Sat, 23 Sept. 2023, 16:00 UTC — Sun, 24 Sept. 2023, 16:00 UTC 


smileyCTF (formerly vsCTF) event.

Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL:

You will be able to login this event with CTFtime.

This event's future weight is subject of public voting!

Future weight: 34.00 

Rating weight: 23.32 

Event organizers 

View Source's 2nd CTF! vsCTF is a 24-hour event with challenge difficulty ranging from beginner-friendly to hard.

Categories include reverse engineering, pwn, cryptography, forensics, web, and misc.

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Open Division:
1st Place - $500
2nd Place - $275
3rd Place - $175

Student Division:
1st Place - $250

Thanks to OtterSec for sponsoring our Open Division prize pool!

Only teams composed of middle school, high school, or undergraduate students are eligible for Student division prizes. Register with your school email and choose the Student division in your profile.


600 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 CyberSpace 10224.00046.640
2 r3kapig 9744.00033.885
3 .;,;. 9733.00029.973
4 thehackerscrew 9236.00026.896
5 8759.00024.642
6 squ1rrel 8754.00023.854
7 InfoSecIITR 7265.00019.902
8 UMDCSEC 6820.00018.471
9 PFS 6356.00017.089
10 TCP1P 6329.00016.768
11 The Council of Sheep 6315.00016.524
12 xXxpassword123xXx 5838.00015.259
13 L3ak 5826.00015.082
14 Lorem Ipsec 5813.00014.925
15 NUSHmallows 5354.00013.767
16 BasiliCS 5342.00013.642
17 zeski 4896.00012.539
18 Flaggermeister 4887.00012.442
19 sillysec 4550.00011.605
20 Utaha 4443.00011.300
21 dcua 4429.00011.213
22 Unusually Skilled Comedy Group 4427.00011.158
23 UofTCTF 4391.00011.029
24 hust3r 4374.00010.948
25 FlagMotori 3943.0009.926
26 aa.crypto 3930.0009.861
27 catto fan club 3923.0009.812
28 touch grass 3903.0009.735
29 fearless 3872.0009.636
30 FPUSEC 3560.0008.897
31 CSN3RD 3539.0008.824
32 Galette Cidre CTF 3505.0008.723
33 Sloppy Joe Pirates 3469.0008.619
34 PwnSec 3434.0008.519
35 ph1sher 3431.0008.492
36 Weak But Leet 3000.0007.491
37 Team B > Team C 2998.0007.468
38 The WINRaRs 2976.0007.402
39 CloVerRev 2969.0007.370
40 COMPASS 2945.0007.300
41 Flag Poisoning 2941.0007.277
42 Ng00m4lDhuhr 2851.0007.058
43 Soarin' Cyber 2678.0006.651
44 Werecry 2678.0006.638
45 Xp0int 2521.0006.268
46 cunguk 2518.0006.250
47 AuroraDawn 2516.0006.235
48 mini-Spirit 2514.0006.220
49 BKISC pwnlyfans 2508.0006.196
50 Plaid Parliament of Pwning 2447.0006.048
51 Security Factorial 2419.0005.975
52 rat-gpt 2396.0005.914
53 alone nugget 2208.0005.476
54 Nupakachi 2191.0005.429
55 wolvsec 2094.0005.200
56 capybara_clan 2074.0005.147
57 coldboots 2071.0005.133
58 southball 2063.0005.108
59 base64 2033.0005.032
60 noraneco 2033.0005.026
61 nerdlabs 2029.0005.010
62 BinaryPatchers 1855.0004.607
63 Escalope! 1719.0004.291
64 DaVinciCode 1716.0004.278
65 JSoyke 1710.0004.259
66 UNOrthodox 1707.0004.247
