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Participated in CTF events

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
454JerseyCTF IV100.00000.123
2493Cyber Apocalypse 2024: Hacker Royale900.00001.084
75Bearcat CTF 20242400.00000.000
896Real World CTF 6th32.00001.463
352KnightCTF 2024250.00000.183
1162IrisCTF 202450.00000.105
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
79ISITDTU CTF 2023 Quals210.00001.303
509ImaginaryCTF 2023300.00000.764
50DanteCTF 20231653.00005.635
148DawgCTF 2023500.00002.249
365cursedCTF 2023316.00000.589
2946Cyber Apocalypse 2023: The Cursed Mission1525.00001.538
378b01lers CTF50.00000.360
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
1367DownUnderCTF 2022 (Online) 50.00000.120
182Winja CTF | Nullcon Goa 2022100.00000.613

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