# Teaser Dragon CTF 2018 : AES-128-TSB
**category** : crypto
**points** : 219
**solves** : 46
## write-up
The problem implement a new kind of AES mode
It check the last decrypt block equal to IV
There are two things we can use in `server.py`
1. `unpad`: `msg[:-ord(msg[-1])]`
2. `a == b`: It compares string for us after decryption
First, how to bypass the check for mac
Observe that `P2 = IV + j1 + j2`
We just need to make `j1 == j2`, which is the same as `i1 == i2`
Second, we can alter the last bit of `P1` using IV last bit, and compare the string with empty string
If `1 <= P1[-1] <= 15` then the unpad P1 will not be an empty string, otherwise it will be an empty string.
Using above method, we can recover last bit of `j1`
Since we know last bit of `j1`, we can unpad any bytes we want through manipulating last bit of IV.
Brute force `0-255` to compare with each byte in `j1` ( just make first 15 bytes of IV `\x00` )
After get a `i1` and `j1` pair, we can make `gimme_flag` string
Then recover the encrypted flag using the same method
Because there are many requests, and the network is slow, it takes about an hour to get the flag...
# other write-ups and resources