67 Mason Competitive Cyber 1703.0004.232
68 WCSC 1703.0004.227
69 KAUotic Hacking Club 1703.0004.222
70 cryto 1643.0004.081
71 Team Cryptis 1629.0004.044
72 Z|R 1612.0004.001
73 M53 1612.0003.996
74 LittleNarwhals 1604.0003.974
75 pwnjuice 1589.0003.935
76 VoltSec 1588.0003.929
77 Imposter detection squad 1585.0003.918
78 Zense 1572.0003.885
79 r4 1563.0003.860
80 Dusk 1549.0003.825
81 ARESx 1543.0003.807
82 BBuddies 1537.0003.790
83 mizz onreal fg jilf 1514.0003.734
84 ret2school 1505.0003.710
85 1472.0003.632
86 G04T 1472.0003.629
87 Project Sekai 1463.0003.605
88 hhc0null 1363.0003.374
89 Testteamdonotjoin 1343.0003.325
90 The F00l 1334.0003.302
91 bkisce1 1256.0003.121
92 BITS-SOS 1253.0003.111
93 the_borg 1249.0003.100
94 Prozhack 1244.0003.086
95 d3c0ders 1239.0003.072
96 Rolandas 1234.0003.058
97 ShadowOps 1224.0003.032
98 pastabase64 1217.0003.014
99 HackFused 1182.0002.932
100 PL314D3S 1182.0002.929
101 IEEEFTW 1151.0002.856
102 repierre 1150.0002.852
103 Netrunners 1150.0002.849
104 l0st_4ll_h0p3 1150.0002.847
105 IRJ 1147.0002.838
106 Garab 1147.0002.836
107 UConn Cyber 1147.0002.834
108 KerKerYuan 1147.0002.832
109 Madoka 1145.0002.826
110 Cool Team 1128.0002.785
111 TeamH4C 1082.0002.678
112 wibiz 1082.0002.676
113 olifog 1062.0002.629
114 Hantu Siber 1047.0002.593
115 shynt_ 1045.0002.586
116 RedTeam@MTU 1045.0002.585
117 h3xhunt3rz 1045.0002.583
118 Team Big Crack 1028.0002.542
119 c54ttt 1028.0002.541
120 die_trying 982.0002.434
121 HAH 957.0002.376
122 notateamyet 957.0002.374
123 4n6kw33n 947.0002.350
124 badsctr 945.0002.344
125 d4rkn19ht 919.0002.283
126 Yodak 882.0002.197
127 16j 882.0002.195
128 tomoges 882.0002.194
129 jzzz 845.0002.108
130 stack smashing slackers 845.0002.107
131 WeAre 845.0002.105
132 jhong 845.0002.104
133 2zl 845.0002.103
134 ucx 834.0002.076
135 P1neVpple 789.0001.972
136 walkenwithjesus 777.0001.944
137 JMU 767.0001.920
138 borderland 767.0001.918
139 ojun 761.0001.904
140 Tivat 761.0001.902
141 Zlick3r 760.0001.899
142 D4rkS3c 760.0001.898
143 Hacker Ameer 760.0001.897
144 z1000 760.0001.895
145 filiq 760.0001.894
146 pycciotti 757.0001.886
147 YTU SKY-SEC 744.0001.856
148 1nf1n1ty 692.0001.736
149 c2v2 690.0001.730
150 Ah Yalan Dünya 690.0001.729
151 b7bha 690.0001.728
152 BraydenSolo 690.0001.727
153 ransoware 690.0001.726
154 ResetSec 690.0001.725
155 abeshine 690.0001.724
156 JustRun 690.0001.723
157 CarSU-CyberNinja 690.0001.722
158 iLLegal_Freedom 690.0001.721
159 BKISCE2 690.0001.720
160 B1@cK_R0$0t 690.0001.720
161 Contagion 690.0001.719
162 VINA2023 690.0001.718
163 GanSw 690.0001.717
164 swift-salad 689.0001.714
165 0xL4ugh 686.0001.706
166 gmo_test 661.0001.648
167 fatal_failure 660.0001.645
168 tomasloksa 657.0001.637
169 Monkey Squad 657.0001.637
170 onotch 655.0001.631
171 Bocchi The Stone 655.0001.630
172 mangekyou_cipher 644.0001.604
173 n00bzUnit3d 638.0001.590
