Rating: 4.0
What we have is a card game. Fooling around with it (under valgrind
- why
not?) reveals the following:
(1200 * 3 + 900) * 2 = 9000
. Memez FTW!==11086== Source and destination overlap in strcpy(0x10b260, 0x10b261)
==11086== at 0x4833537: strcpy (in vgpreload_memcheck-x86-linux.so)
==11086== by 0x108D92: ??? (in ace_of_spades)
==11086== by 0x109236: ??? (in ace_of_spades)
==11086== by 0x109354: main (in ace_of_spades)
Well, this is for sure a lousy non-portable coding practice, but on our particular platform this seems to work fine. Moving on.
Reversing the code in IDA raises more eyebrows than I care to count. Spoiler: most of them ended up being useless at the end:
.text:00000DEB cmp al, 28h ; '('
.text:00000DED jnz short is_not_aos
.text:00000DEF is_aos:
.text:00000DEF add [ebp+aos_count], 1
.text:00000DF3 jmp short next_index
.text:00000E48 double_points:
.text:00000E48 shl [ebp+points], 1
.text:00000E4B add [ebp+index], 1
.text:00000E4F loop_end:
.text:00000E4F mov eax, [ebp+index]
.text:00000E52 cmp eax, [ebp+aos_count]
.text:00000E55 jb short double_points
A doorway into exceeding the maximum "fair" amount of points?
:.text:0000115E movzx eax, byte ptr [eax]
.text:00001161 test al, al
.text:00001163 jnz short loop_body
An opportunity for an arbitrary memory read?
.bss:00003220 deck db 35h dup(?)
.bss:00003260 hand db 35h dup(?)
.bss:000032A0 discard_pile db 35h dup(?)
.bss:000032E0 seed dd ?
Replacing the prize allows us to write to said memory:.text:00000FDE mov eax, [ebp+points]
.text:00000FE1 mov edx, 10624DD3h
.text:00000FE6 mul edx
.text:00000FE8 mov eax, edx
.text:00000FEA shr eax, 6
.text:00000FED mov [ebp+prize_index], eax
.text:00000FF0 mov eax, [ebp+prize_index]
.text:00000FF3 mov eax, [ebp+eax*4+prizes]
.text:00000FF7 sub esp, 8
.text:00000FFA push eax
.text:00000FFB lea eax, (aYourPrizeS - 2F98h)[ebx] ; "Your prize: %s\n"
.text:00001001 push eax ; format
.text:00001002 call _printf
But how do we win that much?!
'x' * 0x20
allows us to
overwrite the trailing '\0' and see the next prize:.text:00001087 change:
.text:00001087 mov eax, [ebp+prize_index]
.text:0000108A mov eax, [ebp+eax*4+prizes]
.text:0000108E sub esp, 4
.text:00001091 push 20h ; ' ' ; nbytes
.text:00001093 push eax ; buf
.text:00001094 push 0 ; fd
.text:00001096 call _read
Any possibility to read something useful here?
issue:.text:00000D7D lea eax, (hand+1 - 2F98h)[ebx]
.text:00000D83 sub esp, 8
.text:00000D86 push eax ; src
.text:00000D87 lea eax, (hand - 2F98h)[ebx]
.text:00000D8D push eax ; dest
.text:00000D8E call _strcpy
Uh huh. I would NACK that in a code review, but this is CTF.
.text:00000E39 loop_header:
.text:00000E39 cmp [ebp+index], 4
.text:00000E3D jbe short process_card
Can we somehow put Aces of Spades into empty slots?
Function that asks for a choice reads 4 characters and calls atoi()
any checking - can we read something useful this way?
When reading the seed from /dev/urandom
the code doesn't check the return
value of read()
: can we somehow overwhelm the system RNG and make read()
return just 1 byte, making the seed more predictable?
Why are we given the xinetd
file? Is the environment the server runs in
somehow useful?
Two pieces of the puzzle come together: duplicating Aces of Spades will make it possible to exceed the maximum score and gain the ability to read and write to the stack. The missing piece is: how to duplicate the cards?
All the issues related to predicting the RNG, even if they would somehow work, are useless: we need to actively mess with the deck, not learn stuff about it.
After hours and hours of reading the assembly and experimenting with ideas
above, I come back to strcpy
and wrote the following (by this time I've
developed a bunch of pyexpect
-based helpers to drive the game):
def strcpy_problem(p):
for _ in range(52):
h = print_hand(p)
for _ in range(52):
h1 = print_hand(p)
if h[1:] != h1:
print('^^^ BUG ^^^')
h = h1
Ouch! When working with certain string lengths (29, 44, 45), strcpy
overlapping buffers duplicates certain characters. So, let's do the following
in a loop:
bug messes with that, tough luck - fold
and try again.strcpy
bug lets us replace a worthless card with a Jack
something better.
Here are the scores that we want to achieve, in order:
Some "legal" score in range 1000-10999 in order to change the prize to the
name of the file containing the flag - /home/ace_of_spades/flag\0
. This
actually required some guesswork (flag
vs flag.txt
and /
vs .
) - xinetd
file allowed to learn the name of the home directory.
16000-16999 in order to print the prize, which is the stack contents.
contains the return address, which is always main+147
so long, ASLR!
16000-16999 again in order to change the prize and overwrite the stack.
Where can we return? We have a bunch of libc functions in PLT, but, alas, no
sweet exec
. We have to open
the flag anyway. Then we need to read
The first step is easy - overwrite the stack with:
(old ebp
return address)flag
flagsand leave the game in order to pass control to open
When open
returns, the flag fd will be in eax
and top of the stack is going
to be:
Can we do anything useful with that? Turns out we can. Let's find all the read
calls. One of them is in the very beginning and is responsible for reading
. Let's try jumping there:
(old ebp
addressmain + 0x46
:.text:00001308 push eax ; fd
.text:00001309 call _read
which is a valid open
flag and at the same time a reasonable flag
lengthWhen we are at the read
call site, the stack looks like this:
The flag will be placed into the prize slot, which used to contain the path. After that the game will be restarted, so we just play again, win the prize at this slot and get the flag!