Tags: forensics 


# TJCTF 2019 "All the Zips" writeup

## check problem

140 zips in the zip, all protected by a dictionary word.

All the zips

I get 140 zip file.

## solve problem

It is said that password is a dictionary word.

I try to crack password by fcrackzip.

$ fcrackzip -u -D -p /usr/share/dict/words zip0.zip
PASSWORD FOUND!!!!: pw == how

$ unzip -o -P "how" zip0.zip ; cat flag.txt
Archive: zip0.zip
extracting: flag.txt

I can easily get password, and unzip file.

Then, let's try all 140 zip files!


for i in {0..139} ; do

fcrackzip -u -D -p ./words zip$i.zip >> pass.log

echo "zip$i.zip" >> pass.log



unzip -o -P "how" zip0.zip ; cat flag.txt >> flag.log ; echo "" >> flag.log

unzip -o -P "to" zip1.zip ; cat flag.txt >> flag.log ; echo "" >> flag.log

unzip -o -P "establish" zip2.zip ; cat flag.txt >> flag.log ; echo "" >> flag.log


I can get flag in zip85.zip.

$ unzip -o -P "every" zip85.zip ; cat flag.txt

Original writeup (https://github.com/wani-hackase/wani-writeup/tree/master/2019/04-tjctf/for-all-the-zips).