Fri, 23 June 2023, 18:00 UTC — Sun, 25 June 2023, 18:00 UTC 


Google Capture The Flag event.

Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL:

This event's future weight is subject of public voting!

Future weight: 99.41 

Rating weight: 99.74 

Event organizers 

categories: web, pwn, crypto, sandbox, reversing, misc


12,345 USD for the first place
5,432.1 USD for the second place
3,210 USD for the third place

In addition, there will be another on-site event (at a later time) that the top teams will be invited to participate for additional prizes.


675 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 Maple Mallard Magistrates 7847.000199.480
2 DiceGang 7368.000143.522
3 💦​ 7260.000125.526
4 kalmarunionen 6195.000103.677
5 PTB_WTL_0T 6133.00097.902
6 C4T BuT S4D 6132.00094.565
7 Dragon Sector 5858.00088.707
8 organizers 5119.00077.533
9 kijitora 5066.00075.474
10 Balsn 4953.00072.930
11 RedRocket 4613.00067.701
12 pasten 4303.00063.005
13 r3kapig 4130.00060.167
14 SKSD 4058.00058.704
15 vh++ 3700.00053.679
16 idek 3445.00050.022
17 about:blankets 3437.00049.553
18 More Smoked Leet Chicken 3417.00048.973
19 The Flat Network Society 3216.00046.127
20 ALLES! 2773.00040.233
21 hxp 2626.00038.128
22 mhackeroni 2571.00037.213
23 do we have a team name yet btw 2556.00036.825
24 cat :flag_kr: 2473.00035.589
25 justCatTheFish 2466.00035.334
26 purf3ct 2414.00034.520
27 796f75 2413.00034.365
28 Super Guesser 2405.00034.131
29 t_firmware_section 2360.00033.436
30 Call of Duty 2279.00032.292
31 jmp fs: rcx 2020.00028.893
32 nopnop 2007.00028.627
33 ttt 2001.00028.456
34 The Maccabees 1979.00028.088
35 SNHT 1977.00027.979
36 KITCTF 1782.00025.421
37 VP-Union 1742.00024.838
38 Katzebin 1703.00024.271
39 ???? 1702.00024.191
40 ./Vespiary 1650.00023.466
41 LosFuzzys 1622.00023.049
42 Never Stop Exploiting 1514.00021.619
43 LATIZA 1489.00021.246
44 DTRUSH 1379.00019.795
45 MELTDOWN 1364.00019.554
46 p4 1345.00019.264
47 1stw0lf 1225.00017.693
48 les amateurs 1220.00017.585
49 ISITDTU 1197.00017.250
50 h4tum 1184.00017.044
51 5H3RL0CK_H0LM35 1166.00016.776
52 pwnagaukar 1161.00016.675
53 Platypwnies 1142.00016.397
54 mode13h 1140.00016.337
55 b01lers 1129.00016.164
56 Phish Paprikaš 1121.00016.030
57 STLCTF 1109.00015.846
58 BKISC 1062.00015.218
59 bi0s 1051.00015.049
60 EXOrcism 1041.00014.894
61 TheRoundTable 1034.00014.778
62 Bulba Hackers 1033.00014.739
63 SIGFLAG 1006.00014.370
64 Black Bauhinia 986.00014.091
65 wetox 938.00013.457
66 Spotless 938.00013.434
67 .hidden 924.00013.233
68 TPC 924.00013.211
69 ID-10-T 924.00013.190
70 sillysec 919.00013.106
71 VKTeam 912.00012.997
72 hello123 853.00012.227
73 TU Delft CTF Team 849.00012.158
74 Arr3stY0u 846.00012.101
75 SavedByTheShell 828.00011.854
76 xooglers 827.00011.824
77 Weak But Leet 819.00011.705
78 brain damage 816.00011.651
79 The Few Chosen 802.00011.456
