Fri, 29 March 2024, 23:00 UTC — Sun, 31 March 2024, 23:00 UTC 


UTCTF 2025 event.

Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL:

This event's future weight is subject of public voting!

Future weight: 67.21 

Rating weight: 48.00 

Event organizers 

Online, jeopardy-style CTF. Free to play, with prizes offered first, second, and third place.

Open to all! Problems will span difficulties ranging from beginner-friendly to challenging.

Run by Information & Systems Security Society team at The University of Texas at Austin.

More information:
- List of sponsors:
- ISSS (organization):


Up to $200 in prizes for the top 3 winning teams, with each prize totaling under or equal to $50. Team prizes can only be shipped to 1 location within the US.


854 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 kalmarunionen 20511.00096.000
2 thehackerscrew 19511.00069.660
3 The Flat Network Society 19511.00061.660
4 Zer0Tolerance 17511.00052.979
5 L3ak 17511.00050.579
6 noreply 16511.00046.639
7 ISITDTU 16511.00045.496
8 reCAPTCHA the Flag 15512.00042.301
9 Weak But Leet 15512.00041.635
10 DragonSec SI 15512.00041.101
11 TheRoundTable 15511.00040.663
12 krauq 15511.00040.299
13 BKISC 14543.00037.726
14 r3kapig 14526.00037.422
15 CyberSpace 14521.00037.182
16 DieterOverflow 14520.00036.980
17 STT 14517.00036.796
18 federaltraitors 14512.00036.628
19 IQ-toppene 14512.00036.487
20 thefwncrew 14512.00036.361
21 BITSkrieg 13544.00033.981
22 FlagMotori 13527.00033.838
23 Norske Nøkkelsnikere 13521.00033.729
24 little eep sea 13518.00033.635
25 Lights of Pineapples 13518.00033.555
26 Lorem Ipsec 13518.00033.481
27 Phish Paprikaš 13518.00033.413
28 Heaven's_Birds 13518.00033.349
29 why is jyu still at UT 12553.00031.032
30 nahomies 12550.00030.970
31 Vox Dei 12550.00030.918
32 Aft3r_7h0ugh7 12527.00030.816
33 bi0s 12527.00030.770
34 InfoSecIITR 12527.00030.728
35 KuA$aR-TM 11583.00028.478
36 Huntik 11559.00028.384
37 DeadSec 10908.00026.824
38 SecFault 10905.00026.783
39 HCS 10831.00026.578
40 KerKerYuan 10829.00026.542
41 Hackafon 10808.00026.464
42 Cyber Salmons 10807.00026.433
43 MK37 10784.00026.353
44 1n54n1ty_0v3rfl0w 10773.00026.302
45 Lysithea 10673.00026.044
46 0xE0F 10657.00025.983
47 H4ckan3derl1 10228.00024.957
48 ST3P 10030.00024.472
49 g00fy_ahh 9863.00024.061
50 Ganesh 9713.00023.690
51 SavedByTheShell 9697.00023.634
52 Bing Chilling Academies 9697.00023.616
53 ARESx 9434.00022.983
54 Zafk1el 9392.00022.868
55 The Salt Mine 9156.00022.300
56 ✅ I'm not a robot 9072.00022.088
57 fearless 9030.00021.974
58 ransoware 9030.00021.960
59 RBzone 8948.00021.754
60 Nol3ptr 8940.00021.721
61 ESPower_ 8922.00021.666
62 TahSec 8787.00021.338
63 Four letters 8615.00020.923
64 ormix 8537.00020.728
65 N2L 8502.00020.635
66 G.0.4.7 8484.00020.582
67 f61d 8426.00020.435
68 JSoyke 8231.00019.968
69 c0d3_r3d 8123.00019.705
70 Hellbound 8123.00019.695
71 scvrfvce 8115.00019.667
72 pbchocolate 8107.00019.639
73 Hack@Sec 8062.00019.524
74 super pro hacker 😎 8012.00019.398
75 c1cada 7988.00019.334
76 Prozhack 7935.00019.201
