Rating: 3.0

**InCTF Secure Extractor (Network Pentest):**

This is the first time i write a write-up so forgive me for any mistake!!!
Now let's start the challenge xD


This is very similiar to Hackthebox, and a very good one too but I didn't solve this one during the contest time :'(

You need to use they openvpn config file to access the machine. The web-app originally run on port 5000 but in the screenshot is 5001, reason later lol.

At first, they give us a hint about a web app is exploit-able and "forget to clear history". I don't know what "history" did the admin forget to clear at first, so I just connect to the machine to see what is happening.

![Web App](https://i.imgur.com/WKCDCXp.png)

So web upload, only accept zip, rar, tar. The uploaded file will be extracted on the web server.

I tried to upload a shell, but when open it will download it, only text file are showed. So I tried upload symbolic link to the /etc/passwd file (https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/creating-soft-link-or-symbolic-link/):
ln -s "../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd" link
zip -y test2.zip link
And it work: (skip those lmao file, i forgot to clear the folder xD )

So i upload another file link to current folder, we got Local File Read:

After that i check all the file in the folder, and in .bash_history (oh that history lol) we have a credential:

SSH into the server with obtained cred, we got user **joyhopkins**

The machine is isolateed with the internet, so i hosted LinEnum.sh on my pc using python3 http.server and run it. No world readable file, no sudo, nothing special.

The user have no privilege, so i thought the server is running with root. I change the port in the app.py file to 5001, run it to get the pin code and login to the /console on the web-app. But it only have user privilege.

After that i check if any process running with root, but nothing.

Something is wrong, so i ran the script again, and found a crontab job running a file called **updater**


Let's see what inside:


So basically it download all file in /uploads/packages/ on the server updates.safextractor.lan, run it with **dpgk -i**



We don't have root so we cannot change the /etc/hosts file, but we can change the ip on our machine with **sudo ifconfig tap0** ( your network interface may different)

I created a deb file with **sudo fpm -s dir -t deb -n sploit --before-install lmao.sh ./** and place it in **/uploads/packages/**

The **lmao.sh** is a python reverse shell script, i get it on http://pentestmonkey.net/cheat-sheet/shells/reverse-shell-cheat-sheet

And we got reverse shell, with **root**


flag is in /root folder

The reason why i didnt solve the challenge during contest time is I skipped the **updater** file. You learn something new everyday.

Thanks for reading.

Original writeup (https://github.com/ngcaobaolong/InCTF/blob/master/Secure%20Extractor/readme.md).
AK4EAug. 3, 2020, 1:43 p.m.

Nice writeup! I got to the updater file... but was stuck on how to change my ip! something new I learnt!