Sun, 21 June 2020, 20:00 UTC — Thu, 25 June 2020, 20:00 UTC 


DiceCTF Teaser event.

Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL:

You will be able to login this event with CTFtime.

This event's future weight is subject of public voting!

Future weight: 32.61 

Rating weight: 22.63 

Event organizers 

Register for redpwnCTF at

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This year, we will distribute the following prizes among top teams:

- $2,000 of Digital Ocean credits
- $1,000 USD thanks to Trail of Bits
- HackerOne swag including hoodies, t-shirts, private program invites, and more

Thank you to our generous sponsors!

Trail of Bits:




1490 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 Kernel Sanders 21671.00045.260
2 Never Stop Exploiting 21174.00033.426
4 Callipygian Consortium of Cryptography 19674.00026.202
5 HackingForSoju 19187.00024.562
6 bootplug 19185.00023.806
7 Defenit 19184.00023.266
8 the cr0wn 19177.00022.854
9 b1c 18192.00021.511
10 flagbot 16727.00019.730
11 /(spin)*s/ 16700.00019.496
12 EPT 15715.00018.296
13 blackjackets 15237.00017.652
14 Sentry Whale 15229.00017.519
15 VAPatriot ScubaSquad 15216.00017.398
16 ./Vespiary 14753.00016.820
17 RGBsec 14338.00016.304
18 King Moonracer 14300.00016.190
19 Goburin' 14279.00016.102
20 Srdnlen 14243.00016.005
21 OASIS 14229.00015.936
22 OpenToAll 13834.00015.475
23 M30W 13533.00015.116
24 BLAHAJ 13299.00014.830
25 Albytross 13292.00014.785
26 0x90r00t 13270.00014.728
27 Dunsparce 13263.00014.688
28 A MEOW 11827.00013.159
29 The WINRaRs 11809.00013.112
30 okman 11793.00013.069
31 CTF.SG 11382.00012.616
32 n0bitz 11345.00012.554
33 The Additional Payphones 11335.00012.522
34 Praetors 11332.00012.499
35 PwnaSonic 10959.00012.091
36 Mayas 10946.00012.059
37 Regular Fellows 10931.00012.026
38 Plaid Parliament of Pwning 10915.00011.994
39 socialdistancing 10836.00011.896
40 KUDoS 10825.00011.870
41 PentaHex 10825.00011.856
42 dcua 10824.00011.842
43 L Distribution 10822.00011.827
44 pwnthem0le 10813.00011.806
45 CSI 10801.00011.782
46 CYberMouflons 10318.00011.267
47 North of the Wall 9951.00010.873
48 ZH3R0 9890.00010.799
49 hackerbang 9869.00010.768
50 A1ph4Z3r0 9864.00010.753
51 Goofy Goobers 9849.00010.729
52 Hackiit 9469.00010.323
53 rats 9407.00010.250
54 inSmartCard 9392.00010.227
55 GRIS 9363.00010.189
56 admin' 9360.00010.178
57 BreakingCode101 9351.00010.162
58 1064CBread 8993.0009.781
59 notreally 8977.0009.758
60 ٩(ŏ﹏ŏ、)۶ 8975.0009.749
61 UnderDawgs 8939.0009.706
62 WebSpiders 8909.0009.668
63 0x90skids 8904.0009.657
64 Dent 8888.0009.635
65 LaserDragons 8886.0009.627
66 0xCD 8478.0009.196
67 mode13h 8443.0009.154
68 (mendung)10^6 8428.0009.134
69 GeoffreyY 8424.0009.125
70 pwnguins 8407.0009.102
71 solid-umbrella 8406.0009.097
72 cxp 8043.0008.713
73 The Order of Bit 7989.0008.653
74 Temp123 7973.0008.632
75 Corax 7969.0008.623
76 Forge 7944.0008.593
77 CamelRiders 7920.0008.564
78 ByteForc3 7915.0008.555
79 null2root 7770.0008.400
80 phishballs 7725.0008.350
81 technic 7706.0008.326
82 InfosecIITG 7650.0008.265
83 Djavaa 7622.0008.232
84 dotsu- 7593.0008.198
85 curlyflower 7517.0008.116
86 NULLKrypt3rs 7514.0008.110
87 TeamShakti 7514.0008.107
88 Fword 7480.0008.068
89 Mashiro 7467.0008.052
90 VAPORSEC 7459.0008.041
91 m1z0r3 7455.0008.034
92 N0p5l3d 7439.0008.014
93 Bat Squad 7408.0007.979
94 401111 7240.0007.801
95 VN_MSEC 7180.0007.736
96 chikkkkkkkkkka 7179.0007.732
97 SIG0CT 7179.0007.730
98 7160.0007.708
99 keep__calm 7090.0007.632
100 Operation Gill Freedom 7080.0007.620
101 paradox 7047.0007.583
102 Zense 7046.0007.580
103 Haar 7042.0007.573
104 STeam 7027.0007.556
105 noraneco 7026.0007.552
106 Busi 7016.0007.540
107 Slow Coders 7015.0007.537
108 UMDCSEC 6981.0007.499
109 bruh 6977.0007.493
110 永恒之蓝 6977.0007.491
111 SKR 6968.0007.480
112 SqU4dR0n 6959.0007.469
113 hackpack 6958.0007.466
114 RTN 6736.0007.233
115 Shellphish 6621.0007.111
116 bickoSiTiEff 6595.0007.082
117 pwnbg 6594.0007.079
118 Ph4t3 6552.0007.034
119 no correlation 6552.0007.032
120 PwnAlPesto 6539.0007.017
121 watevr 6523.0006.999
122 UWCTF 6494.0006.967
123 MyLonelyTym 6469.0006.939
125 oioki 6205.0006.661
126 kwkt n daikon (Sun* AI) 6204.0006.658
127 PeanutButter.jar 6202.0006.655
128 PWN to 0xE4 6129.0006.577
129 isss 6122.0006.568
130 PolloETroie 6120.0006.565
131 APUctF 6113.0006.556
132 DarkArmy 6106.0006.548
133 Hacky Easter 6103.0006.543
134 IrisCS 6101.0006.540
135 JAEGERS 6091.0006.528
136 Devol33tions 6090.0006.526
137 csictf 6084.0006.518
138 k4M1K4zE 6070.0006.503
139 utilitas 6066.0006.497
140 shikame 6058.0006.488
141 fafafa 6057.0006.486
142 warlock_rootx 5956.0006.379
143 teamForFun 5944.0006.365
144 TeamAardvark 5869.0006.286
145 legal-team 5831.0006.245
146 zepto 5807.0006.219
147 Sigmas 5748.0006.156
148 BisonCS 5744.0006.151
149 can 5732.0006.138
150 Porg Pwn Platoon 5724.0006.128
151 diogoscf 5723.0006.126
152 MV9rwGOf08 5710.0006.112
153 team_7even 5705.0006.105
154 Grim Craftsmen 5703.0006.102
155 Nupakachi 5695.0006.093
156 thi8Eivi 5694.0006.091
157 APT593 5687.0006.083
158 noobs4life 5667.0006.061
159 3 Prongs And a Computer 5647.0006.039
160 forty-two 5635.0006.026
161 buzzyboiz 5619.0006.008
162 ENOFLAG 5558.0005.944
163 SWV_L 5511.0005.894
164 BITSkrieg 5454.0005.833
165 Samurai 5436.0005.814
166 OurLastNight 5401.0005.776