77 olaszrizling 7885.00019.076
78 idek 7706.00018.649
79 QWE!# 7694.00018.613
80 dcua-school 7684.00018.582
81 Cyber Rangers 7657.00018.512
82 Moines Copistes 7558.00018.273
83 wgpsec 7492.00018.111
84 GPA gamers 7331.00017.727
85 LSE 7262.00017.559
86 Victorious Secret 7146.00017.281
87 Claquettes Chaussettes 7136.00017.251
88 systemctf 7086.00017.128
89 LoTek 7073.00017.092
90 CyberBu9$ 6814.00016.480
91 Maple Bacon 6734.00016.286
92 🐧‎ 6665.00016.119
93 Mini-Venom 6590.00015.938
94 S.h.i.c.h.i.b.u.k.a.i 6590.00015.933
95 Ramless Memory 6582.00015.909
96 PH4NT0MS 6538.00015.800
97 A.k.a.t.s.u.k.i 6448.00015.585
98 OBE 6428.00015.533
99 Team Colander 6371.00015.394
100 Centinels 6371.00015.389
101 Brunnerne 6294.00015.205
102 UofUCyberSec 6218.00015.022
103 TeamSerbia 6010.00014.531
104 m0x 5974.00014.442
105 Phaethon 5890.00014.241
106 HACKuna Matata 5837.00014.113
107 miwa 5745.00013.893
108 PBR | UCLA 5680.00013.737
109 rockyou4ever 5675.00013.721
110 Kukko ja Paalit 5519.00013.352
111 The Cotton Highway 5476.00013.247
112 rizztek netsos merdeka!!! 5459.00013.204
113 CPCSEC 5419.00013.106
114 #F4K3-RooT 5389.00013.032
115 WeW4ntSm1le 5258.00012.722
116 Fuzzy Goldfish 5256.00012.714
117 Seraphiem 5081.00012.301
118 Lynx_Gh0$tScr1pts 5081.00012.297
119 GerlachSnezka 5080.00012.292
120 Abtal Digital 4982.00012.059
121 Red Jessies 4953.00011.988
122 Jonathan1609 4944.00011.963
123 Bits & Pieces 4940.00011.951
124 TPC 4856.00011.751
125 abbabaab 4847.00011.727
126 Agrani 4831.00011.686
127 Fluid Attacks 4828.00011.676
128 burner_herz0g 4625.00011.198
129 ISwearIGoogledIt 4624.00011.193
130 Die Lenis 4578.00011.083
131 Cryptonite 4558.00011.033
132 Phreaks_of_Nature 4497.00010.888
133 DuckDuckFlag 4396.00010.648
134 SoloLevelling 4351.00010.540
135 bi0sblr 4252.00010.306
136 JejuScienceHighSchool 4239.00010.273
137 dead_davinci 4237.00010.266
138 what 4217.00010.216
139 Bonzi_Brigade 4178.00010.123
140 HLG 4151.00010.057
141 noraneco 4138.00010.024
142 TnT 4128.0009.998
143 CSU-Test 4086.0009.898
144 revengeontrickster 4078.0009.877
145 GRIS 4063.0009.839
146 y12uN 4038.0009.779
147 banua 4036.0009.772
148 USEC 3978.0009.634
149 AirOverFlow 3878.0009.397
150 Maple_Leaves 3838.0009.302
151 grey 3838.0009.300
152 TEAM 3794.0009.195
153 YellowFrogs 3780.0009.160
154 NoobMaster9999_team 3758.0009.106
155 Xp0int 3754.0009.095
156 stone 3738.0009.055
157 Zyanjee 3738.0009.053
158 Basu 3738.0009.051
159 N00b1 3738.0009.050
160 missing_frog 3725.0009.017
161 LastHope 3712.0008.985
162 DexterJie 3638.0008.810
163 Maza 3627.0008.782
164 PL314D3S 3623.0008.771
165 Duck Dynasty 3557.0008.615
166 Kaasfondue 3557.0008.613
167 1919kombu 3507.0008.495
168 Flagsomnia 3440.0008.336
169 Team-23 3439.0008.332
170 Test Cases 3435.0008.321
171 0n1yF14g3 3427.0008.301
172 OH16 3381.0008.191
173 holm 3350.0008.117
174 sln.1550 3283.0007.959
175 HCMUTE ISC 3234.0007.843
176 Kumo 3198.0007.757
177 Eindhoven Cyberbombings ඞ 3180.0007.713
178 team5 3165.0007.676
179 5p4c3 C415 3163.0007.670
180 St4rDust 3139.0007.613
