

Tl;dr read from floppy in 32bit protected mode with no BIOS, using PMIO. Your shellcode gets pasted into seabios.

Intended solution

Write a floppy disk driver that does DMA. Output the flag using VGA MMIO

My solution

  1. Floppy disk
  • Too stupid and lazy to learn about floppy disk, know remote hardware is always QEMU -> hack seabios to log all in/out instructions, copy paste them into shellcode.
  • In/out not working -> add usleep() everywhere, shellcode magically starts working
  • Final in instructions seems to return flag bytes -> Ignore DMA and use completely idiotic solution that works
  1. Outputting the flag
  • Too stupid and lazy to read docs and figure out VGA -> copy paste QEMU ACPI shutdown.
  • Use as timing side channel for time-based blind boolean exfil. Binary search on flag chars
  • Side channel is slow and unreliable -> babysit the brute force and guess words manually to speed it up
Original writeup (https://github.com/perfectblue/ctf-writeups/tree/master/2020/defcon-ctf-2020/biooosless).