167 Tomatosalad 5394.0005.768
168 tiangeng 5380.0005.753
169 K0nFu53D C@ 5346.0005.716
170 pkucc 5332.0005.701
171 Capgemini Aces Of Spades 5293.0005.660
172 LE37 5271.0005.636
173 ImmersiveSec 5266.0005.630
174 Sky2Pwn 5255.0005.618
175 quriosity 5241.0005.602
176 nullSec 5240.0005.600
177 frickari 5237.0005.597
178 onotch 5230.0005.589
179 S1gm0id 5224.0005.582
180 0x62EEN7EA 5219.0005.576
181 4B2Y 5211.0005.567
182 P1rates 5202.0005.557
183 OLAN 5180.0005.533
184 Nullz 5177.0005.529
185 teamWithNoName 5137.0005.487
186 Jordin 5120.0005.468
187 The Core 5066.0005.411
188 x0r19x91 5015.0005.357
189 MMMM4 5014.0005.356
190 burner_herz0g 4957.0005.295
191 pwnLANdir$ 4949.0005.286
192 noTeamName 4928.0005.264
193 calypsys 4919.0005.254
194 antivirusvirusclub 4909.0005.243
195 LethalArmadillo 4907.0005.240
196 SleeplessNights 4894.0005.226
197 CraicThePlanet 4877.0005.208
198 CS_Gang 4875.0005.205
199 CatsGetRoot 4859.0005.188
200 Highway to HAL 4850.0005.178
201 InfoSecIITR 4840.0005.167
202 DolphinPhishing 4834.0005.160
203 irNoobs 4831.0005.156
204 rampage 4830.0005.155
205 BlackFan 4830.0005.154
206 PussyCat_flag.txt 4825.0005.148
207 SectorD 4790.0005.111
208 Loughborough University Computer Security Society 4770.0005.090
209 Pwnie Island 4762.0005.081
210 House of Suicide 4755.0005.073
211 eminem 4723.0005.039
212 Federation 4721.0005.037
213 empty_ 4715.0005.030
214 notPearl 4671.0004.983
215 flag{}___Orz 4618.0004.928
216 pptown 4590.0004.898
217 RooterX 4582.0004.889
218 bout_to_get_flagged 4573.0004.879
219 bennes-team 4559.0004.864
220 banglish 4520.0004.823
221 Cows 4505.0004.807
222 TechnoNZ 4489.0004.790
223 y0d31 4473.0004.772
224 runn3r5 4444.0004.742
225 HorsePower 4430.0004.727
226 MOCTF 4425.0004.721
227 r/LearnCTF 4422.0004.717
228 Four and a Half Coders 4417.0004.712
229 AnomalyZA 4414.0004.708
230 Rocket24h 4407.0004.700
231 KernelPicnic 4383.0004.675
232 Not X Human Army 4378.0004.669
233 HackWara 4361.0004.651
234 kurisutina 4352.0004.641
235 New beginner 4343.0004.631
236 pwndr3 4321.0004.608
237 minicert 4136.0004.415
238 x0rc3r3rs 4135.0004.413
239 Bread 4113.0004.390
240 DonnerParty 4109.0004.385
241 OSUSEC 4096.0004.371
242 hardcode 4095.0004.370
243 r3billions 4077.0004.351
244 wolvsec 4041.0004.313
245 PagBhega 4024.0004.294
246 Nave1337 4009.0004.278
247 YellowHatN00bs 4006.0004.275
248 bolgia4 3977.0004.244
249 Rage Against The Madame 3972.0004.239
250 Omae Wa Shindeiru 3963.0004.229
251 acdwas 3960.0004.225
252 ^D 3955.0004.220
253 Black Knights 3954.0004.218
254 c4p74In1r5 3941.0004.204
255 Metasequoia 3939.0004.202
256 Nah 3930.0004.192
257 kristapsc 3913.0004.174
258 QUT_WHITEHATS 3858.0004.116
259 Polymod3some 3842.0004.099
260 ZeroMemory 3813.0004.069
261 RFGHOST 3804.0004.059
262 Kboy 3792.0004.046
263 Ultimate 3782.0004.035
264 zer0byte 3779.0004.032
265 bpcrab 3772.0004.024
266 Fr4gment 3717.0003.967
267 Deadlock Team 3715.0003.964
268 smp 3697.0003.945
269 0xdeabbeaf 3693.0003.941
270 losiny 3691.0003.938
271 sergio 3678.0003.924
272 misng 3677.0003.923
273 badfirmware 3675.0003.921
274 NuttyShell 3670.0003.915
275 sf 3655.0003.899
276 Chocob333 3650.0003.894
277 Cáerme 3649.0003.892
278 Department of Defense against Digital Dark Arts 3649.0003.892
279 meow 3645.0003.887
280 PTZCTF 3630.0003.871
281 enTaris 3623.0003.864
282 MonoidsInTheCategoryOfEndofunctors 3619.0003.859
283 V3ct0red 3617.0003.857
284 N30Z30N 3617.0003.857
285 Night Shift 3587.0003.825
286 Fweefwop 3587.0003.825
287 hackgiyan 3583.0003.820
288 Cyb3rpunk_squad 3567.0003.803
289 Krakos The Iegend 3561.0003.797
290 Swordntfish 3553.0003.788
291 ByteBandits 3541.0003.775
292 h4ckn 3534.0003.768
293 foobar 3517.0003.750
294 Tabarnhack 3507.0003.739
295 Timo 3501.0003.733
296 ckmkb 3404.0003.631
297 c0d3nh4ck 3388.0003.614
298 CrackTheFlag 3365.0003.590
299 Hackwaba Cybersec 3362.0003.586
300 altdudas 3358.0003.582
301 L33t0n7h3\/\/@`/ 3347.0003.570
302 OAAOAOAOOOAO 3345.0003.568
303 Debugmen 3314.0003.535
304 Play_with_me 3291.0003.511
305 0xN1ghtRa1d 3284.0003.504
306 N33rdZ 3283.0003.502
307 Wani Hackase 3272.0003.491
308 Game Night 3263.0003.481
309 Lions 3258.0003.475
310 Globsec 3234.0003.450
311 GARID LUCID 3232.0003.448
312 TheAlphaHackers 3222.0003.437
313 Monorail 3221.0003.436
314 hanto 3218.0003.432
315 Nope_sled 3208.0003.422
316 ctf4bba 3199.0003.412
317 K1_W4L0 3188.0003.400
318 quintuplecs 3181.0003.393
319 3177.0003.389
320 igotinfected 3172.0003.383
321 Eh? 3168.0003.379
322 Delta Squad Zero 3147.0003.357
323 south 3146.0003.355
324 crypt0nite 3146.0003.355
325 0xC0FF1D19 3145.0003.354
326 shakal 3141.0003.349
327 RedPWNies 3139.0003.347
328 pawnme_daddy 3132.0003.340
329 kknock 3126.0003.333
330 CYBERN00Bs 3126.0003.333
331 Magic Goes Wrong 3126.0003.333
332 trollteam 3118.0003.324
333 VDKT 3102.0003.307
334 NJU_Trinity 3081.0003.285
335 Silverbois 3072.0003.275
336 tesk_n_yirgy 3062.0003.265
337 GeeseWithTeeth 3060.0003.263
338 l4sh 3027.0003.228
339 mnikesh 2985.0003.184
340 rustled_jimmies 2983.0003.182
341 HellOnKeyboards 2957.0003.154
342 Holy Empire 2948.0003.145
343 S.C.P 2943.0003.139
344 benben 2913.0003.108
345 NeuralBots 2903.0003.097
346 VD 2894.0003.087
347 SudoWoodoDoasWoodo 2891.0003.084
348 Undvik 2890.0003.083
349 stdnoerr-team 2882.0003.074
350 Yoshikage Kira 2871.0003.063
351 RATF{Rage Against The Flag} 2869.0003.060
