Tags: engineering reverse 


# Icthyo

Long before stegosaurus roamed the earth, another [species](icthyo) prowled the sea; here is an artist's [rendition](out.png).

Type `strings icthyo` we saw some interesting things
%s must be 256 x 256
%s must be 8 bit depth
%s must be RGB
message (less than 256 bytes):
USAGE: %s in.png out.png
We guess it will hide some message in the `out.png` using `in.png`

We created a `white.png` with size of 256 x 256 to test the function
./icthyo white.png sample.png
message (less than 256 bytes): hello
It just prompt for the message to hide and exit

We open this in Ghidra and decompile it, the main function:
int main(int iParm1,undefined8 *puParm2)

time_t tVar1;

if (iParm1 != 3) {
printf("USAGE: %s in.png out.png\n",*puParm2);
/* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
tVar1 = time((time_t *)0x0);
return 0;
Look at the encode function looks complicated:
void encode(void)

char cVar1;
int iVar2;
byte *pbVar3;
long lVar4;
undefined8 *puVar5;
long in_FS_OFFSET;
int rowValue;
int colValue;
int counter;
undefined8 local_118 [33];
long local_10;
long currentRow;

local_10 = *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28);
lVar4 = 0x20;
puVar5 = local_118;
while (lVar4 != 0) {
lVar4 = lVar4 + -1;
*puVar5 = 0;
puVar5 = puVar5 + 1;
printf("message (less than 256 bytes): ");
fgets((char *)local_118,0x100,stdin);
rowValue = 0;
while (rowValue < 0x100) {
currentRow = *(long *)(rows + (long)rowValue * 8);
colValue = 0;
while (colValue < 0x100) {
pbVar3 = (byte *)(currentRow + (long)(colValue * 3));
iVar2 = rand();
*pbVar3 = (byte)iVar2 & 1 ^ *pbVar3;
iVar2 = rand();
pbVar3[1] = pbVar3[1] ^ (byte)iVar2 & 1;
iVar2 = rand();
pbVar3[2] = pbVar3[2] ^ (byte)iVar2 & 1;
colValue = colValue + 1;
counter = 0;
while (counter < 8) {
pbVar3 = (byte *)(currentRow + (long)(counter * 0x60));
cVar1 = *(char *)((long)local_118 + (long)rowValue);
if ((pbVar3[2] & 1) != 0) {
pbVar3[2] = pbVar3[2] ^ 1;
pbVar3[2] = pbVar3[2] |
(byte)((int)cVar1 >> ((byte)counter & 0x1f)) & 1 ^ (pbVar3[1] ^ *pbVar3) & 1;
counter = counter + 1;
rowValue = rowValue + 1;
if (local_10 != *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28)) {
/* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
Basically it prompt the message to hide:
printf("message (less than 256 bytes): ");
fgets((char *)local_118,0x100,stdin);
And add 1 or minus 1 to every column in every row:
while (colValue < 0x100) {
pbVar3 = (byte *)(currentRow + (long)(colValue * 3));
iVar2 = rand();
*pbVar3 = (byte)iVar2 & 1 ^ *pbVar3;
iVar2 = rand();
pbVar3[1] = pbVar3[1] ^ (byte)iVar2 & 1;
iVar2 = rand();
pbVar3[2] = pbVar3[2] ^ (byte)iVar2 & 1;
colValue = colValue + 1;
And hide the message in specific coordinates in the output image:
counter = 0;
while (counter < 8) {
pbVar3 = (byte *)(currentRow + (long)(counter * 0x60));
cVar1 = *(char *)((long)local_118 + (long)rowValue);
if ((pbVar3[2] & 1) != 0) {
pbVar3[2] = pbVar3[2] ^ 1;
pbVar3[2] = pbVar3[2] |
(byte)((int)cVar1 >> ((byte)counter & 0x1f)) & 1 ^ (pbVar3[1] ^ *pbVar3) & 1;
counter = counter + 1;
After we do some research for how C reads the image,
## Reference
[A simple libpng example program](http://zarb.org/~gc/html/libpng.html)

