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Participated in CTF events

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
125Junior.Crypt.2024 CTF950.00004.238
911Cyber Apocalypse 2024: Hacker Royale5400.00006.471
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
386BuckeyeCTF 2023300.00001.112
283vsCTF 2023300.00000.767
2948Cyber Apocalypse 2023: The Cursed Mission1525.00001.538

Overall rating place: 926 with 41.341 pts in 2022

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
414th stage MetaRed CTF Perú 20221700.00007.608
943Hack The Boo1400.00006.895
913rd stage MetaRed CTF Mexico|Anuies-TIC 2022800.00003.808
95RomHack 2022 CTF100.00000.723
1450CTF/TCTF 2022115.00002.040
1111Tenable CTF 2022130.00000.358
38Cyber Apocalypse CTF 2022: Intergalactic Chase 11600.000015.299
253San Diego CTF 2022375.00001.044
111DefCamp CTF 21-22 Online379.00003.566
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
105Block CTF 202150.00001.081
175YauzaCTF 202120.00000.000
111TAMUctf 2021650.00000.000
19Cohesion 20211180.00000.000
253BambooFox CTF 20211.00000.100
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
47PhantomCTF 3.02718.00000.000
92Ugra CTF Quals 2020200.00001.089
238FireShell CTF 2020100.00000.357
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
273peaCTF 20191750.00000.000
431HSCTF 61548.00002.109
857Facebook CTF 20191.00000.029
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
39ISITDTU CTF 2018 Quals2278.00004.411

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