352 After_the_CM 2868.0003.059
353 bluemoon 2856.0003.046
354 so_noob 2848.0003.038
355 Tech Haven 2844.0003.034
356 tototo 2820.0003.008
357 M1n3rs 2820.0003.008
358 turb0 2818.0003.006
359 CAPTCHA the Flag 2818.0003.006
360 outOfCheese 2817.0003.005
361 shellpwn 2815.0003.002
362 xor and the half adder 2813.0003.000
363 418 Im a teapot 2810.0002.997
364 scsc 2809.0002.995
365 Fluid Attacks 2806.0002.992
366 TeamOrigin 2806.0002.992
367 hacK-22 2804.0002.990
368 lambdax 2800.0002.985
369 Creative Name 2783.0002.967
370 Hacararra 2778.0002.962
371 killswitch 2772.0002.956
372 asd 2761.0002.944
373 FreshOrClean 2761.0002.944
374 ghk 2750.0002.932
375 MEH 2745.0002.927
376 stankc 2739.0002.920
377 IJCT 2738.0002.919
378 PTIT New_Seed 2735.0002.916
379 catp3rson 2719.0002.899
380 adflkmaldfl 2718.0002.898
381 T35H 2660.0002.837
382 JustAnotherLoneWolf 2650.0002.827
383 excusemewtf 2622.0002.797
384 ulfkor01 2602.0002.776
385 South Squad 2593.0002.767
386 W3rni0 2571.0002.743
387 breaking-breakpoints 2542.0002.713
388 Resery 2541.0002.712
389 Sieberrsec 2540.0002.711
390 murphitm 2528.0002.698
391 takanori17h 2523.0002.693
392 amsraman 2514.0002.683
393 Gymea 2513.0002.682
394 Cory in the House 2504.0002.672
395 TSG 2492.0002.660
396 TTTT 2492.0002.659
397 RhinehartsOysterBar 2486.0002.653
398 0xdeadbeef 2475.0002.641
399 kanyewest 2468.0002.634
400 Gzmtu 2468.0002.634
401 tabbingToSpace 2467.0002.633
402 RPCA Cyber Club 2460.0002.625
403 W0lf_P4ck 2457.0002.622
404 UnAnonymous 2455.0002.620
405 k0kos 2454.0002.618
406 jjy-demo 2451.0002.615
407 dplastico 2446.0002.610
408 DERPA 2444.0002.608
409 Vape_Dab_Simp 2444.0002.607
410 TopWing 2435.0002.598
411 fr3nzyM1n3rs 2435.0002.598
412 Fake News 2434.0002.597
413 ByamB4 2433.0002.595
414 fr334aks 2421.0002.583
415 SecureMature 2418.0002.580
416 bytes4breakfast_REAL 2418.0002.579
417 CaptBoykin 2411.0002.572
418 k3k5d0s3 2410.0002.571
419 brkninjas 2409.0002.570
420 TeamPowerPrinter 2402.0002.562
421 lonelyboyz 2402.0002.562
422 woah what a cool team name 2400.0002.560
423 5digos 2400.0002.560
424 Ice 2399.0002.559
425 coolasdf 2395.0002.554
426 pangolin 2389.0002.548
427 ONO 2386.0002.545
428 Dc1ph3R 2385.0002.543
429 Forkbenders 2385.0002.543
430 m0nst3r_India 2385.0002.543
431 f1zz 2381.0002.539
432 0x10001 2380.0002.538
433 LINNNIL 2379.0002.537
434 sw1tchbl4d3 2375.0002.532
435 Team Steam Stream 2375.0002.532
436 rmrfslash 2347.0002.503
437 flying_animals 2337.0002.492
438 Maple Bacon 2327.0002.482
439 hawaiijohn 2318.0002.472
440 M57 2315.0002.469
441 NGA 2312.0002.466
442 take_7hls 2305.0002.458
443 Frost 2297.0002.450
444 void* vikings 2291.0002.443
445 Kuolema 2282.0002.434
446 PawnKriegz 2266.0002.417
447 Bessie_The_Cow 2266.0002.417
448 an7 2261.0002.412
449 SQLazo 2257.0002.407
450 ImaginaryCTF 2234.0002.383
451 \_(UwU)_/ 2233.0002.382
452 Procel 2222.0002.370
453 Hatlings 2222.0002.370
454 2012 Reboot 2217.0002.365
455 datdenkikniet 2206.0002.353
456 max.s 2191.0002.338
457 OmHack 2184.0002.330
458 hhro 2183.0002.329
459 ThePacemakers 2158.0002.303
460 jiitinfosec 2152.0002.296
461 obtain_r00t 2151.0002.295
462 OverDover 2140.0002.284
463 rise5 2138.0002.281
464 stukepovilu 2132.0002.275
465 abcde1212 2131.0002.274
466 The Black Box 2120.0002.262
467 Jayabaya 2118.0002.260
468 AWS is too expensive 2113.0002.255
469 DayMon 2105.0002.246
470 ~BADBYTE~ 2097.0002.238
471 bob 2092.0002.233
472 sophismparadox 2086.0002.226
473 0x8Layer 2076.0002.216
474 bcmp 2074.0002.214
475 austun12 2074.0002.213
476 NCTOP 2073.0002.212
477 Out Of Energy 2072.0002.211
478 sazouki 2072.0002.211
479 West 2071.0002.210
480 Fr13Nd5_DTU 2071.0002.210
481 ramenguagugongtan 2069.0002.208
482 c00taz 2062.0002.200
483 follow_stevent490 2061.0002.199
484 SWING 2056.0002.194
485 gr33nc0l1bry 2056.0002.194
486 b4dWH4k3r 2056.0002.194
487 Explota2 2051.0002.188
488 Mason 2044.0002.181
489 TEAM0001 2044.0002.181
490 shizixingjin 2038.0002.174
491 xreconkillerx 2037.0002.173
492 Spikers 2037.0002.173
493 CUSI 2037.0002.173
494 Blue Hens 2022.0002.157
495 security-holes 2021.0002.156
496 h4ck7u5 2021.0002.156
497 PFS 2019.0002.154
498 fgdfsgdf 2017.0002.152
499 bool_runnings 2015.0002.150
500 CBF 2012.0002.146
501 .Abc 2012.0002.146
502 hk2211 2011.0002.145
503 stoners 2008.0002.142
504 Rarioty 2005.0002.139
505 Cryptonite 2004.0002.137
506 ntropy 2001.0002.134
507 EntrePlicas 2001.0002.134
508 0n3mh5 2000.0002.133
509 SMILE 1989.0002.121
510 lic0n 1988.0002.120
511 gitak 1983.0002.115
512 Artificer 1977.0002.109
513 UET 1936.0002.066
514 Mason Competitive Cyber 1935.0002.065
515 ElmosGhost 1934.0002.064
516 RedTeam@MTU 1930.0002.059
517 fkillrra 1927.0002.056
518 SIGFLAG 1927.0002.056
519 Hus@r1@ 1923.0002.052
520 g1v3m3chee53 1913.0002.041
521 friends movement 1906.0002.034
522 UCB rejects 1895.0002.022
523 MegaByte Crew 1879.0002.005
524 Royal Flush 1875.0002.001
525 Just Me 1870.0001.996
526 ducks0ci3ty 1860.0001.985
527 Killer Queen 1859.0001.984
528 d3v1l 1857.0001.982
529 vfsrfs 1846.0001.970
530 mtfhackers 1834.0001.958
531 gruf 1826.0001.949
532 HackerKnights 1811.0001.934
533 ret2school 1786.0001.907
534 Byte Club 1786.0001.907
535 get_rekt 1786.0001.907
536 2girls1backup 1782.0001.903
537 TSpike 1779.0001.900
538 Error 404: Bad Gateway 1764.0001.884
539 Egui 1759.0001.879