80 GoodNoodles 799.00011.403
81 free_funky_frogs 786.00011.222
82 WE_0WN_Y0U 765.00010.940
83 Straw Hat 747.00010.696
84 Cyber Dark Inferno 733.00010.504
85 team_402B80 719.00010.312
86 Epic Leet Team 717.00010.273
87 xlr8or 711.00010.184
88 Norske Nøkkelsnikere 708.00010.133
89 Yallthenticators 705.00010.082
90 UofTCTF 702.00010.031
91 Radboud Institute of Pwning 691.0009.879
92 Sector Z 688.0009.829
93 superflip 688.0009.817
94 KebabEngineers 650.0009.323
95 jAvDeD 649.0009.299
96 Knights of the Eastern Calculus 649.0009.288
97 Imperial 644.0009.214
98 Cryptonite 627.0008.987
99 L3ak 625.0008.952
100 IQ-toppene 622.0008.903
101 Forkbenders 619.0008.855
102 3r17qu3_4rcu5 610.0008.731
103 oN 607.0008.684
104 PBR | UCLA 581.0008.344
105 YegSec CTF 580.0008.322
106 Scr1w 553.0007.970
107 Shellphish 536.0007.745
108 Ganesh 533.0007.698
109 LOTCK 527.0007.614
110 abbabaab 527.0007.605
111 SlugSec 522.0007.533
112 halli0s 519.0007.487
113 gss1 508.0007.340
114 FoocHackz 483.0007.014
115 Blue Hat Hackers 483.0007.007
116 phis1Ng_ 475.0006.897
117 /bad 469.0006.814
118 allyourflagsbelongtous 458.0006.667
119 MK 453.0006.596
120 HITM3N 452.0006.576
121 shablul 438.0006.392
122 EDISEC 433.0006.321
123 room2042 433.0006.315
124 Hackappatoi 430.0006.270
125 Srdnlen 422.0006.162
126 upbhack 419.0006.117
127 Security Factorial 413.0006.035
128 f"{team_name}" 413.0006.029
129 Yes 410.0005.985
130 Sloppy Joe Pirates 408.0005.953
131 0xCA75 408.0005.947
132 KUDoS 408.0005.942
133 ssh@uzl 408.0005.936
134 Billy 406.0005.905
135 t235 402.0005.848
136 Groot 386.0005.640
137 Unicorn CTF 384.0005.609
138 OnlyFeet 383.0005.591
139 alphaville 380.0005.548
140 vubar 369.0005.403
141 weißwuascht_pwn 364.0005.334
142 Pixel Perfect 363.0005.316
143 EXE.F1LL 361.0005.286
144 LoTek 358.0005.243
145 th3_r0n1ns 356.0005.213
146 xSTF 355.0005.195
147 0rd3rs 353.0005.165
148 FAUST 347.0005.084
149 bright_lights 344.0005.042
150 dohki 343.0005.025
151 TCP1P 339.0004.969
152 B33F 50μP 338.0004.952
153 Bits & Pieces 338.0004.948
154 OnePics 337.0004.931
155 I'm in your wallet 333.0004.876
156 Aku_Soku_BAN 328.0004.808
157 l||l|llll||l|ll| 317.0004.665
158 dcua 317.0004.661
159 Lemonz 316.0004.644
160 mikecat 316.0004.640
161 xtal 316.0004.636
162 InfoSecIITR 316.0004.632
163 Sabobatage 316.0004.628
164 Bushwhackers 316.0004.625
165 7h3B14ckKn1gh75 314.0004.596
166 sshackers 311.0004.554
167 tsuchinoko 289.0004.271
168 Nol3ptr 289.0004.267
169 0xAriana 288.0004.251
170 Huskies 288.0004.247
171 Caliphal Hounds 286.0004.219
172 Elcano 283.0004.177
173 Sudoers 281.0004.148
174 HIGH VALUE MAN 281.0004.145
175 KekLol 272.0004.027
176 XKEYSCORE 269.0003.986
177 ret2school 267.0003.957
178 kosh 266.0003.941
179 RGB 266.0003.938
180 CAPTCHA Errors 264.0003.910
181 ECHO 261.0003.869
182 geodesics 247.0003.688
183 CyberSpace 247.0003.685
184 EggHunter 247.0003.682
