Sat, 29 Sept. 2018, 12:00 UTC — Sun, 30 Sept. 2018, 12:00 UTC 


Dragon CTF event.

Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL:

This event's future weight is subject of public voting!

Future weight: 36.08 

Rating weight: 25.00 

Event organizers 

Teaser for the offline event at Security PWNing Conference (Warsaw, Poland, November 19-20th).

Registration is now open!



Top1 - Top2:

- Invitation to the offline event
- Travel allowance (up to 4*1200 PLN)
- Hotel for 4 people (2 twin rooms, 3 nights)

Top3 - Top6:

- Invitation to the offline event
- Hotel for 4 people (2 twin rooms, 3 nights)

Top7 - Top10:

- Invitation to the offline event


233 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 Shellphish 2247.00050.000
2 p4 2215.00037.144
3 Plaid Parliament of Pwning 2215.00032.977
4 0daysober 2215.00030.894
5 Tasteless 2215.00029.644
6 217 2215.00028.811
7 !SpamAndHex 1856.00024.221
8 hxp 1815.00023.319
9 ALLES! 1696.00021.647
10 r3kapig 1542.00019.656
11 justCatTheFish 1513.00019.106
12 Balsn 1472.00018.461
13 Bushwhackers 1424.00017.766
14 LosFuzzys 1424.00017.629
15 magnum 1424.00017.510
16 eee 1146.00014.313
17 dcua 1094.00013.642
18 LC↯BC 1094.00013.561
19 0x000505AD 1007.00012.520
20 RPISEC 997.00012.343
21 EmpireCTF 932.00011.560
22 Made In MIM 905.00011.205
23 room2042 803.00010.021
24 emmmm 751.0009.397
25 GoN 751.0009.356
26 Never Stop Exploiting 751.0009.317
27 STT 751.0009.282
28 0 738.0009.104
29 10sec 584.0007.360
30 jinmo123 584.0007.331
31 the cr0wn 532.0006.725
32 Whitzard 532.0006.700
33 TheRomanXpl0it 532.0006.677
34 PrivateProblem 473.0005.998
35 SU 473.0005.977
36 DoubleFox 473.0005.957
37 0ops 473.0005.938
38 kiwirulez 473.0005.920
39 polygl0ts 473.0005.904
40 DuckDuckNo 473.0005.888
41 HackingForSoju 473.0005.872
42 WizardsOfDos 473.0005.858
43 NYUSEC 473.0005.844
44 Redbud 473.0005.831
45 Eindbazen 473.0005.818
46 secse 408.0005.083
47 Xp0int 356.0004.493
48 Aeolus 356.0004.482
49 g33z 356.0004.471
50 greunion 297.0003.804
51 Tower of Hanoi 297.0003.795
52 p0stpwn3d 297.0003.785
53 b01lers 297.0003.776
54 TeamCC 297.0003.767
55 L0tuss 297.0003.759
56 NaruseJun 297.0003.751
57 SiBears 254.0003.265
58 DeliciousHorse 254.0003.257
59 W1ld60yz 254.0003.250
60 polihistors 254.0003.243
61 0x90r00t 254.0003.236
62 nopnop 254.0003.229
63 th3jackers 254.0003.223
64 Lancet 254.0003.217
65 Harekaze 254.0003.211
66 noxale 254.0003.205
67 CloisterF 254.0003.199
68 aloneplay 254.0003.194
69 Team ohne Namen 254.0003.188
70 Kraku` 254.0003.183
71 scryptos 254.0003.178
72 Batman's Kitchen 254.0003.173
73 die4beer 254.0003.168
74 noraneco 254.0003.164
75 Securimag 254.0003.159
76 onotch 254.0003.155
77 teamaet 254.0003.151
78 MV9rwGOf08 254.0003.147
79 hackstreetboys 219.0002.753
80 AdrenSys 176.0002.271
81 Cybrosis 176.0002.267
82 Disaster 78.0001.173
83 LC 78.0001.169
84 Night Raid 78.0001.165
85 bi0s 78.0001.162
86 Jelly013 78.0001.159
87 ZecheHackverein 78.0001.155
88 ID-10-T 78.0001.152
89 pasten 78.0001.149
90 HTB Discord 78.0001.146
91 Cache_Crook 78.0001.143
92 cbs 78.0001.140
93 13bd37 78.0001.137
94 Ronin 78.0001.134
95 KryddHiders 78.0001.131
96 weRgR00t 78.0001.128
97 The Half Cunchy 78.0001.126
98 Guest9282322 78.0001.123
99 upbhack 78.0001.120
100 saarsec 78.0001.118
101 dohki 78.0001.115
102 Rafiki 78.0001.113
103 something 78.0001.111
104 acnsecpl 78.0001.108
105 SuperNewbie 78.0001.106
106 stankc 78.0001.104
107 pwnthem0le 78.0001.101
108 Matsuya 78.0001.099
