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Participated in CTF events

Overall rating place: 297 with 128.943 pts in 2023

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
4ISITDTU CTF 2023 Finals7194.110039.109
126CakeCTF 2023352.00000.000
45TSG CTF 2023663.00004.241
248N1CTF 202350.00001.266
8ISITDTU CTF 2023 Quals5354.000025.894
106MapleCTF 2023300.00001.454
252BuckeyeCTF 2023557.00002.036
164ASIS CTF Quals 202376.00001.957
153SECCON CTF 2023 Quals176.00004.436
382CSAW CTF Qualification Round 2023460.00001.025
476SekaiCTF 2023139.00000.384
165CTFZone 2023 Quals243.00003.138
99UIUCTF 2023749.00007.935
60Google Capture The Flag 20231041.000014.894
206SEETF 2023393.00000.620
130DEF CON CTF Qualifier 202336.00001.320
173TJCTF 2023179.00001.470
467BYUCTF 2023300.00000.312
103m0leCon CTF 2023 Teaser100.00002.393
12HCMUS CTF 2023 Qualifications2082.00005.883
194ångstromCTF 2023770.000021.018

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