185 FreshaIR 247.0003.679
186 GameStonk 247.0003.676
187 Unkoalified 242.0003.609
188 dlife 242.0003.606
189 ADFCSA 242.0003.604
190 ru5mu5 242.0003.601
191 rururia 242.0003.598
192 Cazones Vivos 241.0003.583
193 Hack n Slash 241.0003.580
194 captchaflag 241.0003.577
195 0nePadding 239.0003.549
196 friends 236.0003.509
197 Sentinels of Security 233.0003.468
198 Akatsuki 225.0003.364
199 Babbage Patch Kids 225.0003.361
200 N1c3Try0xFF 225.0003.359
201 STPwners 225.0003.356
202 defragmented.brains 225.0003.354
203 unnamed13373 225.0003.351
204 squ1rrel 225.0003.349
205 Polaris One 225.0003.346
206 FR13NDS TEAM 225.0003.344
207 Durham Daemons 225.0003.342
208 pmaster 222.0003.301
209 EDFunit61000 222.0003.299
210 flakers 222.0003.297
211 Medium Brain 222.0003.294
212 team enu 216.0003.216
213 DOUBLE STANDARD 197.0002.972
214 YellowFrogs 197.0002.970
215 葳蕤 197.0002.968
216 Davidpb 197.0002.966
217 TeamCC 197.0002.964
218 Social Engineering Experts 197.0002.962
219 Not_ordinaries 192.0002.896
220 0xCyberS3c 192.0002.894
221 Syclover 192.0002.892
222 Citrus Cyber 192.0002.890
223 MARVIN 1V9 ULTRA 192.0002.888
224 bezostooans 192.0002.886
225 FluxFingers 191.0002.871
226 Knightowls 191.0002.869
227 INFOCAISSE 191.0002.867
228 nope that's not it 191.0002.865
229 saarsec 191.0002.863
230 AsssassiNOPs 189.0002.836
231 LMDS 189.0002.834
232 LoMegale 189.0002.832
233 retry 189.0002.830
234 LSD Beavers 175.0002.651
235 city-F 175.0002.649
236 PwnInfra 175.0002.647
237 YRAODIEN 172.0002.607
238 aaaaaaaaaaaa 172.0002.605
239 fancy-moose 172.0002.604
240 WTF: Wat the flag! 172.0002.602
241 Farming Simulator Nextgen 164.0002.498
242 captainB 164.0002.497
243 ECSC Slovak Cyber Team 164.0002.495
244 helloWorld 150.0002.315
245 codimg 150.0002.314
246 Emu Exploit 150.0002.312
247 hime14 150.0002.310
248 299 150.0002.309
249 bER4bb1t$ 150.0002.307
250 Ireland without the RE 150.0002.306
251 D4ISh0 150.0002.304
252 SystemOfAPwn 150.0002.302
253 Starburst Kiwawa 150.0002.301
254 1/0 150.0002.299
255 mnsec 150.0002.298
256 samgyeopsal 150.0002.296
257 aoeu 150.0002.295
258 Nero-Hero 150.0002.293
259 Batman's Kitchen 150.0002.292
260 mobbyn 150.0002.290
261 wibiz 150.0002.289
262 d4ndr3w 150.0002.287
263 wolvsec 150.0002.286
264 Phoenix 150.0002.284
265 CTF-8 150.0002.283
266 Neurohax 150.0002.282
267 TeamH4C 150.0002.280
268 coppertops 150.0002.279
269 0x3phbyte 150.0002.277
270 Ah Yalan Dünya 147.0002.238
271 KUSS 147.0002.237
272 Hackingway 147.0002.235
273 p4zuu 142.0002.170
274 my_cat_is_fat3 142.0002.169
275 LosKokotos 142.0002.168
276 xXxpassword123xXx 142.0002.166
277 yourmumlol 142.0002.165
278 w1ldm1nt 141.0002.151
279 Type::Null 141.0002.150
280 w0lfD3n 141.0002.148
281 CSI-CSTJEAN 141.0002.147
282 CTF Code Party 141.0002.146
283 Silver Foxes 141.0002.145
284 clock_break3rs 141.0002.143
285 m1t0 125.0001.939