540 sa981vil 1755.0001.875
541 BlackBird 1750.0001.869
542 Lab104 1732.0001.850
543 FCAHS Hacking Club 1731.0001.849
544 Transcendentalists 1728.0001.846
545 bob8gook 1724.0001.842
546 JustNotBob 1704.0001.821
547 Richard Stallman Fanclub 1695.0001.811
548 noob-atbash 1691.0001.807
549 magix 1690.0001.806
550 Free4ALL 1690.0001.806
551 newbie89 1689.0001.805
552 Slonser 1673.0001.788
553 h4ckb1tu5 1672.0001.787
554 Ivkin 1667.0001.782
555 swt02026 1666.0001.780
556 PTITHCM.Be_Ng0k 1665.0001.779
557 GTA6 1662.0001.776
558 room2042 1661.0001.775
559 AbnormalSec 1660.0001.774
560 Tinfoil Hats 1659.0001.773
561 DROP TABLE users 1659.0001.773
562 MM 1654.0001.767
563 cybermonkeys 1650.0001.763
564 kc 1650.0001.763
565 ChadSec 1649.0001.762
566 team bagel 1649.0001.762
567 SecOps 1649.0001.762
568 army_of_one 1649.0001.762
569 p3tj0n95 1648.0001.761
570 Catzsec 1648.0001.761
571 ahengers 1648.0001.761
572 secsyst 1648.0001.760
573 SРRUSH 1647.0001.759
574 DangerDash 1647.0001.759
575 kernelpoppers 1647.0001.759
576 K@i 1647.0001.759
577 eppooo 1643.0001.755
578 cscpwnz 1642.0001.754
579 Zipnx Team 1642.0001.754
580 CommandMaster 1642.0001.754
581 0xFr34k 1641.0001.753
582 dummyH 1639.0001.750
583 Czech Cyber Team 1639.0001.750
584 Yankoo 1637.0001.748
585 fargate 1627.0001.738
586 tokenPWNED 1626.0001.737
587 StronkSecurity 1624.0001.734
588 zaikoe 1610.0001.720
589 OrderofShadows 1601.0001.710
590 sh4dowr4nger 1549.0001.656
591 UCCU 1548.0001.655
592 team name 1547.0001.654
593 smolCrater-oneperson 1544.0001.650
594 SoloMayFour 1542.0001.648
595 LovenSar 1539.0001.645
596 Lone and Least 1538.0001.644
597 kkz0xb17 1538.0001.644
598 Crusader 1538.0001.644
599 The Sublime 1538.0001.644
600 OldMansLand 1538.0001.644
601 YingMuo 1538.0001.644
602 QB 1537.0001.643
603 elluceesencantador 1537.0001.643
604 test0 1537.0001.642
605 r34lly_4w3s0m3 1533.0001.638
606 Eat, Sleep, Pwn, Repeat 1532.0001.637
607 SROS OS 1525.0001.630
608 Alegori 1512.0001.616
609 f1ash 1509.0001.613
610 Tri{Hacking} 1503.0001.607
611 rootstorm 1501.0001.604
612 zozozozo 1501.0001.604
613 t h e h o u s e h o l d 1500.0001.603
614 The Bean Team 1500.0001.603
615 UBASecCTFs 1498.0001.601
616 ddddhm 1488.0001.591
617 Divide by Zero Exceptionals 1485.0001.587
618 Priyam2k 1484.0001.586
619 noar 1481.0001.583
620 an_to_dy 1480.0001.582
621 T3D 1477.0001.579
622 CyberNinjas 1475.0001.577
623 TKNK 1464.0001.565
624 Coding N Hacking Nation 1462.0001.563
625 nullSpec 1458.0001.559
626 The Tactical Apes 1458.0001.559
627 qtwhales 1447.0001.547
629 sleepykitty307 1445.0001.545
630 Pyrosaurus 1428.0001.527
631 rootNET 1428.0001.527
632 beaker 1422.0001.521
633 rookie_mistake 1416.0001.514
634 CyBeR BuLLiEs 1416.0001.514
635 Reno Red Team 1415.0001.513
636 0xff0000 1415.0001.513
637 Cyber Pig Security 1414.0001.512
638 nanaciiiiiiiii 1414.0001.512
639 Beachcombers 1399.0001.496
640 1379.0001.475
641 D3fau1t 1379.0001.475
642 vmovq 1362.0001.458
643 cobracmds 1356.0001.451
644 0x5C71873F 1355.0001.450
645 p4snet0 1354.0001.449
646 mjkoo 1353.0001.448
647 sol2 1353.0001.448
648 kad96 1348.0001.443
649 Cryptal_Clear 1339.0001.433
650 kuriosly 1331.0001.425
651 [SHP]-HiddenFileVillage 1325.0001.418
652 Kin9M0n 1319.0001.412
653 nguyendqn 1309.0001.402
654 Chambers 1306.0001.398
655 Blufius Marqueet II 1306.0001.398
656 Intentions 1302.0001.394
657 Xai Trính Tã 1302.0001.394
658 yeshenmei 1301.0001.393
659 peli_0991 1301.0001.393
660 zptnlfwn 1301.0001.393
661 0ut3rm05t 1301.0001.393
662 The Infinity Bytes 1301.0001.393
663 DeathMetalDonkeyHunters 1301.0001.393
664 L33t Dev 1301.0001.393
665 StrawHatPirates 1301.0001.393
666 DIMI h4ck3r 1301.0001.393
667 a team 1300.0001.391
668 d4rkc0de 1300.0001.391
669 ushiken 1300.0001.391
670 ADvertisement 1300.0001.391
671 Dokko 1300.0001.391
672 Lownoise 1300.0001.391
673 kolt 1300.0001.391
674 Iceclue 1300.0001.391
675 Tarnished Trepidation 1299.0001.390
676 M4nu 1297.0001.388
677 Ne4dY 1290.0001.381
678 __ 1275.0001.365
679 Cheater1000 1268.0001.357
680 LeonT 1268.0001.357
681 fzhshzh 1266.0001.355
682 sebastian900 1236.0001.324
683 glasgow 1227.0001.314
684 bunch777 1217.0001.304
685 R0ch4rd_f1ls 1209.0001.296
686 rangers 1209.0001.295
687 Enterman 1192.0001.278
688 rins3r 1172.0001.257
689 WHITERHATS 1164.0001.248
690 Saiyans 1155.0001.239
691 Superrrrr 1154.0001.238
692 3agl3 1153.0001.237
693 isok_ 1153.0001.237
695 NotHotdog 1152.0001.236
696 Just4Fun 1152.0001.235
697 k203 1149.0001.232
698 showeremoji 1143.0001.226
699 Sk1Ds 1143.0001.226
700 Sparkz 1137.0001.220
701 gunga ginga gang 1136.0001.219
702 ratchetman 1125.0001.207
703 R7N 1123.0001.205
704 shelltox 1121.0001.203
705 nkandy44 1117.0001.199
706 nUb5 1117.0001.198
707 N3cr0g1z3r 1116.0001.197
708 eM00 1116.0001.197
709 hhhhhhhhhhhhhh 1115.0001.196
710 Mugiwara no JoJo 1113.0001.194
711 Vangelis 1113.0001.194
712 Albanis 1113.0001.194
713 bored 1109.0001.190
714 XPLOIT3RZ 1104.0001.185
715 whacker 1104.0001.185
716 wurzelPI 1104.0001.184
717 qqqqqqq 1097.0001.177
718 Team_M 1089.0001.169
719 ZSD 1089.0001.169
720 CTF_Circle 1088.0001.168
721 Learning Is Fun! 1088.0001.168
722 PROACTIVE 1088.0001.167
723 4141414141 1087.0001.166
724 .elite 1076.0001.155
725 allOrNothing 1075.0001.154
726 Opps 1074.0001.153
727 securitynerds 1074.0001.153
728 cqdeof 1074.0001.153
729 sin(θ) 1074.0001.153
