Tags: reversing 


——> ./be-quick-or-be-dead-2
Be Quick Or Be Dead 2

Calculating key...
You need a faster machine. Bye bye.

okay same thing as be-quick-or-be-dead-1, let's see if i can solve it the same way, by putting a high value for the timer

with `ltrace ./be-quick-or-be-dead-2` we can see the timer is set with `alarm(3)`, so let's geedeebee

setting the breakpoint on alarm we can see on the backtrace where it's called
Breakpoint 1, 0x00007ffff7e9c4d0 in alarm () from /usr/lib/libc.so.6
gdb-peda$ bt
#0 0x00007ffff7e9c4d0 in alarm () from /usr/lib/libc.so.6
#1 0x00000000004007cb in set_timer ()
#2 0x0000000000400882 in main ()
#3 0x00007ffff7df8223 in __libc_start_main () from /usr/lib/libc.so.6
#4 0x00000000004005c9 in _start ()

Dump of assembler code for function set_timer:
0x000000000040077a <+0>: push rbp
0x00000000004007c1 <+71>: mov eax,DWORD PTR [rbp-0xc]
0x00000000004007c4 <+74>: mov edi,eax
0x00000000004007c6 <+76>: call 0x400550 <alarm@plt>
0x00000000004007cb <+81>: nop
0x00000000004007cc <+82>: leave
0x00000000004007cd <+83>: ret
End of assembler dump.

and breaking before the call we can change the timer value from 3 to 9999

Breakpoint 2, 0x00000000004007c6 in set_timer ()
gdb-peda$ p $rax
$4 = 0x3
gdb-peda$ set $rax=9999
gdb-peda$ c
Calculating key...

Program received signal SIGALRM, Alarm clock.

but it doesn't work. the program doesn't stop, but it keeps calculating for a looong time for a fibonacci function fib(). we can see that in gdb with ```bt```.

gdb-peda$ disas 0x0000000000400759
Dump of assembler code for function calculate_key:
0x000000000040074b <+0>: push rbp
0x000000000040074c <+1>: mov rbp,rsp
0x000000000040074f <+4>: mov edi,0x402
0x0000000000400754 <+9>: call 0x400706 <fib>
0x0000000000400759 <+14>: pop rbp
0x000000000040075a <+15>: ret
End of assembler dump.

and fib(0x402) is a number with 215 digits in base 10. we gotta find another way. lets's have a closer look at what the program does.
using radare2 we see the main structure is header()->set_timer()->get_key()->print_flag()

[0x004005a0]> s main
[0x0040085f]> pdf
;-- main:
/ (fcn) sym.main 62
| sym.main (int argc, char **argv, char **envp);
| ; var char **local_10h @ rbp-0x10
| ; var int local_4h @ rbp-0x4
| ; arg int argc @ rdi
| ; arg char **argv @ rsi
| ; DATA XREF from entry0 (0x4005bd)
| 0x0040085f 55 push rbp
| 0x00400860 4889e5 mov rbp, rsp
| 0x00400863 4883ec10 sub rsp, 0x10
| 0x00400867 897dfc mov dword [local_4h], edi ; argc
| 0x0040086a 488975f0 mov qword [local_10h], rsi ; argv
| 0x0040086e b800000000 mov eax, 0
| 0x00400873 e8a9ffffff call sym.header
| 0x00400878 b800000000 mov eax, 0
| 0x0040087d e8f8feffff call sym.set_timer
| 0x00400882 b800000000 mov eax, 0
| 0x00400887 e842ffffff call sym.get_key
| 0x0040088c b800000000 mov eax, 0
| 0x00400891 e863ffffff call sym.print_flag
| 0x00400896 b800000000 mov eax, 0
| 0x0040089b c9 leave
\ 0x0040089c c3 ret

inspecting more we come across the function decrypt_flag() inside print_flag(). this is its pseudo C code:

