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two sillies who constantly tries to commit smth

Plan to participate in CTF events

DefCamp Capture the Flag (D-CTF) 2024 QualsSept. 27, 2024, 10 a.m.
Pointer Overflow CTF - 2024Sept. 15, 2024, noon

Participated in CTF events

Overall rating place: 531 with 73.806 pts in 2024

Country place: 1

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
366H7CTF International150.00000.000*
819PatriotCTF 2024400.00000.734
216KubanCTF Qualifier 2024600.00001.673
174jailCTF 2024203.00000.348
85COMPFEST CTF 2024300.00001.702
60Urmia CTF 20241200.00004.091
163snakeCTF 2024 Quals100.00000.497
666CSAW CTF Qualification Round 2024150.00000.543
566BlackHat MEA CTF Qualification 202490.00000.887
290n00bzCTF 20242873.00006.847
98ENOWARS 817490.740733.138
405ImaginaryCTF 2024900.00003.140
610HITCON CTF 2024 Quals50.00000.754
606DownUnderCTF 2024900.00005.296
224Junior.Crypt.2024 CTF550.00002.542
383UIUCTF 2024715.00004.017
88The Hacker Conclave500.00005.123
63İGÜCTF 24'150.00000.000
89HACK'OSINT - CTF6.00000.000
185Wani CTF 20241489.00005.720
260vsCTF 20241247.00003.892
184DIVER OSINT CTF 2024510.00000.000
698BCACTF 5.075.00000.654
584 GPN CTF 202454.00000.252

Team members