286 Zwnny 125.0001.938
287 pwnjuice 125.0001.936
288 Null@Root 125.0001.935
289 I_1AF 125.0001.934
290 Abysslab 125.0001.933
291 Artificial tears 125.0001.932
292 l33t1m 125.0001.930
293 Cyber-1 125.0001.929
294 SaturnX 125.0001.928
295 oOo 125.0001.927
296 Yeko 125.0001.926
297 fernetInjection 125.0001.925
298 BeFunLab 125.0001.924
299 gohome 125.0001.922
300 slew 125.0001.921
301 metaRizen 125.0001.920
302 Shell We Hack? 125.0001.919
303 G00sebumps 122.0001.880
304 EchoHelloWorld 122.0001.879
305 FlagFishers 122.0001.878
306 atalante 114.0001.775
307 5h4rk 114.0001.774
308 SultanateOfKinakuta 100.0001.595
309 WuzKitten 100.0001.594
310 GettingCarried 100.0001.593
311 bawolff 100.0001.592
312 Simple Persistent Threat 100.0001.591
313 Mobyduck 100.0001.590
314 2B1P 100.0001.589
315 SomeGuyFromThuringia 100.0001.588
316 NOP 100.0001.587
317 QUTWHITEHATS 100.0001.586
318 goose 100.0001.585
319 noraneco 100.0001.584
320 DPD 100.0001.583
321 n0oob1ez 100.0001.582
322 cyberTrooper 100.0001.581
323 0ily 100.0001.580
324 freeplay_club 100.0001.579
325 EtherStrike 100.0001.578
326 Pain 100.0001.577
327 PingPirates 100.0001.576
328 CRUSADERS 100.0001.575
329 un1on 100.0001.574
330 My4nM4r 100.0001.573
331 Ginkgo 100.0001.572
332 Baboslar 100.0001.571
333 p3rs!st 100.0001.571
334 87madsgang 100.0001.570
335 lollopollo 100.0001.569
336 ctf n00bs 100.0001.568
337 Wani Hackase 100.0001.567
338 yowayowadesu 100.0001.566
339 m1z0r3 100.0001.565
340 H4ckSol 100.0001.564
341 ONsen 100.0001.564
342 AirOverFlow 100.0001.563
343 Kittens 100.0001.562
344 Not The Hacktualizers 100.0001.561
345 orrors 100.0001.560
346 Men In Suits 100.0001.559
347 GTALand 100.0001.558
348 m00nl1ght_5h4d0w 100.0001.558
349 eilam 100.0001.557
350 frickari 100.0001.556
351 3bp-r3t 100.0001.555
352 \x4247Sec 100.0001.554
353 CyberEagles@TNTECH 100.0001.554
354 93wilsonlu 100.0001.553
355 Squid Proxy Lovers 100.0001.552
356 CSUI 100.0001.551
357 ATM 100.0001.550
358 seamaner 100.0001.550
359 SKY-SEC 100.0001.549
360 Cyb3rM0nk3ys 100.0001.548
361 M53 100.0001.547
362 UKFC 100.0001.547
363 Kaleidoscope 100.0001.546
364 Redbud 100.0001.545
365 Kza 100.0001.544
366 n00bp 100.0001.544
367 n0n 97.0001.505
368 A1ice 97.0001.504
369 Falling Down 97.0001.503
370 PL314D3S 97.0001.502
371 TCTN 97.0001.502
372 0click 92.0001.437
373 DCDC 92.0001.437
374 Heaven's_Birds 92.0001.436
375 22mu 92.0001.435
376 可口可乐——夏季限定 92.0001.435
377 3cly 92.0001.434
378 SicMundusCreatusEst 92.0001.433
379 soala gogo 92.0001.433
380 0xBA0BAB 92.0001.432
381 Mythical Hydra 92.0001.431
382 jmbn 91.0001.418
383 TeamBpositive 50.0000.896
384 Presuniv Code Warrior 50.0000.895
385 Hacklava 50.0000.895
386 CyberShleuths 50.0000.894
387 ByteForc3 50.0000.893
388 Bigbooty 50.0000.893
389 Black-Stars 50.0000.892
390 CSUF 50.0000.891
391 talentless 50.0000.891
392 yomikatari 50.0000.890
393 rzaba 50.0000.889
