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Participated in CTF events

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
564UTCTF 2025342.00001.669
218ApoorvCTF 2025550.00001.300
96EHAX CTF 20251000.00002.529
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
195 GlacierCTF 2024100.00000.642
301SpookyCTF 2024507.00000.738
55Blue Water CTF 2024220.00006.290
175IRON CTF 20241567.00002.455
219BuckeyeCTF 2024470.00003.247
330PatriotCTF 20241390.00002.513
348CyberSpace CTF 2024250.00000.447
383justCTF 2024 teaser50.00001.004
20RITSEC CTF 20242562.00009.183
160UTCTF 20243725.00009.017
43vikeCTF 2024800.00005.628
120GCC CTF 2024497.00001.039

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