181 Hot Bays in Your Area 3126.0007.581
182 Kza 3091.0007.497
183 Blue_Giraffes 3076.0007.461
184 4Team 3064.0007.431
185 Checkm4te_ 3049.0007.395
186 1231312312321asd 3037.0007.365
187 Hidden Issue 3026.0007.338
188 SNI 3003.0007.283
189 |3r0th3r CC 2927.0007.104
190 Cipher Blitz 2926.0007.100
191 Robin Goods 2897.0007.031
192 w3_4r3_w33bs 2896.0007.027
193 hearMeRoar 2885.0007.000
194 acdwas 2880.0006.987
195 CrysO 2863.0006.946
196 DaeguUniv_Infosec 2854.0006.924
197 lopmade 2826.0006.857
198 wezpwnz 2809.0006.816
199 Bugs B0unt3r 2797.0006.787
200 Que pasa 2758.0006.694
201 sastro 2757.0006.691
202 pspspsps 2732.0006.631
203 quanhsobeuuuuuuu 2728.0006.621
204 BroncoSec 2722.0006.605
205 qsdzyyds 2715.0006.588
206 draw00000 2708.0006.570
207 Godzill'hack 2704.0006.560
208 T3chLynx 2697.0006.542
209 CyberWolf 2697.0006.541
210 rmrfslash 2685.0006.512
211 RooterX 2649.0006.427
212 rzaba 2623.0006.365
213 MUG1W4R4 2614.0006.343
214 Kernel Sanders 2597.0006.302
215 Kyoshi Warriors 2597.0006.301
216 IIT(BHU)CyberSec 2590.0006.283
217 wolvsec 2505.0006.083
218 Tech Strawberry 2497.0006.064
219 4Ray 2453.0005.960
220 StackSmashingSlackers 2427.0005.898
221 Existential Crises 2425.0005.892
222 ggongbong2 2424.0005.889
223 rigamarole 2415.0005.867
224 Cybers3k5 2390.0005.807
225 WackAttack 2366.0005.750
226 MetaFour 2362.0005.740
227 free_the_bnuuy 2353.0005.718
228 kelapa.bunting 2347.0005.703
229 ForFun 2320.0005.639
230 BA1YAN 2320.0005.638
231 SoftSec 2303.0005.597
232 K4CTF 2278.0005.538
233 CakeisTheFake 2275.0005.530
234 Trmoun 2223.0005.407
235 Sh4d0w_M0n4rcH 2219.0005.397
236 team_prpl 2219.0005.396
237 squ1rrel 2213.0005.381
238 Heckerz 2207.0005.367
239 brrr 2200.0005.349
240 McDonalds Cybersecurity Team 2198.0005.344
241 roycactus 2178.0005.296
242 Your ISP 2154.0005.239
243 impromptu 2128.0005.177
244 Repetition 2123.0005.165
245 Koskason 2121.0005.159
246 sorry_guys 2085.0005.074
247 Munity 2085.0005.074
248 Ireland without the RE 2078.0005.056
249 2053.0004.997
250 Pouls Friends 2053.0004.996
251 mr_bobot 2048.0004.984
252 Rakettiryhmä 2024.0004.927
253 312312312 2020.0004.917
254 M4lw4r3 2005.0004.881
255 570tg 2001.0004.871
256 Lupwn 2001.0004.870
257 thumbs 1991.0004.846
258 GO 1986.0004.834
259 Waffle Iron Astronauts 1986.0004.833
260 OceanSalt 1986.0004.832
261 WindTeam 1978.0004.813
262 Mason Competitive Cyber 1975.0004.805
263 LostInFlag 1953.0004.753
264 b2cd51b47ce5f651371484e8177a3e17 1927.0004.691
265 Suspended Coroutine 1908.0004.646
266 thestrainmash 1905.0004.639
267 the MEOEWOOWOOOWOWOOWW clan 1895.0004.614
268 Auroralias 1895.0004.614
269 neubee 1891.0004.604
270 iman 1886.0004.591
271 A-Esjes 1885.0004.588
272 Twin Rivers Tech Collective 1848.0004.501
273 mimicats 1839.0004.479
274 Room303 1823.0004.441
275 wzy 1805.0004.399
276 kupacup 1798.0004.382
277 SII 1795.0004.374
278 Imp0ster56 1795.0004.373
279 L0ADBANG 1795.0004.373
280 ri5e 1791.0004.363
281 0xTasco 1791.0004.362
282 :3 1790.0004.359
283 BR4CU_D3SCR4Mbl3R 1779.0004.333
284 Ab1azE 1760.0004.288
285 Task141 1731.0004.219