394 SmallPotatoes 50.0000.889
395 Numinot 50.0000.888
396 Br3ak 50.0000.887
397 PoisonByte 50.0000.887
398 Haoyang Lu 50.0000.886
399 PWr Synt@x Err0r 50.0000.886
400 BurpFiction 50.0000.885
401 锟斤拷烫烫烫 50.0000.884
402 FaF Group 50.0000.884
403 Team-0x7 50.0000.883
404 Vượng's Vanguard VinUnians 50.0000.882
405 LOST_shield 50.0000.882
406 dol 50.0000.881
407 flibustiers 50.0000.881
408 Just4Fun 50.0000.880
409 Invaders0x1 50.0000.879
410 1C32Y 50.0000.879
411 beep boop boiz 50.0000.878
412 ESIROI 50.0000.878
413 lmao 50.0000.877
414 amanshitta 50.0000.876
415 Bytehogs 50.0000.876
416 ChillAndLove 50.0000.875
417 Team0x0A 50.0000.875
418 f13ldf0lks 50.0000.874
419 MK37 50.0000.874
420 BrachioByteForce 50.0000.873
421 TheB-Team 50.0000.872
422 dbaxi 50.0000.872
423 GammaSnake 50.0000.871
424 EvilBunnyWrote 50.0000.871
425 dotexe 50.0000.870
426 XOR 50.0000.870
427 We Tried 50.0000.869
428 r4sti 50.0000.869
429 neuland 50.0000.868
430 0V3RFL0W 50.0000.867
431 Ng00m4lDhuhr 50.0000.867
432 CaptureTheCoffee 50.0000.866
434 Spanish Sauce Mafia 50.0000.865
435 NETSQ inc 50.0000.865
436 Emergency Bucket 50.0000.864
437 żuki_majowe 50.0000.864
438 letmetryaname 50.0000.863
439 FFYYTT 50.0000.863
440 Özgür Beyin Şoförü Arif 50.0000.862
441 aşkın olayım 50.0000.862
442 CyberNemesis 50.0000.861
443 Links 50.0000.861
444 Dackers 50.0000.860
445 StickyHackers 50.0000.860
446 smarmellez 50.0000.859
447 hack^3 50.0000.859
448 quack 50.0000.858
449 Chromosome Overflow 50.0000.858
450 shipfu 50.0000.857
451 c___ 50.0000.857
452 ISFCR PESU 50.0000.856
453 RedHotChiliVictim 50.0000.856
454 ViagraDolphin 50.0000.855
455 Marymount Competitive Cyber 50.0000.855
456 Hackerpatzerl 50.0000.854
457 HWED 50.0000.854
458 SiliconBits 50.0000.853
459 Cat Bit 50.0000.853
460 skoriop 50.0000.852
461 AAACTFTEAM 50.0000.852
462 50.0000.851
463 hamayanhamayan 50.0000.851
464 Seqred The Flag 50.0000.850
465 mangos! 50.0000.850
466 Team Matryoshka 50.0000.850
467 Ham on Biscuits 50.0000.849
468 Bean Bois 50.0000.849
469 sayonara 50.0000.848
470 ilariodalmon 50.0000.848
471 Man In The Middle 50.0000.847
472 AN1S 50.0000.847
473 b 50.0000.846
474 NanoNani 50.0000.846
475 poteto 50.0000.846
476 W3BFederation 50.0000.845
477 nobi 50.0000.845
478 NoobsLatam 50.0000.844
479 ctos 50.0000.844
480 HackyFruits 50.0000.843
481 moyuqiuqiu 50.0000.843
482 p7dtTrm 50.0000.842
483 RBX 50.0000.842
484 Konosec 50.0000.842
485 PunchClub 50.0000.841
486 Synch 50.0000.841
487 salad_var 50.0000.840
488 steady 50.0000.840
489 PIS 50.0000.839
490 IITBreachers 50.0000.839
491 xon1l 50.0000.839
492 BREAD999 50.0000.838
493 KongTheConqueror 50.0000.838
494 NexaOffsecTeam 50.0000.837
495 NorthBayou 50.0000.837
496 WCSC 50.0000.837
497 im_dragon 50.0000.836
498 BMSTM 50.0000.836
499 pymi 50.0000.835
500 YES, CHIEF! 50.0000.835
501 Br00tf0rs3rs 50.0000.835
502 S 50.0000.834
