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Participated in CTF events

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
559AmateursCTF 2023352.00000.372
706TJCTF 202314.00000.139
246Security Fest 202337.00000.215
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
398Really Awesome CTF 2021350.00000.869
140InCTF 2021110.00000.834
85DaVinciCTF 2021273.00002.519
933Tenable CTF 2021375.00001.258
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
111Hack The Vote 20201.00000.230
290EKOPARTY CTF 2020291.00000.562
556DownUnderCTF 2020500.00000.920
439redpwnCTF 20202318.00002.472
627AUCTF 20201058.00000.625

Overall rating place: 979 with 21.590 pts in 2018

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
461SEC-T CTF51.00000.608
65ISITDTU CTF 2018 Quals1194.00002.357
403DEF CON CTF Qualifier 2018102.00001.903
439Timisoara CTF 2018 Quals1.00000.063
127WPICTF 2018513.00002.859
409SunshineCTF 201851.00000.133
123SwampCTF 20181574.00003.662
338VolgaCTF 2018 Quals10.00000.150
465ångstromCTF 2018680.00004.120
341NeverLAN CTF 2018660.00001.364
305TAMUctf 181154.00004.434
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
183The 318br, DESEC, and SucuriHC Capture The Flag (3DSCTF)400.00001.136

Team members