286 Cyber Billikens 1726.0004.207
287 dcua 1701.0004.148
288 cicada 1695.0004.133
289 Owl Hackers 1695.0004.133
290 G1tc_Gu4rdians 1695.0004.132
291 UnderNinja 1695.0004.132
292 shad0wbytes 1682.0004.101
293 Mavericks 1671.0004.074
294 im_dragon 1640.0004.001
295 R&J 1631.0003.980
296 Minypoulpe 1626.0003.967
297 secureX 1598.0003.901
298 NYUSEC 1581.0003.861
299 rizz masters 1559.0003.809
300 CTF Noob 1556.0003.801
301 Hackingway 1525.0003.728
302 ng 1511.0003.695
303 P4rad0x 1510.0003.692
304 1k0ct 1497.0003.661
305 APT INSTALL 1483.0003.628
306 C09A67M 1483.0003.627
307 YO 1481.0003.622
308 g1tcl0wn5 1479.0003.617
309 FC++ 1479.0003.617
310 onemanarmy 1479.0003.616
311 MastersOfTheCyberverse 1459.0003.569
312 Cyberclowns 1409.0003.451
313 CrémeTartinéFabuleuse 1404.0003.439
314 chmod 1382.0003.387
315 HEJ_HEJ 1379.0003.380
316 killingMe 1379.0003.379
317 afcoc 1379.0003.379
318 hy.csg 1356.0003.324
319 CCUG 1356.0003.324
320 mygo!! 1356.0003.323
321 CcccC 1355.0003.321
322 khoalybiet 1328.0003.257
323 Tropical 1328.0003.256
324 1234 1311.0003.216
325 rfa3inoob 1311.0003.216
326 D4ck3n 1310.0003.213
327 HawkSec 1309.0003.210
328 naber knk 1309.0003.210
329 CryJackLee 1309.0003.209
330 issg 1279.0003.139
331 exec 1279.0003.138
332 :v 1279.0003.138
333 DESTROMER 1279.0003.137
334 toorih 1279.0003.137
335 ins0m1a_Øwls 1279.0003.136
336 Zimzi 1279.0003.136
337 R1E2 1279.0003.136
338 C3ntr4l_K1ngs 1261.0003.093
339 Du4l_b00t 1225.0003.008
340 csu4key 1211.0002.975
341 blahtblahtblaht 1202.0002.954
342 Fraccs 1182.0002.906
343 c00c00 1179.0002.899
344 MariosK 1179.0002.899
345 besteam 1179.0002.898
346 touch grass 1177.0002.893
347 BotBoiz 1175.0002.888
348 Intel Chips 1175.0002.888
349 flag.txt 1152.0002.833
350 0xdecafbad 1152.0002.833
351 SHAOCHI LU 1130.0002.781
352 PippiCalzelunghe 1111.0002.736
353 notwinningpov 1111.0002.736
354 HNN4ABO 1111.0002.736
355 CyberD 1096.0002.700
356 s8 1068.0002.634
357 n03tAck 1052.0002.596
358 djatly 1052.0002.596
359 tOt4l1y_S4n3 1052.0002.596
360 Eazalles 1052.0002.595
361 CyberPotatoes 1044.0002.576
362 miguel_is_bald 1030.0002.543
363 T4ng0_t34m 1030.0002.543
364 InviBull 1030.0002.542
365 Team Phoenix 1029.0002.540
366 H3x_Blad3 1029.0002.539
367 CarSU-CyberNinja 1029.0002.539
368 freshwater 1009.0002.492
369 Ghost_Squad 1002.0002.475
370 UnitGG 996.0002.461
371 Deot 996.0002.460
372 TwoTime 981.0002.425
373 training wheels 980.0002.422
374 u3fi 980.0002.422
375 Wiciu 975.0002.410
376 r007 975.0002.409
377 SadCipher 961.0002.376
378 Bl4cK_RooM 961.0002.376
379 Hacklabor 952.0002.355
380 IGLITCH 952.0002.354
381 TCP1P 944.0002.335
382 COMPASS 930.0002.302
383 sing88larity 930.0002.302
384 WBS 930.0002.301
385 Riemann Func 930.0002.301
386 MyWorld 930.0002.301
387 fady 929.0002.298
388 hackboro 929.0002.298
389 blckpwny 929.0002.297
390 4990 910.0002.253
391 Skeleton 902.0002.234
392 spool 899.0002.226
393 riccee 899.0002.226
394 rwandi 899.0002.226
395 BlueBag101 896.0002.218
396 What is a CTF 896.0002.218
397 dashh 896.0002.218
398 fastroww 896.0002.217
