Also known as
  • Blum Blum Shub
  • BlumBlumBlum
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Participated in CTF events

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
188 Undutmaning 2024200.00001.308
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
787ångstromCTF 2019130.00000.579
659ENCRYPT CTF1.00000.034
212UTCTF 20191050.00001.066
165Aero CTF 2019100.00000.503
313BSidesSF 2019 CTF63.00000.329
433TAMUctf 193987.00006.658

Overall rating place: 769 with 26.542 pts in 2018

Country place: 8

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
410WPICTF 201813.00000.121
400SwampCTF 2018353.00000.836
379VolgaCTF 2018 Quals10.00000.142
503ångstromCTF 2018640.00003.876
492N1CTF 201842.00000.146
291Pragyan CTF 2018400.00000.957
35NeverLAN CTF 20185356.000011.160
155TAMUctf 182424.00009.303

Team members