Fri, 25 Sept. 2020, 18:00 UTC — Sun, 27 Sept. 2020, 18:00 UTC 


BalCCon CTF event.

Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL:

You will be able to login this event with CTFtime.

This event's future weight is subject of public voting!

Future weight: 24.64 

Rating weight: 24.64 

Event organizers 

Welcome hacker. BalCCon is an annual conference in Novi Sad, Serbia, which has unfortunately been cancelled due to COVID-19. However, we are still here, trying to bring you some of the conference spirit with a CTF. We're aiming at an intermediate difficulty range.

Stay tuned via:

* @BalCC0n on Twitter
* @We_0wn_Y0u on Twitter
* #balccon2k20-ctf IRC channel on freenode.


1. BalCCon Hoodie
2. Tickets for next BalCCon
3. Bottle of Rakija


193 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 The Flat Network Society 10264.00049.280
2 Shellphish 6898.00028.880
3 mode13h 6026.00022.679
4 TeamCC 5082.00018.360
5 ENOFLAG 4488.00015.702
6 HackInProvence 3718.00013.032
7 Riverzard 2785.00010.206
8 Nullz 2739.0009.655
9 DSGS4T 2682.0009.176
10 Defenit 2437.0008.314
11 Cyber Giraffe 2374.0007.939
12 yeon_test 2299.0007.572
13 Immortals 2224.0007.234
14 BundGemischt 2188.0007.013
15 tomaHAWkss 2149.0006.802
16 F03v3ryY0ung 1900.0006.101
17 reKeyzen 1866.0005.929
18 speles 1853.0005.817
19 CSI 1818.0005.661
20 Kernel Sanders 1751.0005.435
21 zaikoe 1750.0005.374
22 Hackiit 1740.0005.297
23 onotch 1485.0004.636
24 ideaengine007 1374.0004.325
25 H4k 1294.0004.092
26 HKLBGD 1289.0004.042
27 Enterprize1 1280.0003.985
28 hackedemedikki 1063.0003.432
29 Joshibeast 1062.0003.399
30 kemabomas 999.0003.220
31 K0nFu53D C@ 995.0003.183
32 HITCONGIRLS 972.0003.103
33 taylor8294 931.0002.982
34 MaliAliSmrdiKaoVeliki 928.0002.952
35 CrackTheFlag 921.0002.915
36 Sieberrsec 900.0002.845
37 tellmewhy 855.0002.718
38 wolvsec 846.0002.679
39 STeam 819.0002.598
40 MQCyberSec 783.0002.496
41 D4rkRider 775.0002.461
42 crankCeption 770.0002.435
43 whoarewe 698.0002.249
44 LinyTail 645.0002.108
45 AzazaHurma 630.0002.060
46 0x435446 614.0002.010
47 quriosity 573.0001.900
48 OrderofShadows 565.0001.870
49 WhoMustNotBeNamed 525.0001.763
50 IHaveNoIdeaWhatImDoing 519.0001.739
51 d4rkc0de 515.0001.719
52 Dashu 502.0001.679
53 PwnaSonic 492.0001.646
54 flib 486.0001.623
55 yeti_ops 480.0001.600
56 cew 476.0001.583
57 marj 466.0001.551
58 test03 453.0001.512
59 r0ad_0x5a 448.0001.493
60 Threadraco0n 443.0001.474
61 4s3c 443.0001.467
62 nhy 415.0001.394
63 x0r 381.0001.306
64 c0debad0 381.0001.300
65 stankc 381.0001.294
66 dm.js 381.0001.288
67 iamtoolazytoprovideaname 371.0001.258
68 kolt 322.0001.135
69 TheWorkers 322.0001.130
70 TeamFeu 207.0000.849
71 Iam9r00t 207.0000.844
72 RPCA Cyber Club 207.0000.839
73 Sm4sh3d@nTheFl00r 207.0000.834
74 noraneco 207.0000.830
75 TeamH4C 207.0000.825
76 NIS 207.0000.821
77 NDLA 197.0000.793
78 Qui3t0wL 197.0000.789
79 SDSLabs 158.0000.691
80 barumaubelajar 158.0000.687
81 alonevsloneliness 158.0000.683