174 N0wayBack 592.0001.484
175 G@5tr0 590.0001.479
176 PMen 590.0001.478
177 Bloxxers 590.0001.477
178 D4ck3n 590.0001.477
179 noobhack 590.0001.476
180 Gamefun 590.0001.475
181 BeyondVisualRange 590.0001.475
182 nonenonenone 590.0001.474
183 Shell We Hack? 590.0001.473
184 HACKTORIA 590.0001.472
185 do7 567.0001.419
186 Repetition 567.0001.419
187 THE LEGION 561.0001.404
188 deathphish 560.0001.401
189 g0_d4u_kh04_tr4n 560.0001.401
190 Admin 557.0001.393
191 zsaquarian 557.0001.393
192 Zer0So1ve 555.0001.387
193 YoungFlexer_GR 555.0001.387
194 test0 544.0001.361
195 Chovid99 498.0001.255
196 HCAT 497.0001.253
197 user202729 497.0001.252
198 venturebros 492.0001.240
199 watchdogs 490.0001.235
200 ALeKA 490.0001.234
201 brooo 490.0001.234
202 camelriderz2 490.0001.233
203 asdfa 461.0001.166
204 Solo :(( 461.0001.166
205 Ch33mz 461.0001.165
206 Yoyo 444.0001.126
207 mikejam 444.0001.125
208 P.i.n.G 438.0001.111
209 boot_force 390.0001.001
210 McPayload 300.0000.795
211 ICP 300.0000.795
212 Invisible Hunter 300.0000.794
213 supathan 300.0000.794
214 WestBulls 300.0000.793
215 PWNC4M 300.0000.793
216 vjz3r 300.0000.792
217 PakCTF 300.0000.792
218 3331 300.0000.791
219 SacredShell 300.0000.791
220 YMD_HK 300.0000.790
221 Hackin'TN 300.0000.790
222 DeathNet 300.0000.789
223 BHunters 300.0000.789
224 Shingodzilla_Hacking_Team 300.0000.788
225 rwandi 300.0000.788
226 746974616e73 300.0000.787
227 0x21 300.0000.787
228 John The D1cker 300.0000.787
229 FlagaDoS 300.0000.786
230 Cyberclowns 300.0000.786
231 RedNet 300.0000.785
232 UNBCTF 300.0000.785
233 thestrainmash 300.0000.784
234 Ibeee 300.0000.784
235 /dev/null 300.0000.784
236 Originator 300.0000.783
237 N1MDA 300.0000.783
238 Dying 300.0000.782
239 pL4NT 300.0000.782
240 Neu Cyber 300.0000.781
241 Script kiddie 300.0000.781
242 Hello Humans 300.0000.781
243 2fields 300.0000.780
244 RU3T_Brain_interceptor 300.0000.780
245 PhoneixFire 300.0000.779
246 SpambyteS 300.0000.779
247 Hack'Ademy 300.0000.779
248 BBhunt3rs 300.0000.778
249 Te4m b3a5t m0d3 300.0000.778
250 Toman 300.0000.778
251 QWKA0 300.0000.777
252 KingCrimson 300.0000.777
253 Dumb13d0r3 300.0000.776
254 hackstreet boys 300.0000.776
255 SNAD 300.0000.776
256 turbocoders 300.0000.775
257 iRan Candy 300.0000.775
258 n37_runn3rs 300.0000.775
259 ctf_is_fun 300.0000.774
260 Cyber_Kids 300.0000.774
261 captchaTF 300.0000.774
262 CyR1en 300.0000.773
263 bruh 300.0000.773
264 onabe 300.0000.773
265 fzmet 300.0000.772
266 s3ven 300.0000.772
267 Friendly CTF 300.0000.772
268 CoderZClub 300.0000.771
269 Latelatejoiner 300.0000.771
270 KINGofTHEhell 300.0000.771
271 asfourr 300.0000.770
272 notsamurai 300.0000.770
273 ProfessorX 300.0000.770
274 bee 300.0000.769
275 TCTN 300.0000.769
276 APT-X 300.0000.769
277 who_forever 300.0000.768
278 b0ml3t 300.0000.768
279 rookie 300.0000.768
280 DeathArrows 300.0000.768
281 danke 300.0000.767