__int64 result; // rax
int argv1_; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-14h]
unsigned int i; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-4h]

argv1_ = argv1;
for ( i = 0; ; ++i )
result = i;
if ( i > 0x38 )
flag[i] ^= *((_BYTE *)&argv1_ + (signed int)i % 4);
if ( (signed int)i % 4 == 3 )
return result;

so it's a classic XOR between a string stored inside the program and a buffer calculated from argv1.
going back to print_flag() we can see that argv1 actually is the key calculated before by fib(), as r2 identified obj.key

| 0x00400802 e829fdffff sym.imp.puts () ; int puts(const char *s)
| 0x00400807 8b05b3082000 eax = dword [obj.key] ; obj.__TMC_END ; [0x6010c0:4]=0
| 0x0040080d 89c7 edi = eax
| 0x0040080f e882feffff sym.decrypt_flag ()

having any 2 of the 3 variables in the XOR operation we can get the remaining one. we can access the encoded flag string with radare2

[0x004007f9]> s obj.flag
[0x00601080]> px
- offset - 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0123456789ABCDEF
0x00601080 28f2 6998 1acf 4c8c 2ef3 6fa8 3df2 6898 (.i...L...o.=.h.
0x00601090 32fa 6994 34c4 7992 2fee 6f99 3cfe 5594 2.i.4.y./.o.<.U.
0x006010a0 01f5 5595 04c4 6e98 0cfe 5591 02e8 7ea8 ..U...n...U...~.
0x006010b0 53fe 3bcf 5da3 39c3 1b00 0000 0000 0000 S.;.].9.........

and we know the flag starts with "picoCTF{", so we can calculate the first 8 bytes of the key with a simple python script

bytes = ['0x28','0xf2','0x69','0x98','0x1a','0xcf','0x4c','0x8c']
flag = 'picoCTF{'
l = []

for i in range(0,8):
l.append(ord(flag[i]) ^ int(bytes[i], 16))

s = '0x'
for e in l[::-1]:
sn = str(hex(e)).replace('0x', '')
if len(sn) < 2:
s += '0'
s += sn


that gives us 0xf70a9b59f70a9b58 = 17801211287834368856. let's try to patch it into the program to see if we get at least the first part of the flag right; but first we gotta get rid of the fib()

[0x0040085f]> s 0x0040087d
[0x0040087d]> wa call sym.header
Written 5 byte(s) (call sym.header) = wx e89fffffff
[0x0040087d]> s 0x00400887
[0x00400887]> wa call sym.header
Written 5 byte(s) (call sym.header) = wx e895ffffff
[0x00400887]> pdf
;-- main:
| 0x0040086e b800000000 mov eax, 0
| 0x00400873 e8a9ffffff call sym.header
| 0x00400878 b800000000 mov eax, 0
| 0x0040087d e89fffffff call sym.header
| 0x00400882 b800000000 mov eax, 0
| 0x00400887 e895ffffff call sym.header
| 0x0040088c b800000000 mov eax, 0
| 0x00400891 e863ffffff call sym.print_flag

we can just call header() three times instead of calling set_timer() and get_key().

now, back in gdb we set a breakpoint on print_flag, before the call to decrypt_flag, so we can change the value of the key

0x400802 <print_flag+9>: call 0x400530 <puts@plt>
0x400807 <print_flag+14>: mov eax,DWORD PTR [rip+0x2008b3] # 0x6010c0 <key>
0x40080d <print_flag+20>: mov edi,eax
=> 0x40080f <print_flag+22>: call 0x400696 <decrypt_flag>
0x400814 <print_flag+27>: mov edi,0x601080
0x400819 <print_flag+32>: call 0x400530 <puts@plt>

then we set it

gdb-peda$ set $edi=0xf70a9b59f70a9b58
gdb-peda$ c
[Inferior 1 (process 20880) exited normally]

the 8 byte value was enough for the entire flag decryption

Original writeup (https://xnand.github.io/2018/10/15/picoCTF2018-be-quick-or-be-dead-2.html).
aa963577242Oct. 31, 2018, 2:01 a.m.

can you tell me ,why edi rigster can fill eight byte