399 Wani Hackase 881.0002.182
400 T0M N T0MS 880.0002.179
401 syps 875.0002.167
402 notme 852.0002.113
403 Ayap0nzu 830.0002.061
404 Lestatide 830.0002.061
405 fzhshzh 830.0002.061
406 FPUSEC 829.0002.058
407 OwlSec 829.0002.058
408 Ctrl-Alt-31337 809.0002.011
409 C4RRO7 802.0001.994
410 t34m0n3z3r0 799.0001.987
411 kek 799.0001.987
412 12345 799.0001.986
413 Mystik 796.0001.979
414 malingflag 781.0001.944
415 pknctfsingamz 781.0001.943
416 Knightsec 781.0001.943
417 cyberTrooper 780.0001.940
418 winxxx 780.0001.940
419 H0ly Cow,I gotpwned!!!! 780.0001.940
420 Pixel Perfect 775.0001.928
421 Malware_RE_FuckMe 730.0001.822
422 cyber 730.0001.822
423 nCreeps 730.0001.822
424 1336 729.0001.819
425 justnoobs 729.0001.819
426 OP_EN 729.0001.819
427 CyberLimoux 729.0001.818
428 JayHartzell 696.0001.741
429 N4rut0 696.0001.741
430 ixi 696.0001.740
431 naka 696.0001.740
432 NoobEyez 696.0001.740
433 PPPP 696.0001.740
434 MPCTF{J1mm1} 681.0001.704
435 sayonara 681.0001.704
436 _ 681.0001.704
437 CipherCats 680.0001.701
438 QuackHack 680.0001.701
439 Z3Ro 680.0001.701
440 p4w16 680.0001.700
441 SleepyHollow 680.0001.700
442 83457 630.0001.583
443 N30Z30N 630.0001.583
444 BiLA 630.0001.582
445 GR33N_SQU4D 630.0001.582
446 HWS 630.0001.582
447 Home_Brew 629.0001.579
448 RAON_ASRT 629.0001.579
449 BackMoon 629.0001.579
450 Secure Software Stack! 629.0001.579
451 hellew 629.0001.578
452 P1nz0ro 629.0001.578
453 hitori 629.0001.578
454 Play_not_BAO-VN 629.0001.578
455 Loliop 629.0001.577
456 GanSw 600.0001.509
457 {t0t4lly_sp13s} 600.0001.509
458 H7Tex 600.0001.509
459 d041bu 600.0001.509
460 Kernal 596.0001.499
461 TheRomanXpl0it 581.0001.464
462 anomy 581.0001.464
463 Seadyot 581.0001.463
464 Need eXplore eXecute and eXploit 581.0001.463
465 lem0 581.0001.463
466 avrrop 581.0001.463
467 s3seven 581.0001.462
468 coldfoot 581.0001.462
469 CKB_174 580.0001.460
470 Baal Berith 580.0001.459
471 SCTSC 580.0001.459
472 PenesGorditos 529.0001.340
473 The Elves 529.0001.339
474 Ratatouille 529.0001.339
475 BornAgainShell 529.0001.339
476 watchdogs 529.0001.339
477 2amResearch 529.0001.339
478 UTSACyberSpurs 529.0001.338
479 lainzhow 529.0001.338
480 Engtech 529.0001.338
481 dcninjas 500.0001.270
482 The Cyber Vaders 500.0001.270
483 NetDefenders 500.0001.269
484 quasarr 500.0001.269
485 toxxiD 500.0001.269
486 Apocalypse_Me0w 500.0001.269
487 BobSpongeT 480.0001.222
488 CuriousPeople123 480.0001.222
489 hawk 480.0001.221
490 Gummy 480.0001.221
491 TMT 480.0001.221
492 Hash Cracking Slasher 480.0001.221
493 MO?LU 480.0001.221
494 crystal64 480.0001.220
495 x0L 480.0001.220
496 smorodina 480.0001.220
497 cnpm@@ 480.0001.220
498 TopWing 480.0001.220
499 Darkar 480.0001.219
500 rgs411 480.0001.219
501 Just4Fun 480.0001.219
502 beanmaxxing 429.0001.100
503 j4ck4l 429.0001.099
504 MIPSy Danger 429.0001.099
505 weebee 429.0001.099
506 Mai Thanat Hack 429.0001.099
507 DG 429.0001.099
508 Team 0 429.0001.098
509 leonidl 400.0001.030
510 MRE' 400.0001.030
511 flag_explorerz 400.0001.030
512 th3rm4l 400.0001.030
513 513HI 400.0001.030
