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Participated in CTF events

Overall rating place: 831 with 53.474 pts in 2023

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
200UIUCTF 2023451.00004.723
28BSidesTLV 2023 CTF678.00002.600
231Google Capture The Flag 2023189.00002.834
214BSides Indore CTF 2023200.00000.877
117n00bzCTF 20234528.00005.429
111GPN CTF 2023400.00000.897
424HSCTF 101299.00003.270
76justCTF 2023497.00004.473
39Break the Syntax CTF 20231004.00006.237
115DanteCTF 2023879.00002.949
22BxMCTF 20232568.000017.579
82TJCTF 2023415.00003.379

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