730 Harshwardhan mehrotra 1074.0001.153
731 poyraz 1074.0001.152
732 ChocolateCity 1074.0001.152
733 M1LLCR3PE 1074.0001.152
734 C@llboys 1074.0001.152
735 Cyber Chicken 1074.0001.152
736 D3mentia 1073.0001.151
737 haar123456 1073.0001.151
738 H3xH3x 1071.0001.149
739 m0nk3y 1069.0001.147
740 HypeNah 1063.0001.141
741 exntrc 1063.0001.141
742 VORLD 1062.0001.139
743 T4ng0_t34m 1056.0001.133
744 SyrianCybers 1056.0001.133
745 Kasik 1056.0001.133
746 big_b1u3 1056.0001.133
747 Compiled Without Errors 1056.0001.133
748 Andteager 1056.0001.133
749 just one dude 1055.0001.132
750 hanemile 1055.0001.132
751 ColdExposure 1055.0001.132
752 Apple Tech Support 1055.0001.132
753 gurren 1055.0001.132
754 B1tsy 1054.0001.131
755 BigSri 1054.0001.131
756 Supermac30 1054.0001.131
757 Immunity 1045.0001.121
758 Zenith 1038.0001.114
759 KSJMT 1026.0001.101
760 takke 1025.0001.100
761 popo 1013.0001.088
762 homeAlone3 1009.0001.083
763 cyberstudents 1007.0001.081
764 rot13 1005.0001.079
765 ASDFFS 1000.0001.074
766 __D4RK_4RMY__ 998.0001.072
767 LabSeg 997.0001.071
768 Sy_Zer\0 997.0001.071
769 cyb3r_w1z4rd5 997.0001.071
770 Lost in Bytes 996.0001.069
771 gamnabit 996.0001.069
772 noname 995.0001.068
773 sotianyi 995.0001.068
774 snever 995.0001.068
775 All Bark No Byte 995.0001.068
777 CS4 978.0001.050
778 cccc0m0d0 970.0001.042
779 Poggers 965.0001.037
780 SSS 964.0001.036
781 Karaelmas Black Team 961.0001.033
782 JHDiscord 948.0001.019
783 secutest 947.0001.018
784 watermelontree 947.0001.018
785 In(n)siders 930.0001.000
786 GautamGreat 929.0000.999
787 dog 927.0000.997
788 Xfur 925.0000.995
789 f00bA 925.0000.995
790 Xisco 925.0000.995
791 gr33kGod 925.0000.995
792 Trojan187 925.0000.995
793 ') DROP TABLE flags 924.0000.993
794 n0paew 916.0000.985
795 CTFHub 912.0000.981
796 Nordlicht 910.0000.979
797 origineel 909.0000.978
798 tadaaa 908.0000.977
799 RockyBhai 908.0000.977
800 Wolfrevo 908.0000.976
801 0R1G1N33L 907.0000.975
802 PUT 907.0000.975
803 nagare_hikari 906.0000.974
804 Savage 895.0000.963
805 scay 895.0000.963
806 teamTribe 893.0000.961
807 Walter 881.0000.948
808 AESon 878.0000.945
809 hyouka 877.0000.944
810 n3wbi3 877.0000.944
811 Team-Red 877.0000.944
812 BKO 877.0000.944
813 lucas_sanchez 876.0000.943
814 y4chtclub 875.0000.942
815 Solero 875.0000.941
816 CyberHampsters 835.0000.900
817 LuckyU 831.0000.895
818 dm.js 819.0000.883
819 KXTI_Sub 816.0000.880
820 Paladin 797.0000.860
821 reirei 786.0000.848
822 TwentyFive 785.0000.847
823 BowsersCastle 781.0000.843
824 tgihf 780.0000.842
825 4k3l4rr3 777.0000.839
826 e0n-k1d 777.0000.839
827 Mr.7r0j4n 776.0000.838
828 uhhhh 775.0000.837
829 mech0n 772.0000.833
830 pwn1336 766.0000.827
831 realsungs 766.0000.827
832 Wizzy 766.0000.827
833 renebaebae 765.0000.826
834 justanidiot 765.0000.826
835 tuanglu 765.0000.826
836 1$0N 765.0000.826
837 Scorpio 764.0000.825
838 WeirdMachines 762.0000.823
839 Probka 762.0000.823
840 morelulz 760.0000.821
841 alickrypto 750.0000.810
842 AchiPwn 747.0000.807
843 CypherForce 746.0000.806
844 itsAlwaysSpools 746.0000.806
845 bonk squad 735.0000.794
846 Foz 728.0000.787
847 Incredibles_Infinity 716.0000.774
848 CadenAndIcy 716.0000.774
849 Bushidosan 716.0000.774
850 lone-wolf 716.0000.774
851 APA Razi 716.0000.774
852 Redtiger 716.0000.774
853 NiBBl3_SUCK3rs 716.0000.774
854 conoz 716.0000.774
855 StarFast 716.0000.774
856 UrlNo 716.0000.774
857 CRUSADERS 716.0000.774
858 theone 716.0000.774
859 LynxPwn 716.0000.774
860 MrPaddy35 716.0000.774
861 HU-HC 715.0000.773
862 git_r3kt 715.0000.773
863 toto1000 715.0000.773
864 Null Pointer Exception 715.0000.773
865 GCI Gophers 715.0000.773
866 PwnPatr0l 715.0000.773
867 TechVetsUK 715.0000.773
868 SPQR 715.0000.773
869 Stuca 715.0000.773
870 WNAL 715.0000.773
871 ButterChurnGang 715.0000.773
872 Cybervlads 715.0000.773
873 mrwhite 715.0000.773
874 LehAnne 715.0000.773
875 Defense Matrix 715.0000.773
876 BeastlyBeauties 715.0000.772
877 phneutro 715.0000.772
878 Underscore95 715.0000.772
879 szdc 715.0000.772
880 fibonacci 715.0000.772
881 Al3x2 715.0000.772
882 You shell Not bash 715.0000.772
883 1010011010 715.0000.772
884 Honeypot 715.0000.772
885 U+1F966 715.0000.772
886 De4deadlysins 715.0000.772
887 AmIRight 715.0000.772
888 4pr1l14n 715.0000.772
889 jokester 715.0000.772
890 Beta 715.0000.772
891 Hks 715.0000.772
892 CyberYoddha 715.0000.772
893 grey 714.0000.771
894 Disqualified 714.0000.771
895 IdkLol 714.0000.771
896 n3wbs 714.0000.771
897 On1onCTF 714.0000.771
898 mountaingoats 714.0000.771
899 Wicked Rodents of Unusual Size 714.0000.771
900 TuxTheXplorer 714.0000.771
901 ./dies_irae 714.0000.771
902 cute_toad_friends 714.0000.771
903 hashcat 714.0000.771
904 oldip 714.0000.771
905 I_and_i 714.0000.771
906 johnyyespapa 714.0000.771
907 twosixone 714.0000.771
908 Strider 714.0000.771
909 dannadeu 714.0000.770
910 elad 714.0000.770
911 destovi 714.0000.770
912 Articulate Mafia 714.0000.770
913 XER0NE 714.0000.770
914 diwdowctf 714.0000.770
915 Ernest1337 714.0000.770
916 Lammmmm 713.0000.769
917 th3g0d 713.0000.769
918 S1lver 713.0000.769
919 HASHERS 713.0000.769
920 Blueberry Pie 713.0000.769
921 octo 713.0000.769
922 astr0 713.0000.769
923 Root_kids 712.0000.768
924 Nozhdar 688.0000.743
925 Anton33 673.0000.727
926 cucumberusers 673.0000.727
927 lyc 665.0000.719
928 KXTI_PineCone 664.0000.718
929 njarreb 652.0000.705