514 myst3r10us 400.0001.029
515 F055il215 400.0001.029
516 Spade A 400.0001.029
517 我想把回忆拼好给你 400.0001.029
518 Qwerty0006 400.0001.029
519 Slava-Bars 400.0001.029
520 RootMiner 400.0001.028
521 RootSociety 400.0001.028
522 Ice Ghetto 400.0001.028
523 CryptoPhreak 400.0001.028
524 Rkin 400.0001.028
525 Cooper 380.0000.981
526 xoxo 380.0000.981
527 serpents 380.0000.980
528 Hi 380.0000.980
529 eniyocha 380.0000.980
530 Yeko 380.0000.980
531 Polaris One 380.0000.980
532 l4sh 380.0000.980
533 XXIII 300.0000.792
534 AssnDarkX 300.0000.792
535 talkerctf-club 300.0000.792
536 Devildog Defenders 300.0000.792
537 Nh0m_n4y_z0_tr1:> 300.0000.791
538 terribleMOTHMAN 300.0000.791
539 300.0000.791
540 stalk 300.0000.791
541 isolate.exe 300.0000.791
542 ex futuro 300.0000.791
543 F0rg1ven 300.0000.790
544 datapoison 300.0000.790
545 Unkown_SS 300.0000.790
546 AquaF 300.0000.790
547 TheMythologist 300.0000.790
548 Art_Max333 300.0000.790
549 mrhove 300.0000.789
550 Benef 300.0000.789
551 xmmlaz 300.0000.789
552 Z3r0_l0g0n 300.0000.789
553 Club Penguin Reloaded 300.0000.789
554 WoLu 300.0000.789
555 hack3r_g33ks 300.0000.789
556 'god'[::-1] 300.0000.788
557 KC NERDFORCE 300.0000.788
558 Dooonays 300.0000.788
559 TheGoodToKnows 300.0000.788
560 H3LP?! 300.0000.788
561 JordanShell 200.0000.554
562 Un!0nn 200.0000.553
563 Cyber Eagles Prime 200.0000.553
564 la3riba 200.0000.553
565 100Trying 200.0000.553
566 Dwarf 200.0000.553
567 Alexius 200.0000.553
568 MAKTRAHER 200.0000.553
569 Super_Hackers 200.0000.552
570 $kali$ 200.0000.552
571 Slab Allocator 200.0000.552
572 babyd0nthurtm3 200.0000.552
573 pymi 200.0000.552
574 binib 200.0000.552
575 m0h31h31 200.0000.552
576 HoppalaTeam 200.0000.551
577 sp4r1ng 200.0000.551
578 r00t_u53rS 200.0000.551
579 4lliance 200.0000.551
580 c29sbw== 200.0000.551
581 DCCyber 200.0000.551
582 1NCEPTION 200.0000.551
583 | | | 200.0000.550
584 marsvillager 200.0000.550
585 catfishpie 200.0000.550
586 Solo beginner 200.0000.550
587 PwnUnity 200.0000.550
588 Binary Blitz 200.0000.550
589 hepha 200.0000.550
590 dwp 200.0000.549
591 Hutech Galaticos 200.0000.549
592 BBU 200.0000.549
593 HELLBORNs 200.0000.549
594 h 200.0000.549
595 hehe 200.0000.549
596 L3V1 200.0000.549
597 infosec_team 200.0000.548
598 Elaine_niu 200.0000.548
599 M4zeRunn3rz 200.0000.548
600 Hack@Bit 200.0000.548
601 c1 200.0000.548
602 Captain Milky 200.0000.548
603 $TRANGER 200.0000.548
604 Aisatsu Gaming 200.0000.548
605 zzzz 200.0000.547
606 dozerwatch 200.0000.547
607 #whoami 200.0000.547
608 YMD_HK 200.0000.547
609 Growroot 200.0000.547
610 LSP 200.0000.547
611 wh1te4ever 200.0000.547
612 HuyHo 200.0000.546
613 Red Flag 200.0000.546
614 alilvy 200.0000.546
615 Karasuno 200.0000.546
616 Chaos_AD 200.0000.546
617 phylasso@SecurityFirst 200.0000.546
618 orangewater 200.0000.546
619 Venako 200.0000.546
620 Striker1 200.0000.545
621 Elysia 200.0000.545
622 Haritha Ramesh 200.0000.545
623 T1g3r5 200.0000.545
624 Tomia 200.0000.545
625 Cyber Seekers 200.0000.545
626 aswtgfhy 200.0000.545
627 lmao1234 200.0000.545
628 White_Rose 200.0000.544
