Rating: 4.5


The important part of the brief is the mentioning of the https://localhost/key endpoint. This is where the flag will most likely be returned from.

The challenge provided a web interface that fetches links.

As you can see from the image the url http://www.google.com has been parsed successfully. However, any attempts with localhost as the main host causes this error to be returned:

Ruh roh, we don't allow you to fetch internal URLs!

The second most important part of the brief is the hint towards the use of parse_url in the system. This will be our vulnerable entry point.

The bug used was #73192 of the PHP bug page. This states that the host in incorrectly parsed when the use of # after the port number of the original domain.

The payload used is below:


NOTE: even though the website states that ? and // can work in place of the #. These were unable to work in this context.

By placing the playload into the link fetcher it circumvents the initial check for localhost while parse_url takes localhost/key as the main url.

The flag is provided like so:

FLAG: flag{y0u_cANn0t_TRU5t_php}
Original writeup (https://github.com/AidanFray/CTF_Writeups/blob/master/2019/SwampCTF/Brokerboard/README.md).
Cy6erDApril 12, 2019, 12:28 p.m.
