
Miscellaneous Challenges

Good place to start and warm up. Some challenging ones too. <br> <br>

5 points: DiscordSlam

I heard there's a new bout going on in some new arena. It sounded like the arena's name was "Disboard". ¯\(ツ)/¯.

Better go check it out!

Flag is in the banner of the #lobby channel

Author: Helithumper

Pretty simple. Join the discord.

flag: sun{w3lcom3_t0_d1Sc0RdM4n1A!!!} <br> <br> <br>

75 points: Brainmeat

I am having a beef with someone that is so bad I cant even think! He sent me a message but I think he was having a stroke. Please decipher the message while I beat them up.

<a href="http://files.sunshinectf.org/misc/brainmeat.txt">brainmeat.txt</a>

Author: Aleccoder

Opening brainmeat.txt gives us:


It looks like gibberish at first glance, but all non-alphanumeric characters consist of >, <, [, ], +, -, and .; combined with the title Brainmeat, this immediately calls to mind the esoteric programming language <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brainfuck">Brainfuck</a>. Luckily, Brainfuck interpreters ignore all invalid characters. Copypaste the code into <a href='https://copy.sh/brainfuck/'>an online interpreter</a>, and you get:

flag: sun{fuck_the-brain#we!got^beef} <br> <br> <br>

75 points: Middle Ocean

I made a deal with Hulch Hogan (Hulk Hogan's brother) for a treasure map can you get the treaure for me?

Flag format is SUN{}

<a href='http://files.sunshinectf.org/misc/treasure_map.txt'>treasure_map.txt</a>

Author: Aleccoder

Opening the file gives us this:


I didn't know what these were, so I googled it. And it turns out that these were coordinates, and Google Maps accepted them. I plotted them all on Google Maps:

Not immediately getting anything, I tried to figure out the system of coordinates that it was using. This turned out to be a red herring; it didn't matter and I came up fruitless anyway. Where the flag was truly hiding was the typical latitude-longitude coordinates that they corresponded to. In the image above, you can see the latitude and longitude of the fourth point from treasure_map.txt. All together:

83.00006, 85.00006
78.00006, 123.00006
77.00006, 52.00006
57.00006, 53.00006
45.00006, 102.00006
33.00006, 125.00006

Drop the .00006 that they all share, and they suspiciously look like ascii codes. Using this <a href='http://www.unit-conversion.info/texttools/ascii/'>site</a> (make sure to put a 0 before two digit codes for it to work), you get the flag.

flag: SUN{M495-f!} <br> <br> <br>

100 points: Big Bad

The Big Bad Wolf has entered the ring. He can HUFF, he can puff, but can he blow this house down?

Author: Mesaj2000

Attached below that is a png of a binary tree called BigBad.png:

The problem description has HUFF in all caps, so searching up Huff Binary Tree returns Huffman Encoding. You can read up on it yourself, but its actually not really required for this challenge. All you need to know is that each letter is assigned a binary string based on the path you take from the root to the respective node; the more often a character appears, the shorter the string is. Taking the left path is a 0, taking the right is a 1.

But we don't have any data to follow down the tree, so we have to look for that. A good tool that I installed a while ago is stegsolve.jar. You can get it <a href='https://github.com/zardus/ctf-tools/blob/master/stegsolve/install'>here</a>. Run it with java -jar stegsolve.jar, open up the image, and start flicking through the image planes with the arrows on the bottom. In any of the LSB planes (Red/Blue/Green Plane 0), a barcode pattern appears. Its not actually a barcode though, just binary (black = 0, white = 1).

The fastest way to extract this info for me was to just take a screen shot. It introduced some noise at the end and cut off a bit of the data at the end, but luckily it wasn't too much (oops). Each pixel was one piece of data, since it matched what I expected the data to start with (sun{ encoded becomes 000001010010110, which aligned with the pixels by eye). I wasn't about to do this by hand, so I wrote a python script to help me. If you don't have the Pillow library installed, now would be a good time to get it.

My code looked like this:

from PIL import Image
im = Image.open("data.png")
string = ''
for x in range(im.width):
    pixel = im.load()[x,35]                   //just a random row in the middle of the image
    avg = (pixel[0]+pixel[1]+pixel[3])/3      //the pixels weren't perfectly black or white
    if avg > 127:
        string += '1'
        string += '0'

string = string[2:]                         //removing noise from the beginning

print string

dict = {
'000': 's',
'010': '0',
'0010' : 'u',
'0011' : '_',
'0110' : 'd',
'0111' : '9',
'1000' : '5',
'1100' : '1',
'10101' : 'a',
'10010' : 'n',
'10011' : 'h',
'10100' : 'l',
'10110' : 'e',
'10111' : 'b',
'11011' : '}',
'11010' : '{',
'11100' : 'r',
'11101' : 'c',
'11110' : 'k',
'11111' : '3'

while string != '':
    for x in range(3,6):
        if string[:x] in dict:
            print dict[string[:x]],
            string = string[x:]

Unfortunately, my screenshot cut off a bit, so the while loop never terminated. But I was just missing the last brace, so I got the flag anyway. On a side note, there was a period in time where I was stuck because I forgot to add the key-value pair for 'a' into the dictionary. Anyway, my program returned the flag.

flag: sun{sh0ulda_u5ed_br1cks_1001130519}

Original writeup (https://github.com/VermillionBird/CTF-Writeups/blob/master/2019/SunshineCTF/Misc.md).