Rating: 5.0

Warmup/Learning - Pass the Hash

Server-side script does following:

  • Generates 20-byte random password.
  • Asks user for 24-byte salt, then generates hash based on previously generated password and user-provided hash and sends that hash back to user. In loop, up to 1024 times.
  • Sends randomly generated salt to user and asks user to provide correct hash for that salt and previously generated password.
  • Sends the flag if user-provided hash is correct.

The right direction was determined almost immediately after reading the script: sending specially crafted(?) salts multiple times and examining the resulting hashes should somehow help to deduce the random password.

After further examination of script I noticed few weird things about the combo_hash():

  • It uses salt value between the two copies of password as initial value for hash: salted_pass = password + salt + password.
  • On each round, it splits result of the previous round (or salted_pass on first) and uses some "normal" hash algorithm on both halves separately.
  • On each round, it uses XOR on result of the previous round (or salted_pass on first) and calculated "normal" hashes to produce the new value.

To better see what really happens here, we could write this as follows:

spl, spr - left and right parts of the initial salted_pass
h(v) - generates hash based on value v
r - final result of all rounds

round 0) r = spl ^ h(spr)                   + spr ^ h(spl)
round 1) r = spl ^ h(spr) ^ h(spr ^ h(spl)) + spr ^ h(spl) ^ h(spl ^ h(spr))

which could be simplified to:

rnd(v) - generates some pseudo-random text based on seed v
rnd(v)[l], rnd(v)[r] - left and right halves of pseudo-random text

r = spl ^ rnd(salted_pass)[l] + spr ^ rnd(salted_pass)[r]

So far, we have following:

  • Obviously, XOR can be reversed by XORing again with the same value.
  • We know last 12 bytes of spl and first 12 bytes of spr because we provide them as a salt.

Based on this, we are already able to recover some part of rnd(salted_pass). But this is useless for recovering the random password because completely different parts of rnd(salted_pass) are XORed with parts of salted_pass containing password. But are they really different?

I tried to carefully read xor() function again and realized that if the first argument (spl or spr) is longer than the second argument (h(v)), it actually starts reusing some bytes from the second argument! Half of the salted_pass is 32 bytes, but three of four "normal" hashes has only 20 byte result. This means that, with some probability, script generates final hash where rnd(salted_pass) contains repeating sequences. And thus, with some probability, we are able to recover the password.

The simplified brute-force algorithm is:

  • Feed server with completely random salt values.
  • Un-XOR parts of rnd(salted_pass) based on known random salt.
  • Assume that we are lucky and only 20 bytes of each half of rnd(salted_pass) are actually unique. Try to un-XOR parts of the initial random password.
  • If we've got the same value two times from different iterations, then this is the real password.

The rest is simple: terminate guessing cycle, calculate hash based on server's salt and on recovered password, send calculated hash back to server.

Code is here.

Original writeup (https://github.com/im-0/ctf/tree/master/2019.09.28-PwnThyBytes_CTF_2019/warmup_learning-Pass_the_Hash).