000.081
452 Admin 1.0000.081
453 TCTN 1.0000.080
454 Nopety 1.0000.080
455 teamteam 1.0000.080
456 one-shot 1.0000.080
457 1.0000.080
458 fearlessfoxy 1.0000.080
459 Krispy 1.0000.079
460 Adiath 1.0000.079
461 patilmapari 1.0000.079
462 Some0rd1nar1Lamer2 1.0000.079
463 CKC & AMOL 1.0000.079
464 GoldenCows 1.0000.079
465 OSUSEC 1.0000.078
466 Jongko_JoyoBoyo 1.0000.078
467 CybSec 1.0000.078
468 RPCA Cyber Club 1.0000.078
469 0&1 1.0000.078
470 ollies 1.0000.078
471 TeamD0t 1.0000.077
472 SUSU_v_CTF 1.0000.077
473 priyansh 1.0000.077
474 Wukong 1.0000.077
475 PracticeTeam001 1.0000.077
476 $2a$10$uDRws17SB.3ELtV4NihAyOHEVWaYM2A2E265ztElMX00.iPhRNeBm 1.0000.077
477 trojanduck 1.0000.076
478 ClownCS 1.0000.076
479 Pwn October 1.0000.076
480 banua 1.0000.076
481 12th man 1.0000.076
482 Stack 1.0000.076
483 NoCtfNoLife 1.0000.075
484 wpubat 1.0000.075
485 test123 1.0000.075
486 KEKEE 1.0000.075
487 1inuxsp1oit 1.0000.075
488 curaposterior 1.0000.075
489 potato 1.0000.075
490 Garzola 1.0000.074
491 MadafHack 1.0000.074
492 geekman 1.0000.074
493 whguswo 1.0000.074
494 905hza 1.0000.074
495 MoeCafe 1.0000.074
496 MCTSSA_Cyber 1.0000.074
497 Perceptron 1.0000.073
498 BigChungus 1.0000.073
499 UnibaCC1 1.0000.073
500 XBin 1.0000.073
501 Z3Ro 1.0000.073
502 Casiini 1.0000.073
503 fuu 1.0000.073
504 WithinCellsInterlinked 1.0000.072
505 BackMoon 1.0000.072
506 Bugninjas 1.0000.072
507 Red And Black 1.0000.072
508 budawudbudaub 1.0000.072
509 pipasound 1.0000.072
510 Gmu Gamers 1.0000.072
511 Arr3stY0u2 1.0000.071
512 Onsra03 1.0000.071
513 Bey0nd0range 1.0000.071
514 pellog 1.0000.071
515 hashdog 1.0000.071
516 96a5 1.0000.071
517 Ukraine_Cyber_#1 1.0000.071
518 No Rules 1.0000.070
519 Sticazzi 1.0000.070
520 3331 1.0000.070
521 ΑPT0 1.0000.070
522 The Marmots 1.0000.070
523 LalaGerak 1.0000.070
524 SOT1 1.0000.070
525 pg13 1.0000.070
526 Team Matrix Elite Hackers 1.0000.069
527 Thread123One 1.0000.069
528 1.0000.069
529 Shell_hunters 1.0000.069
530 iruru 1.0000.069
531 Legion 1.0000.069
532 James Martin HS 1.0000.069
533 MacRizzle 1.0000.069
534 SchooloftheWolf 1.0000.068
535 testteam 1.0000.068
536 homesarr 1.0000.068
537 GOATLORD 1.0000.068
538 KingQwin 1.0000.068
539 fa4k1s 1.0000.068
540 rthebwfasvbfasvbf 1.0000.068
541 M4cr0s 1.0000.068
542 mohnad0b 1.0000.067
543 achilles 1.0000.067
544 CK{H4CK5} 1.0000.067
545 Stuca 1.0000.067
546 zeski 1.0000.067
547 hahaha 1.0000.067
548 50kk0 1.0000.067
549 idc 1.0000.067
550 U$3R 1.0000.066
551 aaaaaaaaaaaaaa 1.0000.066
552 test1 1.0000.033
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