82 ninje_iz_bosne 158.0000.680
83 ro5eCknight 158.0000.676
84 ShawarmaHouse 158.0000.673
85 ParanoidNinjas 148.0000.645
86 tadaaa 148.0000.642
87 InfoSecIITR 148.0000.639
88 sword 148.0000.635
89 Fad3rs 148.0000.632
90 ctf_ 148.0000.629
91 Mtaun 148.0000.626
92 4katsuk1 148.0000.623
93 nnning 148.0000.620
94 elfh4t 148.0000.617
95 flexerilla 148.0000.615
96 trtd 59.0000.398
97 fzhshzh 59.0000.396
98 khulegu 59.0000.393
99 SWV_L 59.0000.391
100 JoshuaL 59.0000.388
101 gw404 59.0000.386
102 KUDoS 59.0000.383
103 mumu 59.0000.381
104 Terminox 59.0000.379
105 S0m3One 59.0000.376
106 Compot 59.0000.374
107 manishkumarr 59.0000.372
108 Stringsme 59.0000.370
109 rudolf 59.0000.368
110 ByteForc3 49.0000.342
111 S1nB4d 49.0000.340
112 gach 49.0000.338
113 willwam845 49.0000.336
114 4k3l4rr3 49.0000.334
115 Lonely Wolf 49.0000.332
116 AC 49.0000.330
117 Bat Squad 49.0000.328
118 <OOO> 49.0000.326
119 4L0n3 49.0000.325
120 ri5e 49.0000.323
121 h4ck7u5 49.0000.321
122 itc 49.0000.320
123 Horde 49.0000.318
124 hanemile 49.0000.316
125 parabola0149 49.0000.315
126 brooo 49.0000.313
127 Dark_Warrior$ 49.0000.312
128 The Guardians 49.0000.310
129 c0r3dump 49.0000.309
130 dd__ 49.0000.307
131 Lucknut 49.0000.306
132 NCTOP 49.0000.304
133 naba 49.0000.303
134 empty_ 49.0000.302
135 bins3c 49.0000.300
136 Sud0 49.0000.299
137 donutapn 49.0000.297
138 Pororo 49.0000.296
139 kljh 49.0000.295
140 Lengsabb 49.0000.294
141 KXTI_PineCone 10.0000.199
142 NNN 10.0000.198
143 WeekendWarriors 10.0000.196
144 Pa0x73cal 10.0000.195
145 Mike Oxmaul 10.0000.194
146 godslion 10.0000.193
147 Haquer Team 10.0000.192
148 IJCT 10.0000.190
149 Balalaika 10.0000.189
150 Tinfoil Hats 10.0000.188
151 OverDover 10.0000.187
152 gruf 10.0000.186
153 ud2 10.0000.185
154 P@Ge2mE 10.0000.184
155 eppooo 10.0000.183
156 Amadeus 10.0000.182
157 omotte 10.0000.181
158 L3o 10.0000.180
159 SGREP 10.0000.179
160 abcdef 10.0000.178
161 dragon hoard 10.0000.177
162 TheNorthCodes_ 10.0000.176
163 ducks0ci3ty 10.0000.175
164 Lions 10.0000.174
165 LeonT 10.0000.173
166 BensonYee 10.0000.172
167 DPSC 10.0000.172
168 466 Crew 10.0000.171
169 Arizona Nopsled Team 10.0000.170
170 Roof-Roof 10.0000.169
171 HackerSchool@IST 10.0000.168
172 I am late 10.0000.167
173 papulen 10.0000.166
174 AIE CTF 10.0000.166
175 Pwnie Island 10.0000.165
176 n00b19 10.0000.164
177 The Prabesh Sapkota 10.0000.163
178 Teamneeded22 10.0000.162
179 suelyhelfaberkddxm 10.0000.162
180 m3r0n4 10.0000.161
181 slaktarna 10.0000.160
182 hscorpion 10.0000.159
183 MN 10.0000.159
184 Script Kiddies 10.0000.158
185 AOR 10.0000.157
186 satleca 10.0000.156
187 stdnoerr 10.0000.156
188 Fikus 10.0000.155
189 BoilingWater 10.0000.154
190 gitak 10.0000.154
191 SICKCURED 10.0000.153
192 r5 10.0000.152
193 PwsecTeam 10.0000.076
cluoshSept. 24, 2020, 7:37 p.m.

Currently working on backend infra, if you experience any issues, let us know in IRC.

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