629 Erge 200.0000.544
630 Zessika13 200.0000.544
631 e building esports 200.0000.544
632 id_qw 200.0000.544
633 RizzlesTeam 200.0000.544
634 justremember.0123 200.0000.544
635 chaiiika 200.0000.544
636 NJ1T_H1ghland3r5 200.0000.544
637 Wint3r 100.0000.309
638 kava bar strobe party 100.0000.309
639 Mobyduck 100.0000.309
640 mhades 100.0000.309
641 KXTI_HOSTages 100.0000.309
642 hyl 100.0000.309
643 DandA 100.0000.309
644 CCP! 100.0000.309
645 nhl4000 100.0000.308
646 C3ph3us 100.0000.308
647 NERV 100.0000.308
648 ByamB4 100.0000.308
649 ffffffff 100.0000.308
650 buf!3rBr34CH3r$ 100.0000.308
651 flag 100.0000.308
652 BirdSs 100.0000.308
653 Tiger 100.0000.308
654 BA$H 100.0000.307
655 Besti Club 100.0000.307
656 Strawhats 100.0000.307
657 Z0k3r 100.0000.307
658 P4PER 100.0000.307
659 pipsqueaks 100.0000.307
660 pwngenius 100.0000.307
661 try to be better 100.0000.307
662 P0K3R007 100.0000.307
663 D0wn13s 100.0000.306
664 U_SH3LL 100.0000.306
665 Blue Hens 100.0000.306
666 EditaCTF 100.0000.306
667 Satyasai 100.0000.306
668 3ncryptors 100.0000.306
669 ancd 100.0000.306
670 Emanresu69 100.0000.306
671 pacami 100.0000.306
672 LaxmanB 100.0000.305
673 M4shl3_Boys 100.0000.305
674 Darsh_Jain-Me 100.0000.305
675 Untitled CTF Game 100.0000.305
676 p1r4t35 0f w38 100.0000.305
677 etc2020 100.0000.305
678 AreDaYush? 100.0000.305
679 K@mi0ni 100.0000.305
680 mendyjikol 100.0000.305
681 not0rd3rs 100.0000.305
682 Snaplone 100.0000.304
683 ATS 100.0000.304
684 Orkada 100.0000.304
685 Lobotomy 100.0000.304
686 H3ll0 100.0000.304
687 n00bt01337 100.0000.304
688 jyjh 100.0000.304
689 Horde 100.0000.304
690 Hor1zon 100.0000.304
691 Samosa 100.0000.303
692 abcd 100.0000.303
693 f4n_n3r0 100.0000.303
694 ZeroOnes 100.0000.303
695 M-Team 100.0000.303
696 Team Spiryt 100.0000.303
697 b1p0lyar0chk@ 100.0000.303
698 KaramboRambo 100.0000.303
699 double22 100.0000.303
700 hhe 100.0000.303
701 HACK_RATb 100.0000.302
702 asd 100.0000.302
703 Aboo 100.0000.302
704 Danonymous 100.0000.302
705 billynomates 100.0000.302
706 ░M░Y░ ░F░L░A░G░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░ 100.0000.302
707 MaverickSquad 100.0000.302
708 hackernomads 100.0000.302
709 RA7N 100.0000.302
710 HeringsFilet 100.0000.302
711 superbeginner 100.0000.302
712 hguj 100.0000.301
713 ddos_saint 100.0000.301
714 Phantom troupe 100.0000.301
715 T0man 100.0000.301
716 Hack'olyte 100.0000.301
717 jaylem3nt 100.0000.301
718 karmasutra 100.0000.301
719 Zer0thSquad 100.0000.301
720 DeLegatDes 100.0000.301
721 Byte Me If You Can 100.0000.301
722 ETTaco 100.0000.301
723 theNewTeam 100.0000.300
724 Mazala 100.0000.300
725 red13ua 100.0000.300
726 4GUn7uk 100.0000.300
727 Hipexpert 100.0000.300
728 DrBlue 100.0000.300
729 Zeto1366 100.0000.300
730 Nonpaxhax 100.0000.300
731 Hybase 100.0000.300
732 soala gogo 100.0000.300
733 121 100.0000.300
734 Techn0xploit 100.0000.299
735 AKU SAYANG IBU 100.0000.299
736 Mozzarella 100.0000.299
737 Marin 100.0000.299
738 Adam's Angels 100.0000.299
739 Pink Sparkly Unicorns 100.0000.299
740 LowLifeLANs 100.0000.299
