Academic team Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham

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Participated in CTF events

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
450UIUCTF 2024574.00003.233
731ångstromCTF 202450.00000.927
30ShunyaCTF Aarambha1520.00008.784
308UTCTF 20241479.00003.617
72Pearl CTF1088.00002.364
417VishwaCTF 2024719.00001.729
166bi0sCTF 2024100.00001.028
399TetCTF 2024100.00000.948
114Real World CTF 6th32.00002.205
305UofTCTF 20241086.00001.929
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
278Hackappatoi CTF '23100.00000.398
567TUCTF 202350.00000.175
440 GlacierCTF 202360.00000.281
1881337UP LIVE CTF816.00001.459
273EKOPARTY CTF 202326.00000.114
84Questcon CTF1042.000015.688

Team members

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