Also known as
  • LetzPwn2


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A Luxembourgish team, which is open to everyone who lives in Luxembourg and is passionate about cybersecurity.

Participated in CTF events

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
66BlueHens CTF 20242147.00004.573
68Questcon CTF1665.000014.356 CTF 2024164.00004.852
310corCTF 2024110.00001.251
1005UofTCTF 202410.00000.041

Overall rating place: 648 with 68.334 pts in 2023

Country place: 1

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
1781337UP LIVE CTF871.00001.555 CTF 2023170.00003.820
276DownUnderCTF 20231598.00006.384
99CCCamp 2023146.00000.799
114Tenable CTF 20231706.00006.047
747UIUCTF 20231.00000.078
506HSCTF 10988.00002.494
198UMDCTF 20231089.00002.228
302ångstromCTF 2023570.000015.515
23DawgCTF 20233475.000015.497
165PlaidCTF 202369.00002.667
103LINE CTF 2023153.00001.397
450UMass CTF 202325.00000.200
296Cyber Apocalypse 2023: The Cursed Mission10225.000010.341
80WolvCTF 20232013.00003.201
129hxp CTF 202280.00002.368

Overall rating place: 512 with 67.543 pts in 2022

Country place: 3

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
242Digital Overdose 2022 Autumn CTF200.00001.371 CTF 20221019.000014.750
551DEADFACE CTF190.00000.599
219CyberSecurityRumble CTF100.00000.955
159LakeCTF Qualifications1.00000.155
187DownUnderCTF 2022 (Online) 1673.00003.408
353CSAW CTF Qualification Round 2022266.00000.765
54TeamItaly CTF 2022471.00003.137
193CakeCTF 2022212.00000.000
97Balsn CTF 2022204.00002.801
64FAUST CTF 20229644.989319.615
26BCACTF 3.04850.000013.797
44saarCTF 20228886.62076.944
5551337UP LIVE CTF1.00000.043

Overall rating place: 875 with 35.071 pts in 2021

Country place: 1

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
1197Cyber Santa is Coming to Town1200.00003.728 CTF 2021648.000012.513
221corCTF 20211149.00002.201
133Really Awesome CTF 20211600.00003.879
109DawgCTF 20211555.00000.000
64UMDCTF 20214900.00000.000
206ångstromCTF 20211140.00008.505
207NahamCon CTF 20214051.00003.542
141Union CTF 2021140.00000.704

Overall rating place: 276 with 106.079 pts in 2020

Country place: 1

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
122X-MAS CTF 20201425.00000.000 CTF 20202501.000046.818
766Hacktober CTF211.00000.612
407Google Capture The Flag 202050.00000.880
102Zh3r0 CTF2767.00002.888
172Really Awesome CTF 20204200.00005.557
255Hack-A-Sat Qualifiers39.00000.344
86S㎩mAndFlags Uけimate w呎は屸de C㏊mᒆonship Teaser ꕫꕫ - ㎩㏚i㎄ Edition146.00000.847
41Covid-19 CTF1581.00000.000
74Houseplant CTF 202010841.00007.912
48UMDCTF 20202850.00004.621
85WPICTF 20201176.00009.663
357PlaidCTF 20201.00000.276
39DawgCTF 20204730.000010.585
43saarCTF 202014010.84765.059
77CONFidence CTF 2020 Teaser99.00001.704
363ångstromCTF 20201110.00006.654
1045nullcon HackIM 20201.00000.040
234HackTM CTF Quals 2020200.00000.574
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
266hxp 36C3 CTF35.00000.417
435OverTheWire Advent Bonanza 201959.00000.187
63RITSEC CTF 20192707.00004.720
19Newbie CTF(N-CTF) 201910602.00000.000 CTF 2019604.00005.708
614Balsn CTF 2019106.00000.372
87BSides Delhi CTF 2019200.00000.531
415CSAW CTF Qualification Round 2019101.00000.893
157Chaos Communication Camp 201981.00000.647
78Crypto CTF 2019284.00001.837
45UUTCTF 2019785.00004.555

Team members

Team writeups

EventTaskAction CTF 2022babyelectronV2 [299]read writeup
BCACTF 3.0Query Service [175]read writeup
justCTF [*] 2020PDF is broken, and so is this file [67]read writeup CTF 2020Litter Box [500]read writeup CTF 2019Numtonce [499]read writeup