741 penetrators 100.0000.299
742 deathphish 100.0000.299
743 100.0000.299
744 Ass3rtCr3w 100.0000.299
745 ahdh2 100.0000.298
746 MidnightRebels 100.0000.298
747 Aeon 100.0000.298
748 CyberWeapons 100.0000.298
749 i need friends 100.0000.298
750 r4v3n 100.0000.298
751 noobmaster123 100.0000.298
752 who 100.0000.298
753 DemonCore 100.0000.298
754 azooz 100.0000.298
755 100.0000.298
756 Tuttle 100.0000.298
757 Team-Fuze 100.0000.297
758 Firewall To Pwn 100.0000.297
759 AlwaysBeNoobing 100.0000.297
760 sanjayism 100.0000.297
761 Solomon901 100.0000.297
762 heysarathem 100.0000.297
763 SSS 100.0000.297
764 GroovyStars 100.0000.297
765 samdem 100.0000.297
766 Thread in the Needle 100.0000.297
767 kali 100.0000.297
768 OU7S1D3RS 100.0000.297
769 WeAre 100.0000.296
770 ttyusb 100.0000.296
771 Owny 100.0000.296
772 0v3r 100.0000.296
773 goatlord14 100.0000.296
774 Av3ng3rs 1n1t14t1v3 100.0000.296
775 _002t 100.0000.296
776 LamentA 100.0000.296
777 somayi2021 100.0000.296
778 Zoros 100.0000.296
779 Ryu 100.0000.296
780 Flagphilia 100.0000.296
781 TuX 100.0000.295
782 StrixGoldhorn 100.0000.295
783 Team TSIS2 100.0000.295
784 Twil4 100.0000.295
785 cet6 100.0000.295
786 youaregood 100.0000.295
787 e? 100.0000.295
788 Akatsuki 100.0000.295
789 CatSolution 100.0000.295
790 PracticeTeam 100.0000.295
791 x0rc3r3rs 100.0000.295
792 123gng123gng 100.0000.295
793 Team_Warrior 100.0000.295
794 TCTN 100.0000.294
795 GGG 100.0000.294
796 p4r4d0x 100.0000.294
797 __No0♭__ 100.0000.294
798 Formula Zero 100.0000.294
799 Z3r01 100.0000.294
800 menoone 100.0000.294
801 guugu_yimithirr 100.0000.294
802 CyCrawlers 100.0000.294
803 zr0x 100.0000.294
804 J 100.0000.294
805 Bulldozer 100.0000.294
806 Hee 100.0000.294
807 k35ua1 100.0000.294
808 amarmic 100.0000.293
809 qwerty123 100.0000.293
810 cybfags 100.0000.293
811 1NTERLUDE 100.0000.293
812 hacktheplanet 100.0000.293
813 cafecorgi 100.0000.293
814 string not found 100.0000.293
815 Riki 100.0000.293
816 random LoL 100.0000.293
817 CLGT 100.0000.293
818 GoatsOfCTF 100.0000.293
819 h1ddenFlag 100.0000.293
820 KO7MO 100.0000.293
821 ins0mnia 100.0000.292
822 shellpwn 100.0000.292
823 atika 100.0000.292
824 zctf 100.0000.292
825 necitex 100.0000.292
826 0x1F605 100.0000.292
827 0x3b 100.0000.292
828 A1andNS 100.0000.292
829 haxors 100.0000.292
830 R3gr3t 100.0000.292
831 100.0000.292
832 midnight-faxerz 100.0000.292
833 Chess'hack 100.0000.292
834 errormath 100.0000.292
835 w3hunters 100.0000.292
836 xzer0_backdoor_team 100.0000.291
837 hawwk 100.0000.291
838 Cyber Security Enthusiast 100.0000.291
839 foo4e 100.0000.291
840 得闲饮茶 100.0000.291
841 Voteri 100.0000.291
842 Night 100.0000.291
843 Neu 100.0000.291
844 barracuda 100.0000.291
845 QWKA00 100.0000.291
846 Triumvirate 100.0000.291
847 KXTI_hak4snoy 100.0000.291
848 Yanush 100.0000.291
849 memyselfandi 100.0000.291
850 Kifriki 100.0000.290
851 s0l0_JG 100.0000.290
852 McLovin 100.0000.290
853 khaledsh 100.0000.290
854 Dhdhsnnd 100.0000.145
foo4eMarch 31, 2024, 7:38 a.m.


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