930 Genos 649.0000.702
931 scriptkit 645.0000.698
932 Soleil 638.0000.691
933 tkchk 637.0000.689
934 @1PH4 635.0000.687
935 Keep Quiet 635.0000.687
936 CoolBobs 634.0000.686
937 sh4nf 634.0000.686
938 @@Shui 633.0000.685
939 Einstrasse 633.0000.685
940 buuts 633.0000.685
941 ghosh007 633.0000.685
942 CatchFM 622.0000.674
943 mikejam 622.0000.674
944 LITTLE_STARS 620.0000.671
945 pycured 611.0000.662
946 Inshall'hack 601.0000.652
947 0xBlueSky 600.0000.650
948 fandor9 599.0000.649
949 Balkaninfosec 591.0000.641
950 veruthe 591.0000.641
951 bhindi 590.0000.640
952 systemd fan club 587.0000.637
953 m1rz 587.0000.637
954 TnT 584.0000.634
955 sojubomb 577.0000.626
956 freak 571.0000.620
957 0x00SUDO 570.0000.619
958 P1kachu 570.0000.619
959 mango 570.0000.619
960 p1@y3r$_ 570.0000.619
961 Elweth 570.0000.619
962 Appenders 570.0000.619
963 The Nebuchadnezzar 569.0000.618
964 Lalaland 569.0000.618
965 h0st 569.0000.618
966 hackoff 569.0000.618
967 rm -rf /* 569.0000.618
968 Freakazoids 569.0000.618
969 Klutz 568.0000.616
970 Isaac 568.0000.616
971 2LSamurai 568.0000.616
972 bot3310 568.0000.616
973 fLAGers 567.0000.615
974 zeroteam 567.0000.615
975 Just methnostate 567.0000.615
976 YRYR 567.0000.615
977 Dhruv 567.0000.615
978 Back2Basics 567.0000.615
979 guninvalid 567.0000.615
980 tannco 567.0000.615
981 Wicca 567.0000.615
982 HackTheWorld 567.0000.615
983 Alone 567.0000.615
984 Exifools 566.0000.614
985 IamDuco 566.0000.614
986 garakutaminiudon 566.0000.614
987 Digital Dragons 566.0000.614
988 4dr15hy4 566.0000.614
989 st0ffle 566.0000.614
990 reign 566.0000.614
991 MCTSSA_Cyber 566.0000.614
992 noplalic 566.0000.614
993 U01T 566.0000.614
994 This is not a test 565.0000.613
995 arasans 565.0000.613
996 Sach 537.0000.583
997 Hacker_Union 537.0000.583
998 tuxedo-blues 537.0000.583
999 .ctos 537.0000.583
1000 HAXONIC 537.0000.583
1001 Thomas 536.0000.582
1002 OneForAll 536.0000.582
1003 CS-WAT 536.0000.582
1004 #0F52BA 536.0000.582
1005 CCLD 536.0000.582
1006 Midnight Myth 536.0000.582
1007 Columbhack 536.0000.582
1008 armydillo 536.0000.582
1009 eee 536.0000.582
1010 SaudiPwners 536.0000.582
1011 Horn_i7 536.0000.582
1012 w1bu_n3ve4_d13 536.0000.582
1013 CRYPTICS 536.0000.582
1014 DarkBandit 536.0000.582
1015 owo 536.0000.582
1016 73mb_Sec 536.0000.582
1017 AloneGang 536.0000.582
1018 voyager 536.0000.582
1019 S@n!t!z3r 536.0000.582
1020 shadow 536.0000.582
1021 NetS3c 536.0000.582
1022 theHunterXhunter 536.0000.582
1023 Ghost Net 536.0000.582
1024 baymax 536.0000.582
1025 hope 536.0000.582
1026 Iamashley 536.0000.582
1027 Launceston Softwarez Security Team 536.0000.582
1028 Cipher_roxx 536.0000.582
1029 f50c131y 536.0000.582
1030 ScriptKiddies 535.0000.581
1031 hacktech 535.0000.581
1032 Horde 535.0000.581
1033 ex3x 535.0000.581
1034 cyb3rTUN 535.0000.581
1035 South High Packers 535.0000.581
1036 pchns 535.0000.581
1037 AnarkoCyber 535.0000.580
1038 Mangobats 535.0000.580
1039 volki//38 535.0000.580
1040 cameronw 534.0000.579
1041 BlueBerryFaygo 534.0000.579
1042 sielicki 534.0000.579
1043 HII 525.0000.570
1044 X1cT34m 524.0000.569
1045 notosno 524.0000.569
1046 RISS 524.0000.569
1047 ThreeWolves 524.0000.569
1048 vubar 524.0000.569
1049 tr0id 523.0000.568
1050 Viking 523.0000.568
1051 ddddd 522.0000.567
1052 dude 521.0000.566
1053 openctfid 495.0000.538
1054 jstD 487.0000.530
1055 dkdkd 485.0000.528
1056 chocolato 473.0000.515
1057 G3 462.0000.504
1058 EvilPWN 461.0000.503
1059 rgolab 457.0000.499
1060 gmk 456.0000.498
1061 The United Team of Noobs 455.0000.496
1062 T3cH_W1z4rD 454.0000.495
1063 MajorLefty22 454.0000.495
1064 metaNG 442.0000.483
1065 Australian Spa Staff 441.0000.482
1066 abcd 440.0000.481
1067 ki9mu 440.0000.481
1068 boiprcvn3 440.0000.481
1069 mischkadb 437.0000.478
1070 caIcutec 437.0000.477
1071 para pencari tuhan 425.0000.465
1072 n00bsec 424.0000.464
1073 Angry Bots 424.0000.464
1074 unriellistic 423.0000.463
1075 study_h0rd 423.0000.463
1076 MARKiV21 423.0000.463
1077 422.0000.462
1078 wlacarbo 422.0000.462
1079 AD4MANT1UM 422.0000.462
1080 AEX 422.0000.462
1081 peanuts 421.0000.461
1082 Roof-Roof 421.0000.461
1083 421.0000.461
1084 Natalia 420.0000.459
1085 hacker-culture 420.0000.459
1086 Circuited Viper 420.0000.459
1087 Lengsabb 408.0000.447
1088 debo 408.0000.447
1089 Amateur 408.0000.447
1090 <OOO> 408.0000.447
1091 ZM`Nisa|CJ 408.0000.447
1092 Stars 407.0000.446
1093 SandcloX 407.0000.446
1094 PwnablePandas 407.0000.446
1095 BYT3_3XPL0!T 407.0000.446
1096 4hsl33p 407.0000.446
1097 pwn rules 407.0000.446
1098 altar 406.0000.445
1099 olala 405.0000.444
1100 RamboxRoot 405.0000.443
1101 shinta 392.0000.430
1102 H3_4L3_D 392.0000.430
1103 JeSuSKnOwsThEbEsT! 392.0000.430
1104 Team Reelix 391.0000.429
1105 0daySkids 391.0000.429
1106 xCmq0CyNiN 391.0000.429
1107 0x0A 391.0000.429
1108 sunjets 391.0000.429
1109 bandersnatch 391.0000.429
1110 xan0er 391.0000.429
1111 lauda_ka_sarkar 391.0000.429
1112 Ctrl_Nerds 391.0000.429
1113 H3h3 b0ii 391.0000.429
1114 mrrobot1o1 391.0000.429
1115 B0dhi 391.0000.429
1116 puckiestyle 391.0000.429
1117 noobteam 391.0000.429
1118 Wagmteiy 391.0000.429
1119 CommanDDoS 391.0000.429
1120 paradise 391.0000.429
1121 2>/DEV/Null 391.0000.428
1122 Chaos 390.0000.427
1123 CyberDucks 390.0000.427
1124 Hacktimel 390.0000.427
1125 Liftyee 390.0000.427
1126 seemz 390.0000.427
