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Participated in CTF events

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
368HeroCTF v3205.00000.773
144Securinets CTF Quals 202150.00000.419
349vishwaCTF 202125.00000.086
373DaVinciCTF 202110.00000.147
432darkCON CTF100.00000.201
1528Tenable CTF 202175.00000.261
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
397Brixel CTF winter edition145.00000.000
128BSides Algiers 2021 Quals5.00000.210
556X-MAS CTF 202036.00000.000
605Newark Academy CTF 2020775.00001.431
229RaziCTF 2020253.00000.228
432MetaCTF CyberGames 20202575.00003.927
193Hack The Vote 20201.00000.134
607Syskron Security CTF 2020210.00000.873
174N1CTF 202069.00000.433
909Hacktober CTF80.00000.244
12YPSI CTF300.00000.000
96BalCCon2k20 CTF59.00000.398
57Evlz CTF 3.01.00000.425
250EKOPARTY CTF 2020451.00000.837
310TokyoWesterns CTF 6th 202033.00000.970
924DownUnderCTF 2020100.00000.202
89COMPFEST CTF 2020878.00000.000
144RESTCON CTF472.00000.594
136ByteCTF 3170.00000.000
510Hacker's Playground 202010.00000.112
65PhantomCTF 3.01654.00000.000
77Arab Security Cyber Wargames 2020 Qualifications 300.00001.212
77Arab Security Cyber Wargames300.00000.000
180PoseidonCTF 1st Edition200.00000.659
180InCTF 2020200.00000.830
1286HacktivityCon CTF100.00000.265
627CyBRICS CTF 202050.00000.215
234csictf 20203787.00004.048
94Content Creators Club CTF700.00000.000
241UIUCTF 2020120.00000.398
512CCTF 20201.00000.052
386ASIS CTF Quals 202020.00000.437
168UUTCTF 2020125.00000.583
1444ångstromCTF 202035.00000.229
814nullcon HackIM 20201.00000.050
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
563redpwnCTF 2019150.00000.303

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