Tags: png forensics
Rating: 5.0
Whoops. It seems Luffy played with my picture and I'm not able to open it anymore. Please help me.
Creator: 2phi
First, the obvious. Image does not load.
Is this a png file?
asd007@host:/mnt/e/ctf$ file 7uffy.png
7uffy_1.png: PNG image data, 1113 x 885, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlaced
So the header must be right, stating it's a PNG
Let's check for "hidden" stuff
asd007@host:/mnt/e/ctf$ binwalk 7uffy.png
0 0x0 PNG image, 1113 x 885, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlaced
No luck here.
Metadata? Strings?
asd007@host:/mnt/e/ctf$ identify -verbose 7uffy.png
asd007@host:/mnt/e/ctf$ strings 7uffy.png
No dice. ImageMagick listed nothing. Strings listed some mangled random printable chars, nothing useful.
Ok, time to bring the big guns:
asd007@host:/mnt/e/ctf$ sudo apt-get install pngtools
[moments later]
asd007@host:/mnt/e/ctf$ pngchunks 7uffy.png
Chunk: Data Length 13 (max 2147483647), Type 1380206665 [IHDR]
Critical, public, PNG 1.2 compliant, unsafe to copy
IHDR Width: 1113
IHDR Height: 885
IHDR Bitdepth: 8
IHDR Colortype: 6
IHDR Compression: 0
IHDR Filter: 0
IHDR Interlace: 0
IHDR Compression algorithm is Deflate
IHDR Filter method is type zero (None, Sub, Up, Average, Paeth)
IHDR Interlacing is disabled
Chunk CRC: -1537989379
Chunk: Data Length 6 (max 2147483647), Type 1145523042 [bKGD]
Ancillary, public, PNG 1.2 compliant, unsafe to copy
... Unknown chunk type
Chunk CRC: -113001601
Chunk: Data Length 9 (max 2147483647), Type 1935231088 [pHYs]
Ancillary, public, PNG 1.2 compliant, safe to copy
... Unknown chunk type
Chunk CRC: 10132504
Chunk: Data Length 7 (max 2147483647), Type 1162692980 [tIME]
Ancillary, public, PNG 1.2 compliant, unsafe to copy
... Unknown chunk type
Chunk CRC: 1626594388
Chunk: Data Length 29 (max 2147483647), Type 1951945833 [iTXt]
Ancillary, public, PNG 1.2 compliant, safe to copy
... Unknown chunk type
Chunk CRC: 1680762119
Chunk: Data Length 8192 (max 2147483647), Type 1498628421 [EASY]
Critical, public, PNG 1.2 compliant, unsafe to copy
... Unknown chunk type
Chunk CRC: -2090358537
Chunk: Data Length 8192 (max 2147483647), Type 1498628421 [EASY]
Critical, public, PNG 1.2 compliant, unsafe to copy
... Unknown chunk type
Chunk CRC: 558130939
Chunk: Data Length 8192 (max 2147483647), Type 1498628421 [EASY]
Critical, public, PNG 1.2 compliant, unsafe to copy
... Unknown chunk type
Chunk CRC: 1857725745
Chunk: Data Length 2584 (max 2147483647), Type 1498628421 [EASY]
Critical, public, PNG 1.2 compliant, unsafe to copy
... Unknown chunk type
Chunk CRC: 43823534
Chunk: Data Length 0 (max 2147483647), Type 1145980233 [IEND]
Critical, public, PNG 1.2 compliant, unsafe to copy
IEND contains no data
Chunk CRC: -1371381630
Bingo! 8 "unknown" chunks We need a closer look
asd007@host:/mnt/e/ctf$ pngcheck -v 7uffy.png
File: 7uffy.png (27352 bytes)
chunk IHDR at offset 0x0000c, length 13
1113 x 885 image, 32-bit RGB+alpha, non-interlaced
chunk bKGD at offset 0x00025, length 6
red = 0x0000, green = 0x0000, blue = 0x0000
chunk pHYs at offset 0x00037, length 9: 2835x2835 pixels/meter (72 dpi)
chunk tIME at offset 0x0004c, length 7:bbe Mar 2020 00:45:09 UTC
chunk iTXt at offset 0x0005f, length 29, keyword: Comment
uncompressed, no language tag
no translated keyword, 18 bytes of UTF-8 text
chunk EASY at offset 0x00088, length 8192: illegal (unless recently approved) unknown, public chunk
ERRORS DETECTED in 7uffy_1.png
EASY. That's not in the specification. Looking at the output of the previous command, there are no IDAT chunks in there. Perhaps this chunk is supposed to be IDAT. Not mentally ready for a hex editor yet :). Let's see if we can get around it. I wish sed worked on binary files. Short google search reveals there's a tool called bbe doing just that. Dead end, could not get it to work. But I'm on a quest, so I'm not giving up:
asd007@host:/mnt/e/ctf$ echo -n "EASY" | xxd -ps
asd007@host:/mnt/e/ctf$ echo -n "IDAT" | xxd -ps
//let's get creative and take a risk
asd007@host:/mnt/e/ctf$ hexdump -ve '1/1 "%.2X"' 7uffy.png | sed 's/45415359/49444154/g' | xxd -r -p > 7uffy_1.png
asd007@host:/mnt/e/ctf$ diff 7uffy.png 7uffy_1.png
Binary files 7uffy_1.png and 7uffy_2.png differ
Ah! The things I do to get out of using hex editors. Aaaaanyway - Wohoo! Let's take a breather. (chug beer)
asd007@host:/mnt/e/ctf$ pngcheck -v 7uffy_1.png
File: 7uffy_1.png (27352 bytes)
chunk IHDR at offset 0x0000c, length 13
1113 x 885 image, 32-bit RGB+alpha, non-interlaced
chunk bKGD at offset 0x00025, length 6
red = 0x0000, green = 0x0000, blue = 0x0000
chunk pHYs at offset 0x00037, length 9: 2835x2835 pixels/meter (72 dpi)
chunk tIME at offset 0x0004c, length 7: 26 Mar 2020 00:45:09 UTC
chunk iTXt at offset 0x0005f, length 29, keyword: Comment
uncompressed, no language tag
no translated keyword, 18 bytes of UTF-8 text
chunk IDAT at offset 0x00088, length 8192
zlib: deflated, 32K window, maximum compression
chunk IDAT at offset 0x02094, length 8192
chunk IDAT at offset 0x040a0, length 8192
chunk IDAT at offset 0x060ac, length 2584
chunk IEND at offset 0x06ad0, length 0
No errors detected in 7uffy_2.png (10 chunks, 99.3% compression).
Fingers crossed! It Worked!
hello, could you explain this part?
sed 's/45415359/49444154/g' | xxd -r -p > 7uffy_1.png from
asd007@host:/mnt/e/ctf$ hexdump -ve '1/1 "%.2X"' 7uffy.png | sed 's/45415359/49444154/g' | xxd -r -p > 7uffy_1.png
I'm still new to tools from kali Linux, thankyou