503 Infinite Swords 50.0000.834
504 jinu 50.0000.833
505 VA_Minner 50.0000.833
506 :capoo_scared: 50.0000.833
507 IRAQI HACK TEAM 50.0000.832
508 hehe 50.0000.832
509 SoloToxicPlayer 50.0000.831
510 Flagsomnia 50.0000.831
511 Gab03t 50.0000.831
512 IllIllIIllIIlII 50.0000.830
513 aliu 50.0000.830
514 Genesis 50.0000.830
515 =) 50.0000.829
516 SP-R00T 50.0000.829
517 Hash Cracking Slasher 50.0000.828
518 Abyssal Hunter 50.0000.828
519 lukas 50.0000.828
520 afcoc 50.0000.827
521 sudi%00 50.0000.827
522 donut disturb 50.0000.827
523 0xbla 50.0000.826
524 CryptoCrackers 50.0000.826
525 Eagles Wings 50.0000.826
526 web_newbies 50.0000.825
527 12345 50.0000.825
528 Flag_pirates 50.0000.824
529 DaBaddest 50.0000.824
530 Cooper 50.0000.824
531 OctoSecurity 50.0000.823
532 NOIT 50.0000.823
533 :3 50.0000.823
534 THL_CCoE 50.0000.822
535 kaker 50.0000.822
536 Stellar Vector 50.0000.822
537 k1ngsp4wn 50.0000.821
538 xappa 50.0000.821
539 Vitamin B^3^ 50.0000.821
540 OWCA 50.0000.820
541 30Cent 50.0000.820
542 boxincon 50.0000.820
543 eidooheerfmaet 50.0000.819
544 SBF 50.0000.819
545 hack_the_world 50.0000.819
546 werew 50.0000.818
547 rwandi 50.0000.818
548 BML 50.0000.818
549 baby shark 50.0000.817
550 saboor-hakimi 50.0000.817
551 Another Tomas 50.0000.817
552 tao 50.0000.816
553 Netcoil 50.0000.816
554 Firewall%20Fighters 50.0000.816
555 GIM TLEDEK 50.0000.815
556 wsapi 50.0000.815
557 kokoa 50.0000.815
558 Los_Pollos_Hermanos 50.0000.814
559 casualplayers 50.0000.814
560 ultra hacking club 50.0000.814
561 KuK Hofhacker 50.0000.813
562 LV 50.0000.813
563 BITS-SOS 50.0000.813
564 painpeko 50.0000.812
565 lambs 50.0000.812
566 Hantu Siber 50.0000.812
567 Garkbit 50.0000.811
568 Exponential 50.0000.811
569 metyu 50.0000.811
570 belisarius_cawls_cowl 50.0000.811
571 FizzFamily 50.0000.810
572 asdf 50.0000.810
573 dieckie 50.0000.810
574 joyuriz 50.0000.809
575 G-Nom 50.0000.809
576 jdbg 50.0000.809
577 HCS 50.0000.808
578 SKEYE 50.0000.808
579 UHC 50.0000.808
580 n3w8s 50.0000.807
581 Wesserboy 50.0000.807
582 VinDaFale 50.0000.807
583 Katu2ou 50.0000.807
584 CocaineCowboys 50.0000.806
585 zgjx6 50.0000.806
586 Nambinaal Nambungal 50.0000.806
587 xaav 50.0000.805
588 tomirendo 50.0000.805
589 Kn0ckD00r 50.0000.805
590 c4sualz 50.0000.805
591 MvtinaPwn 50.0000.804
592 longshrimp 50.0000.804
593 JHDiscord 50.0000.804
594 buzzkillah 50.0000.803
595 plasma 50.0000.803
596 chatAPT 50.0000.803
597 rabbit_hole 50.0000.803
598 k3v1n 50.0000.802
599 Structure 50.0000.802
600 PIII,N 50.0000.802
601 gyoza_beer 50.0000.801
602 0x221b 50.0000.801
603 Neptunians 50.0000.801
604 CryJackLee 50.0000.801
605 Disqualified 50.0000.800
606 NEUQRO 50.0000.800
607 Void Parrots 50.0000.800
608 NothingL3ft 50.0000.800
609 m4st3rs1337 50.0000.799
610 B3NNY_L4VA_S0CIAL_C1UB 50.0000.799
611 Pals That Supply Logic 50.0000.799
612 pipo 50.0000.799