1127 WitchHunter 390.0000.427
1128 hunter 390.0000.427
1129 Abyss syndrome 390.0000.427
1130 hex0punk 389.0000.426
1131 Crypt0n5 389.0000.426
1132 ru7ynk4 389.0000.426
1133 xatuseclab 389.0000.426
1134 goddobg 389.0000.426
1135 1337 389.0000.426
1136 R3dH@nd3dH@x0r$ 389.0000.426
1137 utp 389.0000.426
1138 estratos 389.0000.426
1139 giorgi 389.0000.426
1140 389.0000.426
1141 ShamenDubon 389.0000.426
1142 12 389.0000.426
1143 susu_busu 388.0000.425
1144 CTFNoids 388.0000.425
1145 StarLabs 388.0000.425
1146 Suspicious Geese 388.0000.425
1147 spoilers 388.0000.425
1148 mkkedia3 388.0000.425
1149 hvsblogger 388.0000.425
1150 Beginner_x01 388.0000.425
1151 T3CHM4T35 388.0000.425
1152 professor 388.0000.425
1153 TeaM-N 388.0000.425
1154 MrCrow 388.0000.425
1155 tete2soja 388.0000.425
1156 Elgato 388.0000.425
1157 noplay 388.0000.425
1158 TeamVicious 388.0000.425
1159 AdGaGe 388.0000.425
1160 Quantum Fox 388.0000.425
1161 Shell_hunters 388.0000.425
1162 Hacking101 388.0000.425
1163 tj-blockchain 388.0000.425
1164 h4nsec 388.0000.425
1165 Colors ESI 388.0000.425
1166 Keyzen 388.0000.425
1167 Ragnarok0810 388.0000.425
1168 BBSD 388.0000.425
1169 LEPAK GANG 388.0000.425
1170 katachi 388.0000.425
1171 SASVI 388.0000.424
1172 Mr.Bear 388.0000.424
1173 bruh 2 387.0000.423
1174 conkCS 387.0000.423
1175 duck5 387.0000.423
1176 LukiS_420 387.0000.423
1177 _null0byte_ 387.0000.423
1178 MarCorei7 387.0000.423
1179 Venom 387.0000.423
1180 ZehnteGG 387.0000.423
1181 JJJJJunior 387.0000.423
1182 Koslo 387.0000.423
1183 Fishtank 387.0000.423
1184 ZyperX 387.0000.423
1185 imayankraheja 387.0000.423
1186 lllppplll 387.0000.423
1187 NopeName 387.0000.423
1188 Pems 386.0000.422
1189 please be nice 386.0000.422
1190 Silvus 386.0000.422
1191 admin123 386.0000.422
1192 22222 386.0000.422
1193 Di$connected 386.0000.422
1194 jackieFong 373.0000.408
1195 HighlifeOP 359.0000.394
1196 Petir Jibril 349.0000.383
1197 tomcr00se 348.0000.382
1198 xxxd 341.0000.375
1199 jct 341.0000.375
1200 snowyowl 329.0000.362
1201 beerpwn 328.0000.361
1202 no flag team 326.0000.359
1203 Skippy The Magnificient 310.0000.343
1204 shellOwn 309.0000.341
1205 xBLACKxSNAKEx 308.0000.340
1206 neverroot 307.0000.339
1207 abenben 297.0000.329
1208 Ganofins 296.0000.328
1209 Fergason 293.0000.325
1210 RollingRollOfToiletPaper 293.0000.325
1211 r00tsh3ll 292.0000.324
1212 D4nch3n 291.0000.323
1213 Harmonic 291.0000.323
1214 Alaeathuea 279.0000.310
1215 ^.^ 275.0000.306
1216 Wabo Wabo 275.0000.306
1217 LinyTail 275.0000.306
1218 Not Available 274.0000.305
1219 SoloBunjalow 264.0000.294
1220 jethas 263.0000.293
1221 xOrb 263.0000.293
1222 Archan 263.0000.293
1223 43v3rN00bs 263.0000.293
1224 cindywongsinteng 263.0000.293
1225 kiddah 263.0000.293
1226 1729_hacker 263.0000.293
1227 stuybersecurity 263.0000.293
1228 JHyeon 263.0000.293
1229 jade 263.0000.293
1230 holems 263.0000.293
1231 RFC Blockers 263.0000.293
1232 com30n 263.0000.293
1233 dharmadev108 263.0000.293
1234 hidden 262.0000.292
1235 0uch 262.0000.292
1236 HWED 262.0000.292
1237 rahil pog 262.0000.292
1238 Shawarma_monchers 262.0000.292
1239 Hollows 262.0000.292
1240 my_team0897 262.0000.292
1241 wubalubadubdub 262.0000.292
1242 BADBYTE 262.0000.292
1243 chupchikgang 262.0000.292
1244 Kerberos 262.0000.292
1245 thehackerscrew 262.0000.292
1246 jjj 262.0000.292
1247 crownZ 262.0000.292
1248 Vol 262.0000.292
1249 hackDZ 262.0000.292
1250 PastaKings 262.0000.292
1251 Koziro526 262.0000.292
1252 31i73_73aM 262.0000.292
1253 emehacr 261.0000.291
1254 CapTo 261.0000.291
1255 Abusaif00 261.0000.291
1256 MeAndMe 261.0000.291
1257 Molovs 261.0000.291
1258 sumit 261.0000.291
1259 cousin007 261.0000.291
1260 cotool 261.0000.291
1261 ttpfx 261.0000.290
1262 noob_head 261.0000.290
1263 Gyul 261.0000.290
1264 OneHackMan 260.0000.289
1265 Invisible Aligners 260.0000.289
1266 ZeroDay_ 260.0000.289
1267 KXTI_Safin 260.0000.289
1268 Hyper 260.0000.289
1269 DataSlayer 260.0000.289
1270 D3KU_OFFICI4L 260.0000.289
1271 untitled 260.0000.289
1272 splitline 260.0000.289
1273 Cryptohack 260.0000.289
1274 stack_alert 260.0000.289
1275 ashwa11hama 260.0000.289
1276 hk 260.0000.289
1277 r1se 260.0000.289
1278 qweasdzxc 260.0000.289
1279 CyberMoods 260.0000.289
1280 hamayanhamayan 260.0000.289
1281 St0rm 260.0000.289
1282 stmb 259.0000.288
1283 n0_pwn1c 259.0000.288
1284 0xckylee 259.0000.288
1285 Panya 258.0000.287
1286 Shubham_1809 258.0000.287
1287 cyber defecers 258.0000.287
1288 da_grt_aru 258.0000.287
1289 EthanHunt 258.0000.287
1290 Bitrr 244.0000.272
1291 sjhebron 244.0000.272
1292 rvg 244.0000.272
1293 Pwn October 244.0000.272
1294 Grants Team 243.0000.271
1295 icydove solo 243.0000.271
1296 Verdugo 243.0000.271
1297 Stuctf 243.0000.271
1298 omar1024 243.0000.271
1299 eeee 243.0000.271
1300 skyfall 243.0000.271
1301 tarsira 243.0000.271
1302 geunyang 243.0000.271
1303 Blight_Force 243.0000.271
1304 alpha 243.0000.271
1305 d4rk Army 243.0000.271
1306 Hack The Planet 243.0000.271
1307 Team@ind 243.0000.271
1308 ASURA 243.0000.271
1309 Invictus 243.0000.271
1310 BrickHam 243.0000.271
1311 Verbum 243.0000.271
1312 AdiPratama15 243.0000.271
1313 redhack123 243.0000.271
1314 Insight Harbor 243.0000.271
1315 kxti_snow 242.0000.270
1316 ... 242.0000.270
1317 Bubby Bubbles 242.0000.270
1318 Antmatts 242.0000.270
1319 watchthewall 242.0000.270
1320 RH01 242.0000.270