282 soala gogo 300.0000.767
283 sliver 300.0000.767
284 creepypastabox 300.0000.766
285 Audax Invictus 300.0000.766
286 blatern 300.0000.766
287 Saratonin 300.0000.766
288 def get_ip(): 300.0000.765
289 EXDI 300.0000.765
290 Red_Rebels 300.0000.765
291 hi1234 300.0000.764
292 khoukhou 300.0000.764
293 Apile 300.0000.764
294 AreDaYush? 300.0000.764
295 Kim Minjoong 300.0000.763
296 hyp3r_X 300.0000.763
297 1N51DER5 300.0000.763
298 sk1d_s3c 300.0000.763
299 BBQS 300.0000.762
300 coffeemen 300.0000.762
301 harshit pal 300.0000.762
302 Vento Aureo 200.0000.533
303 41_dunt_kn0w 200.0000.533
304 crone 200.0000.533
305 CrypticRoot 200.0000.533
306 R4V3NGU1N 200.0000.532
307 La_crayonnerie 200.0000.532
308 Pilum Muralis 200.0000.532
309 gencombd 200.0000.532
310 Tzadikim 200.0000.531
311 0xECE 200.0000.531
312 snick 200.0000.531
313 T4B 200.0000.531
314 nothing 200.0000.530
315 EteRnAl2k 200.0000.530
316 BabaElzaf 200.0000.530
317 8LACK_W0LF 200.0000.530
318 KXTI_EOSHCH 200.0000.530
319 USC CyCo 200.0000.529
320 exitzero 200.0000.529
321 CtrlFindDel 200.0000.529
322 secspirit 200.0000.529
323 m3 200.0000.528
324 Octet Mignonne 200.0000.528
325 CYB3R_PIRAT3S 200.0000.528
326 TheGoldenDusk 200.0000.528
327 ligmaballs 200.0000.527
328 wubianz 200.0000.527
329 MrNo0ne 200.0000.527
330 horribleatctf 200.0000.527
331 SAGE_@ 200.0000.527
332 BGrad 200.0000.526
333 ninjaaa 200.0000.526
334 s1r3ns 200.0000.526
335 WannaLaugh 200.0000.526
336 baby shark 200.0000.526
337 PhoeniCS 200.0000.525
338 CRUNCH 2600 200.0000.525
339 ctrl1337 200.0000.525
340 W1nner 200.0000.525
341 rot0 200.0000.525
342 Hackcess 200.0000.524
343 The_Hacktivators 200.0000.524
344 KSA 200.0000.524
345 BetterAskLater 200.0000.524
346 bdhxgrp 200.0000.524
347 Fl4g Sm4sher 200.0000.523
348 CryptoMoon 200.0000.523
349 VNeseShellCrackers 200.0000.523
350 xeex 200.0000.523
351 Slab Allocator 200.0000.523
352 Discount Dookus 200.0000.522
353 hawt_chili 200.0000.522
354 Protektive 200.0000.522
355 Lithium Flower 200.0000.522
356 IUT_R3DFL4G5 200.0000.522
357 ctf-Tot 200.0000.522
358 FITSEC 200.0000.521
359 R00t|Finder$ 200.0000.521
360 Spartans 200.0000.521
361 I_Don't_Have_A_Team 200.0000.521
362 5p0r7 200.0000.521
363 w4ba5h 200.0000.520
364 Mason glazers 200.0000.520
365 Scriptnoobs 200.0000.520
366 Monke Prison 200.0000.520
367 vsaij 200.0000.520
368 BecaCool 200.0000.520
369 club 200.0000.519
370 logeks 200.0000.519
371 Learning Is Fun! 200.0000.519
372 0Days 200.0000.519
373 Hash Cracking Slasher 200.0000.519
374 Keepers 200.0000.519
375 BerlianGabriel 200.0000.518
376 BackMoon 200.0000.518
377 C Rien C EPITA 200.0000.518
378 Shell Shopperz 200.0000.518
379 M0nK3y_D1st 200.0000.518
380 __xor__ 200.0000.518
381 madao 200.0000.517
382 PWNHaki 200.0000.517
383 palette 200.0000.517
384 Napst3r-CTF 200.0000.517
385 t34m_pwnkngs 200.0000.517
386 tub_nut 200.0000.517
387 Phantom 200.0000.516