109 test 78.0001.097
110 Ne0Lux-C1Ph3r 78.0001.095
111 ASIS 78.0001.093
112 capitol 78.0001.091
113 Ki_Walo 78.0001.089
114 Dexodaj 78.0001.087
115 0xalis 78.0001.085
116 jack4flash 78.0001.083
117 78.0001.081
118 GedangKepok 78.0001.080
119 szyndzielnia 78.0001.078
120 EEIC__Room 78.0001.076
121 flyingDutch 78.0001.074
122 Blue Hens 78.0001.073
123 Lasq 78.0001.071
124 MixTim 78.0001.069
125 MTA256 78.0001.068
126 Sinbad The Sailor 78.0001.066
127 Fancy Deers 78.0001.065
128 Gefilte 78.0001.063
129 Wolf Team 78.0001.062
130 Kardynau 78.0001.060
131 BATATA KATHACKI 78.0001.059
132 lmza 78.0001.057
133 auntp3arl 78.0001.056
134 hitori 78.0001.054
135 Radish 78.0001.053
136 Bedlam 78.0001.052
137 cage 78.0001.050
138 Walter 78.0001.049
139 BitHess 78.0001.048
140 grzybek 78.0001.046
141 Caticorns 78.0001.045
142 Lone 78.0001.044
143 fizdeput 78.0001.043
144 Oteri 78.0001.041
145 false.p0sitive 78.0001.040
146 ed empire 78.0001.039
147 thadius 78.0001.038
148 0n3m4ns4rmy 78.0001.037
149 Stack 78.0001.036
150 A 78.0001.034
151 3NIGM4 78.0001.033
152 GucciGang 78.0001.032
153 y12uN 78.0001.031
154 R3ssuR3c710N 78.0001.030
155 Shy_ronnie 78.0001.029
156 nomeaning 78.0001.028
157 Hexo1000 78.0001.027
158 SQLAB_RETURN 78.0001.026
159 VelvetThunder 78.0001.025
160 vicio 78.0001.024
161 PUT 78.0001.023
162 $ℂ$ 78.0001.022
163 Nah 78.0001.021
164 NASA Rejects 78.0001.020
165 Vidar-Team 78.0001.019
166 justdoit 78.0001.018
167 DeadSec 78.0001.018
168 gruf 78.0001.017
169 kanbedon 78.0001.016
170 Inshall'hack 78.0001.015
171 d4rkc0de 78.0001.014
172 nanocomp 78.0001.013
173 All_Me 78.0001.012
174 squareroots 78.0001.012
175 InfoSecIITR 78.0001.011
176 WannaCry 78.0001.010
177 Powah 78.0001.009
178 elasmotherium 78.0001.008
179 ECX Inc. 78.0001.007
180 Ascope 78.0001.007
181 OpenToAll 78.0001.006
182 PersianCats 78.0001.005
183 Atomy 78.0001.004
184 pADAwan 78.0001.004
185 3BlindNerds 78.0001.003
186 toolate 78.0001.002
187 jhs 78.0001.002
188 Eat, Sleep, Pwn, Repeat 78.0001.001
189 The Dough Mamaz 78.0001.000
190 exitzero 78.0000.999
191 shiv 78.0000.999
192 N.Korea 78.0000.998
193 mitv 78.0000.997
194 Shell Collecting Club 78.0000.997
195 739193755 78.0000.996
196 Overwatch 78.0000.995
197 Woju 78.0000.995
198 CTFTW Squad 78.0000.994
199 Hecării, Țuica și Păunii 78.0000.993
200 toshi 78.0000.993
201 Kernel Sanders 78.0000.992
202 learn_ctf 78.0000.992
203 Lunlun 78.0000.991
204 Lunarantic 78.0000.990
205 OH_YEAH 78.0000.990
206 rawsec 78.0000.989
207 The Go Mamaz 78.0000.989
208 Paulada 78.0000.988
209 #RemoteExecution 78.0000.987
210 Whatever 78.0000.987
211 Radamanth 78.0000.986
212 InA 78.0000.986
213 flacs 78.0000.985
214 AOR 78.0000.985
215 UCCU 78.0000.984
216 last_place 78.0000.984
217 Lk_ 78.0000.983
218 nullbytecon 78.0000.983
219 BisonSquad 78.0000.982
220 Boss 78.0000.981
221 3g4t 78.0000.981
222 waggawagga 78.0000.980
223 cup2of2tea 78.0000.980
224 SHARK 78.0000.979
225 quest 78.0000.979
226 TimaZ 78.0000.978
227 Cryptonite 78.0000.978
228 PwnaSonic 78.0000.977
229 protonmail 78.0000.977
230 Haxx4Jobz 78.0000.977
231 Phish'n'Chips 78.0000.976
232 Ghastly 78.0000.976
233 HDM 78.0000.488
D4mianWayneSept. 29, 2018, 1:57 a.m.

Dragon Sector Team,

You guys are motivation for me, please keep up the hard work.
I'm a newbie in security field but I'm dedicated to learn.

Thank you for organizing this beautiful and opportunity for members like me.

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