1321 nwah 242.0000.270
1322 nobody 242.0000.270
1323 jegan 242.0000.270
1324 Why So Serious 242.0000.270
1325 Xx.DEC.xX 242.0000.270
1326 noob969 242.0000.270
1327 covid_kittens 242.0000.270
1328 cupnoodles 242.0000.270
1329 art3m1s 242.0000.270
1330 Cookies 242.0000.270
1331 Net-Zen 242.0000.270
1332 gr3pit 242.0000.270
1333 meme_wizard 241.0000.269
1334 ChairForce 241.0000.269
1335 1ucky 241.0000.269
1336 Shades 23 241.0000.269
1337 aicnioasn 241.0000.269
1338 TamnaythiCTFcayrankthoi 241.0000.269
1339 FT_ctf 241.0000.269
1340 pwnnovation 181.0000.206
1341 Kryptosr 179.0000.204
1342 lollllllllllll 179.0000.204
1343 Lofihiphop 179.0000.204
1344 CaptnBananaMafia 179.0000.204
1345 bighand 179.0000.204
1346 PapaJohns 150.0000.173
1347 Coven 150.0000.173
1348 jungmk02 149.0000.172
1349 H3 149.0000.172
1350 Joe's 149.0000.172
1351 dalal 149.0000.172
1352 Taflax 149.0000.172
1353 SpeedyFireCyclone 149.0000.172
1354 karanxa 149.0000.172
1355 Minute Loader 148.0000.171
1356 n4s1R 148.0000.171
1357 Jokers 148.0000.171
1358 byc_404 148.0000.171
1359 Millys Team 148.0000.171
1360 peirateía 148.0000.171
1361 Chomu 148.0000.171
1362 5Minutes 148.0000.171
1363 Dark Motel 148.0000.171
1364 botb 148.0000.171
1365 the_roooooox 148.0000.171
1366 testtest 148.0000.171
1367 Donqui_xote 148.0000.171
1368 bigC is epic 147.0000.170
1369 d4 147.0000.170
1370 W4nderers 147.0000.170
1371 NORSE_EVIL 147.0000.170
1372 dame_ningen 147.0000.170
1373 bhaibhai 146.0000.169
1374 9447 146.0000.169
1375 Alohax 146.0000.169
1376 Karan 146.0000.169
1377 roots 146.0000.169
1378 hksingh4343 146.0000.169
1379 moon 132.0000.154
1380 davelad 131.0000.153
1381 playmaker 131.0000.153
1382 hs_0x_ 131.0000.153
1383 KnaT 131.0000.153
1384 Anonymous_Pr0 131.0000.153
1385 Dan 131.0000.153
1386 Canary 130.0000.152
1387 ind0x 130.0000.152
1388 pewpew 130.0000.152
1389 hanhctf 130.0000.152
1390 trent (trent) 130.0000.152
1391 just_casual 130.0000.152
1392 cypher 130.0000.152
1393 RuvyTale 130.0000.152
1394 INN-Siders 130.0000.152
1395 Llama Palooza 129.0000.151
1396 GR00T5 129.0000.151
1397 4ll4l0ne 129.0000.151
1398 devnull 129.0000.151
1399 Guska 129.0000.151
1400 xsam 129.0000.151
1401 y0f4c3 129.0000.151
1402 meephackerz 129.0000.151
1403 abcd1234 129.0000.151
1404 \u0000 128.0000.150
1405 lacerta 128.0000.150
1406 M1n3cr4ft 128.0000.150
1407 PhuongHoang 128.0000.150
1408 MaiLong 128.0000.150
1409 HARM 116.0000.137
1410 HEYKOR 116.0000.137
1411 Malware :) 116.0000.137
1412 c10r0x 115.0000.136
1413 sid 115.0000.136
1414 DepressoExpresso 115.0000.136
1415 Daddy John 115.0000.136
1416 Maa 115.0000.136
1417 TheLegend27 115.0000.136
1418 0xDragon 115.0000.136
1419 Naughty 115.0000.136
1420 L3arn1ng_L1 115.0000.136
1421 Omega 115.0000.136
1422 Going Solo 115.0000.136
1423 PurpleRubberDuckies 115.0000.136
1424 NewTean 115.0000.136
1425 AlpSampthai 115.0000.136
1426 Avengers 115.0000.136
1427 SacTownHackFest 115.0000.136
1428 Waffle 115.0000.136
1429 Verdugo HS 115.0000.136
1430 indonesian 115.0000.136
1431 Cyber sailors 115.0000.136
1432 alltiger 115.0000.136
1433 BuckyAlita 115.0000.136
1434 Wolfpack6661 115.0000.136
1435 WeKnow 115.0000.136
1436 The Lone Ranger 114.0000.135
1437 ruzigzag 114.0000.135
1438 Unknown Knownothings 114.0000.135
1439 happy 114.0000.135
1440 disgusted 114.0000.135
1441 LaCasadoras 114.0000.135
1442 <!n1t.seq> 114.0000.135
1443 Hack&co 114.0000.135
1444 very good team name 114.0000.135
1445 Wooshi 114.0000.135
1446 JahtakesYa 114.0000.135
1447 MKIZ 114.0000.135
1448 00f.png 114.0000.135
1449 Yesihack 114.0000.135
1450 sarafciel 114.0000.135
1451 larenmat 114.0000.135
1452 BIC HEADQUARTERS 114.0000.135
1453 UGotPwnd 114.0000.135
1454 Eichenschule 114.0000.135
1455 Droogs 114.0000.135
1456 QuiAPT? 114.0000.135
1457 NicholasBreymaier 114.0000.135
1458 alicelambda 114.0000.135
1459 YegSec CTF 114.0000.135
1460 onlykztk 114.0000.135
1461 retsam 114.0000.135
1462 NUFOREVER 114.0000.135
1463 InbouKai 114.0000.135
1464 Dys13xic 114.0000.135
1465 The joes 114.0000.134
1466 ra 113.0000.133
1467 fishyOTZ 113.0000.133
1468 The Pylons 113.0000.133
1469 PNCRTG 113.0000.133
1470 DARK↯STARS 113.0000.133
1471 newteam 113.0000.133
1472 CLGT 113.0000.133
1473 Aylin 113.0000.133
1474 AlEnezi 113.0000.133
1475 DedSec 113.0000.133
1476 BruteForce 113.0000.133
1477 BR4S1L3IR1NH0S 113.0000.133
1478 cr7ritesh 113.0000.133
1479 testlol 113.0000.133
1480 Baldrick 113.0000.133
1481 p00f 113.0000.133
1482 Latin_School 113.0000.133
1483 sudopwn 113.0000.133
1484 Wannacrypt 113.0000.133
1485 CyberMood 113.0000.133
1486 proxima 113.0000.133
1487 CTFNewbieee 113.0000.133
1488 enoexec8-team 113.0000.133
1489 babaCool 113.0000.133
1490 TheNothing 112.0000.066
1491 killua 112.0000.066
1492 crudd 112.0000.066
1493 Demosz 112.0000.066
1494 gum3ng 112.0000.066
RealJammyJune 25, 2020, 8:33 p.m.

great ctf! good work guys

Yankoo458June 25, 2020, 8:36 p.m.

Great ctf, guys!

J3of0June 25, 2020, 9 p.m.

Great CTF!

JC01010June 25, 2020, 9:04 p.m.

Amazing CTF! :star: perfect infrastructure

moscaJune 25, 2020, 9:04 p.m.

Great CTF!!!!

CaptainFreakJune 26, 2020, 4:22 a.m.

Good CTF!

Fr4gmentJune 26, 2020, 7 a.m.

Great CTF!

parrotJune 26, 2020, 6:06 p.m.

That was really great for intermediate and upper intermediate players... The servers were really good too

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