388 Erge 200.0000.516
389 SQAG 200.0000.516
390 FizzySodiumChloride 200.0000.516
391 Lords_Association 200.0000.516
392 Hackappatoi 200.0000.516
393 root@cyber 200.0000.516
394 Team Spiryt 200.0000.515
395 newbzwon 200.0000.515
396 Ctrl Alt Elite 200.0000.515
397 d4t4s3c 200.0000.515
398 DDLJ 200.0000.515
399 Ridin' Solos 200.0000.515
400 ttyusb 200.0000.514
401 Bits & Pieces 200.0000.514
402 Alexius 200.0000.514
403 Kleo 200.0000.514
404 Kodingdan 200.0000.514
405 Pandahat 200.0000.514
406 Imposter detection squad v2 200.0000.514
407 ReneerDesante 200.0000.513
408 Tarnished 200.0000.513
409 89058961fb 200.0000.513
410 KXTI_sh 200.0000.513
411 red13ua 200.0000.513
412 Fuzzy Goldfish 200.0000.513
413 NSFW 200.0000.513
414 AN1S 200.0000.513
415 ceevase 200.0000.512
416 dinopwn 200.0000.512
417 Team 5h4d0wbr0k3r5 200.0000.512
418 M3N 1N BL4cK 200.0000.512
419 0xdb 200.0000.512
420 pwn1337 200.0000.512
421 BOBACTF 200.0000.512
422 bidetenjoyers 200.0000.511
423 MData 200.0000.511
424 SPACE 200.0000.511
425 Semper Sometimes 200.0000.511
426 flyingrabbit 200.0000.511
427 404Unfound 200.0000.511
428 Nightxade 200.0000.511
429 b1rds_of_pr3y 200.0000.511
430 Bocchi is.. literally me... 200.0000.510
431 Ench Lolz 200.0000.510
432 CHICKS 200.0000.510
433 Nol3ptr 200.0000.510
434 VN_MSEC 200.0000.510
435 txph 200.0000.510
436 vlxx 200.0000.510
437 <OOO> 200.0000.510
438 robot 200.0000.509
439 VakandaForever 200.0000.509
440 BWashDish 200.0000.509
441 Hopper's Roppers 200.0000.509
442 Cla55N0tF0und 200.0000.509
443 Harpy Hunter 200.0000.509
444 hshd 200.0000.509
445 skybridge_ 200.0000.509
446 falconsec 200.0000.508
447 organizers 200.0000.508
448 Beavers 200.0000.508
449 masquerader 200.0000.508
450 Newbie_aaa 200.0000.508
451 whoami 200.0000.508
452 drunkbits 200.0000.508
453 WannaLrn 200.0000.508
454 Maultaschen 200.0000.508
455 Newone 200.0000.507
456 More Homm 200.0000.507
457 mannna 200.0000.507
458 CyborGs21 200.0000.507
459 P@ssw0rd 200.0000.507
460 OnlyOneeee 200.0000.507
461 DADAYA 200.0000.507
462 zoznoor23 200.0000.507
463 Muk_Silver 200.0000.507
464 777 200.0000.506
465 Th3 N1ght Ag3nts 200.0000.506
466 Xnxx 200.0000.506
467 n00bz 100.0000.278
468 :q!uickExit 100.0000.278
469 ReNova 100.0000.278
470 guohanming 100.0000.278
471 KGCTF 100.0000.278
472 oo 100.0000.277
473 mu5k3733r5 100.0000.277
474 Waflon_Team 100.0000.277
475 PEEOHSEE 100.0000.277
476 Ass3rtCr3w 100.0000.277
477 JustRandomGuy 100.0000.277
478 newbies 100.0000.277
479 O(CTF) 100.0000.277
480 ipsum 100.0000.277
481 idk0 100.0000.277
482 Rats_In_Hats 100.0000.276
483 ficofo 100.0000.276
484 Amigos do Caruso 100.0000.276
485 infosec_buddies 100.0000.276
486 Alexidre22 100.0000.276
487 Hacky Easter 100.0000.276
488 acr0nym 100.0000.276
489 IUT_Torpedos 100.0000.276
490 daerk_matter 100.0000.276
491 squadron 9 100.0000.276
492 test123 100.0000.275
493 knights 100.0000.275
