Tags: ethereum blockchain solidity 


# Spiritual Box

## Problem Statement
>Donate exactly "69 Wei" in this "Spiritual Box", and Venus would shine upon you.
["Spiritual Box" aka contract page](
Finally, submit your contract address at nc 9091 to get the flag.
>**Output Format**

**Contract Code**(The Spiritual/Donation Box) of problem statement.
1. pragma solidity ^0.4.6;
3. contract Donationbox {
5. uint private prev;
6. uint private temp;
8. constructor() public {
9. prev = now;
10. }
12. function donate() public payable{
13. temp = now;
14. require(temp - prev > 500 && msg.value <= 5 && msg.value > 0);
15. prev = temp;
16. }
18. function () public payable{
19. revert();
20. }
21. }
## Solution
From given contract code, we can only use donate function every 500 seconds (now in solidity is alias for block.timestamp) and the donation amount should be <= 5, which would have take a lot of time and effort if the total donation amount is large. Moreover donate is the only fucntion that can accept Ether since the **fallback** function [line #18] always reverts(rejects) payments.
There is a concept in solidity called **selfdestruct(also suicide)** [docs-link](https://solidity.readthedocs.io/en/v0.4.21/units-and-global-variables.html#contract-related). So when a contract commits suicide(destroys itself, freeing up the space on blockchain), it forces it's balance to the address specified in function **selfdestruct(address)**, none of the function of the contract, in which the Ether is forced into, is called. Hence, even the fallback payable function is not able to reject Ether.

**To solve this challenge**
* Create a new instance from the button privided in the challenge page.
* Open a new tab and enter [https://remix.ethereum.org](https://remix.ethereum.org), an online Solidity IDE.
* Write a new contract in the IDE which will commit suicide, and deploy it on the same network as that of Spiritual Box.

pragma solidity ^0.4.6;

contract KillMe {

function selfDestruct() public {

function() payable public {

Where "0x9561C133DD8580860B6b7E504bC5Aa500f0f06a7" is the address of the deployed Spiritual/Donation Box Contract.
* Send some Ether into **KillMe** contract from any Ethereum Wallet Account via web3 injected by Metamask, in the browser console.

web3.eth.sendTransaction({from:web3.eth.defaultAccount ,to:'0x5b1869d9a4c187f2eaa108f3062412ecf0526b24', value:69}, (err,res)=>{console.log(err,res);})
Where "0x5b1869d9a4c187f2eaa108f3062412ecf0526b24" is the address of **KillMe** contract.
* After having sent 69 Wei to KillMe contract, call its **selfDestruct** function to commit suicide and finally force its balance to the Spiritual Box address.

* Now submit address "0x9561C133DD8580860B6b7E504bC5Aa500f0f06a7" at ```nc 9091``` to get the flag.

Original writeup (https://github.com/ketankr9/CodefestCTF18/blob/master/writeups/SpiritualBox.md).
chrsowSept. 2, 2018, 11:59 p.m.

I've tried this solution(selfdestruct) , but I can't force the contract to receive my ether (being rejected with "revert").

ketankr9Sept. 4, 2018, 5:58 a.m.

@chrsow I have tried it numerous times. See error logs, it might help.