We realize `pbVar3` is the RGB value in the pixel which means:
pbVar3[0] //is R
pbVar3[1] //is G
pbVar3[2] //is B
According to the code:
if ((pbVar3[2] & 1) != 0) { //if B is not even
pbVar3[2] = pbVar3[2] ^ 1; //make it even
And the most complicated line here:
pbVar3[2] = pbVar3[2] | (cVar1 >> (counter & 0x1f)) & 1 ^ (pbVar3[1] ^ pbVar3) & 1;
`cVar1` is the message char follow the current `rowValue`
cVar1 = *(char *)((long)local_118 + (long)rowValue);
And the `cVar1` shift right number of `counter`:
// If cVar1 is 'h'
// h in binary is 01101000
// shift right 1
01101000 -> 00110100
// shift right 2
01101000 -> 00011010
The `counter` start with `0` and loop until `7`

That means the `(cVar1 >> (counter & 0x1f))` is equal to `cVar1 >> counter`

Because `counter` doing bitwise to 0x1f has no effect if the value is 0 to 7

So the process looks like this:
// If cVar1 is 'h'
// h in binary is 01101000
cVar1 >> 0 -> 01101000
cVar1 >> 1 -> 0110100
cVar1 >> 2 -> 011010
cVar1 >> 3 -> 01101
cVar1 >> 4 -> 0110
cVar1 >> 5 -> 011
cVar1 >> 6 -> 01
cVar1 >> 7 -> 0
After that it perform bitwise AND for 1

Means if the last bit is `1` the result is `1`, if `0` the result is `0`
cVar1 >> 0 -> 01101000 & 1 = 0
cVar1 >> 1 -> 0110100 & 1 = 0
cVar1 >> 2 -> 011010 & 1 = 0
cVar1 >> 3 -> 01101 & 1 = 1
cVar1 >> 4 -> 0110 & 1 = 0
cVar1 >> 5 -> 011 & 1 = 1
cVar1 >> 6 -> 01 & 1 = 1
cVar1 >> 7 -> 0 & 1 = 0
If you arrange the result, you will see is exactly the same as the binary:
+ 0
But after that, the result will XOR with `(pbVar3[1] ^ pbVar3) & 1`

Which means if `(pbVar3[1] ^ pbVar3)` last bit is `1` and result is `1` then `1 XOR 1 = 0`
1 ^ 1 = 0 //if cVar1 >> counter = 1 and (pbVar3[1] ^ pbVar3) = 1
1 ^ 0 = 1 //if cVar1 >> counter = 1 and (pbVar3[1] ^ pbVar3) = 0
0 ^ 1 = 1 //if cVar1 >> counter = 0 and (pbVar3[1] ^ pbVar3) = 1
0 ^ 0 = 0 //if cVar1 >> counter = 0 and (pbVar3[1] ^ pbVar3) = 0
Lastly it perform OR bitwise with the result:
//if pbVar3[2] (B) is 255
if ((pbVar3[2] & 1) != 0) { //if B last bit is 1
pbVar3[2] = pbVar3[2] ^ 1; //B last bit become 0, 255 - 1 = 254
pbVar3[2] = 254 | 0 = 254
pbVar3[2] = 254 | 1 = 255
Summarize the equation:
B = B | message & 1 ^ (G ^ R) & 1
It got four possible:
1 & 1 ^ 1 & 1 = B add 0 means B is even or last bit is 0
1 & 1 ^ 0 & 1 = B add 1 means B is odd or last bit is 1
0 & 1 ^ 1 & 1 = B add 1 means B is odd or last bit is 1
0 & 1 ^ 0 & 1 = B add 0 means B is even or last bit is 0
Our target is to find message

Simplify the equation:
B = message ^ (G ^ R)
message = B ^ (G ^ R)
So if we know the RGB value, we can find the message!

I wrote a [python script](solve.py) that uses PIL to get all the pixel RGB value

And we get the flag!!!
python solve.py

## Flag
> actf{lurking_in_the_depths_of_random_bits}

Original writeup (https://github.com/Hong5489/AngstormCTF2019/tree/master/Icthyo).