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Participated in CTF events

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
512BCACTF 5.0175.00001.462
559 GPN CTF 202456.00000.262
679ångstromCTF 202460.00001.100
207BYUCTF 20241551.00003.312
170Punk Security DevSecOps Birthday CTF14.00000.497
126cr3 CTF 202458.00000.278
254UMassCTF 2024200.00001.072
254Space Heroes 2024300.00000.734
281JerseyCTF IV618.00000.546
309Texas Security Awareness Week 2024100.00000.696
375 WolvCTF 2024302.00000.810
1119IrisCTF 202450.00000.106
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
235HTB Business CTF 2021925.00001.478

Team members

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