613 ausec 50.0000.798
614 Team Name 10 50.0000.798
615 alias_no_18 50.0000.798
616 NewTeamNewDream 50.0000.797
617 Jedan 50.0000.797
618 Pogito 50.0000.797
619 303sec 50.0000.797
620 KCSC 50.0000.796
621 Hopper's Roppers 50.0000.796
622 1753c 50.0000.796
623 Thingy 50.0000.796
624 TheHackerWithin 50.0000.795
625 gy0z@_3ec 50.0000.795
626 king0fduck 50.0000.795
627 foxandbunny 50.0000.795
628 Strange Team 50.0000.794
629 Bunnifufu 50.0000.794
630 Just Ian 50.0000.794
631 Federation 50.0000.794
632 decibling 50.0000.793
633 magshi_police 50.0000.793
634 NYUSEC 50.0000.793
635 NoCLB 50.0000.793
636 CiberSecUNI 50.0000.792
637 cyl0ck 50.0000.792
638 ThetaCom 50.0000.792
639 taln 50.0000.792
640 中专小子 50.0000.791
641 TOMS 50.0000.791
642 B4dTr1p 50.0000.791
643 glasgow 50.0000.791
644 CTFRip 50.0000.790
645 1337B01S 50.0000.790
646 Gang de la Sinfonia 50.0000.790
647 Ridikulus 50.0000.790
648 The_Investors 50.0000.789
649 iteamar 50.0000.789
650 G5_Turtle 50.0000.789
651 Mrs Robot 50.0000.789
652 softkitties 50.0000.789
653 nCreeps 50.0000.788
654 RiST 50.0000.788
655 Cr4zyThurs 50.0000.788
656 dthnh175 50.0000.788
657 Jorzan 50.0000.787
658 Wolves 50.0000.787
659 H@ckXi0m 50.0000.787
660 42Lausanne 50.0000.787
661 szilvasbukta 50.0000.786
662 Bib-Menschen 50.0000.786
663 mkz 50.0000.786
664 ácaros 50.0000.786
665 WSEDRFTVGB 50.0000.786
666 Degens 50.0000.785
667 ransoware 50.0000.785
668 ChickenNoodleSoup 50.0000.785
669 salty 50.0000.785
670 konrite 50.0000.784
671 KomixEs 50.0000.784
672 jgdb 50.0000.784
673 Kupc4keC0d1ng 50.0000.784
674 Popoebs 50.0000.784
675 SA7 50.0000.392
676 d4rkc0de 50.0000.392
ajtazerJune 24, 2023, 12:06 p.m.

am i the only one who isnt even able to do the easiest of all task a 50 pointer from web category.. agh sucks

catmilkJune 25, 2023, 11:58 p.m.

Dear Google CTF Organizers,

I am writing to bring to your attention an issue with the scoreboard for the Google CTF 2023 competition. Our team, SOAP, participated in the competition and ranked 252nd, but unfortunately, our team name is not showing up on the scoreboard.

After checking on ctftime, we noticed that our team name is listed as S.O.A.P, which may be the cause of the confusion. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and would appreciate it if you could correct this error on the scoreboard.

If you require any information or evidence of our participation, please let us know and we will be happy to provide it.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and we look forward to hearing back from you soon.

Best regards,

spqJune 26, 2023, 11:22 a.m.

Hi catmilk,
as written via email, we can not update the ctftime scoreboard ourselves once it's submitted.
Please reach out to CTFTime for further help - see "Contact us" > "Feedback" on this page.

--google ctf team

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