494 sugoi 100.0000.275
495 Tuc_n00bs 100.0000.275
496 no1sec 100.0000.275
497 TheBoys 100.0000.275
498 Nekketsu 100.0000.275
499 Hekcet 100.0000.275
500 qwerty 100.0000.275
501 g3n&sy5 100.0000.275
502 100.0000.275
503 Heli9 100.0000.274
504 Javiespa 100.0000.274
505 W team 100.0000.274
506 PentesterRanger 100.0000.274
507 bob 100.0000.274
508 Citrus Cyber 100.0000.274
509 Gépadidé 100.0000.274
510 h@H@H@h@@hH@ 100.0000.274
511 dystopian 100.0000.274
512 n0ne 100.0000.274
513 snipesec 100.0000.274
514 tulay 100.0000.273
515 onlyone 100.0000.273
516 siu 100.0000.273
517 Advanced CTF Threat 100.0000.273
518 MagicPizzaBox 100.0000.273
519 pizzasteeeve 100.0000.273
520 m3hk 100.0000.273
521 fiasko 100.0000.273
522 Capybara Social House 100.0000.273
523 T3chyT33roy 100.0000.273
524 hades 100.0000.273
525 JmuXx 100.0000.273
526 /opt 100.0000.272
527 Super_Hackers 100.0000.272
528 C4t_f4t X tu3n4nh 100.0000.272
529 SMAKSAB LAB 100.0000.272
530 Presuniv Code Warrior 100.0000.272
531 100.0000.272
532 team2023 100.0000.272
533 vanatka 100.0000.272
534 KMA_KN 100.0000.272
535 ezzz 100.0000.272
536 lowprivshighhopes 100.0000.272
537 bet76 100.0000.272
538 AKalone 100.0000.271
539 Kentang Renyah 100.0000.271
540 once 100.0000.271
541 cekteam 100.0000.271
542 test99 100.0000.271
543 Gizmeaux 100.0000.271
544 1up 100.0000.271
545 HELL0 100.0000.271
546 Finder 100.0000.271
547 Administration 100.0000.271
548 baidengtrump 100.0000.271
549 IVdAShell 100.0000.271
550 __No0b__ 100.0000.270
551 Geng DDoS Kepala Batu 100.0000.270
552 4bysslab 100.0000.270
553 dolphins 100.0000.270
554 Lunar_r3d 100.0000.270
555 III 100.0000.270
556 popo 100.0000.270
557 have_no _flag 100.0000.270
558 solokia 100.0000.270
559 3x30 100.0000.270
560 Forestwolf 100.0000.270
561 hackcoeur007 100.0000.270
562 ajmewal1 100.0000.270
563 skyepodium 100.0000.270
564 rendezvous 100.0000.269
565 D3bug7hug$ 100.0000.269
566 z1x2 100.0000.269
567 Bluescreeners 100.0000.269
568 d05004 100.0000.269
569 Burger Komanda 100.0000.269
570 helloWorld 100.0000.269
571 staspen 100.0000.269
572 bwzhnh 100.0000.269
573 eetteet 100.0000.269
574 dark evils 100.0000.269
575 BMSTM 100.0000.269
576 KisakiReina 100.0000.269
577 BiggestBird 100.0000.269
578 jk911 100.0000.268
579 mulmul 100.0000.268
580 Prosvetic 100.0000.268
581 s0lv3r 100.0000.268
582 Idk_ 100.0000.268
583 woanmeo11 100.0000.268
584 Solo [Nepal] 100.0000.268
585 x-phract 100.0000.268
586 zl4 100.0000.268
587 kjiel 100.0000.268
588 TnomiPho 100.0000.268
589 Jungbohyun 100.0000.268
590 XXXSAX 100.0000.268
591 VnewbieV 100.0000.268
592 usmrj 100.0000.267
593 betaoin 100.0000.267
594 E15TEAM 100.0000.267
595 nothing101 100.0000.267
596 dadadadadadada 100.0000.267
597 CAPTCHA Errors 100.0000.267
598 k0komi 100.0000.267
599 Root Rate 100.0000.267
600 trst team 100.0000.133
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