Tags: hash-collision md5 crypto 

Rating: 5.0

## Description

Category: Crypto
Difficulty: Easy
Author: 0x4d5a

Can you pass the guard who watches over the Doors of Durin?

Challenge Files: door.c gatekeeper.py

## Analysis

Let's start by looking at `gatekeeper.py`:


import string
import hashlib
import base64
import socket
import time

goodHashes = {}

print("Welcome to the \"Doors of Durin\"")
print("I'm the gatekeeper of this ancient place")
print("A long time ago those doors weren't in need of a gatekeeper. But in recent time, especially after the big success of J.R.R. Tolkien, everyone knows the secret words. The passphrase to open the door to the precious flag!")
print("The flag had a lot of visitors and wants to be kept alone. So its my job to keep anyout out")
print("Only real skilled hackers are allowed here. Once you have proven yourself worthy, the flag is yours")

def generateSecretHash(byteInput):
md5 = hashlib.md5()
sha1 = hashlib.sha1()
sha256 = hashlib.sha384()

blake2b = hashlib.blake2b()


for i in range(0, 2938):

for k in range(-8222, 1827, 2):

for j in range(20, 384):

return blake2b.hexdigest()

def passToGate(byteInput):
with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as s:
s.connect(("doorsofdurin_door", 1024))
s.sendall(byteInput + b"\n")
data = s.recv(1024)
return data

while True:
currentInput = input("Give me your input:")

bytesInput = base64.b64decode(currentInput)
print("Doing magic, stand by")
hashed = generateSecretHash(bytesInput)

if hashed in goodHashes:
if b"sp3akfr1end4nd3nt3r" in bytesInput:
print("Everybody knows the magic words. I can't hear it anymore! Go away! *smash*")
goodHashes[hashed] = bytesInput

except Exception as e:

It accepts base64 input, decodes it, and it will pass the decoded input through a socket to `door.c`. But notice that if you pass the magic word directly, it throws an error:

if hashed in goodHashes:
if b"sp3akfr1end4nd3nt3r" in bytesInput:
print("Everybody knows the magic words. I can't hear it anymore! Go away! *smash*")
goodHashes[hashed] = bytesInput

kali@kali:~/Downloads/allesctf/doors$ echo sp3akfr1end4nd3nt3r | base64 | python3 gatekeeper.py Welcome to the "Doors of Durin"
I'm the gatekeeper of this ancient place
A long time ago those doors weren't in need of a gatekeeper. But in recent time, especially after the big success of J.R.R. Tolkien, everyone knows the secret words. The passphrase to open the door to the precious flag!
The flag had a lot of visitors and wants to be kept alone. So its my job to keep anyout out
Only real skilled hackers are allowed here. Once you have proven yourself worthy, the flag is yours
Give me your input:Doing magic, stand by
Everybody knows the magic words. I can't hear it anymore! Go away! *smash*

`generateSecretHash` starts with an MD5 hash of our input, and then piles on a bunch of other hashes on top of that:

md5 = hashlib.md5()
sha1 = hashlib.sha1()
sha256 = hashlib.sha384()

blake2b = hashlib.blake2b()


This is important, because MD5 is weak and this looks like a hash collision thing.

Now look at `door.c`:

#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#define MAGIC_WORD "sp3akfr1end4nd3nt3r"
int main() {
char input[255];
char flag[255];

scanf("%254s", input);
printf("You said: %s\n", input);

if (strcmp(input, MAGIC_WORD) == 0)
int fd = open("./flag", O_RDONLY);
if (fd == -1)
printf("Something went wrong! Thats a bug, please report!\n");
return 1;

read(fd, flag, 254);
printf("Flag: %s\n", flag);
printf("Nope :/\n");

return 0;

Once we get past the gatekeeper, the door will give us the flag if the `strcmp` matches `sp3akfr1end4nd3nt3r`.

In order to get past the gatekeeper, our first input needs to be something that does _not_ contain `sp3akfr1end4nd3nt3r` but still has the same md5 hash as a second input which _does_ contain `sp3akfr1end4nd3nt3r` and will pass the `strcmp` check in `door.c`. The first input will cause `gatekeeper.py` to add the hash to `goodHashes`, allowing our second input with the matching hash to be passed on to the door.

We need a chosen-prefix collision, which is much more expensive than an identical-prefix collision:


And after digging around and playing with a few tools, hashclash seemed to have everything we need:


You can compile this with CUDA enabled and it would be _way_ faster to run on a GPU, but unfortunately I didn't have quick access to an Nvidia GPU for this exercise. Need to get my AWS account setup with a GPU quota for next time.

So I ran this on my kali VM using 8 vcpu's of my Ryzen 2700X and it finished after ~5 hours:

kali@kali:~/Downloads/hashclash/doors$ ../scripts/cpc.sh input.txt input2.txt
Block 1: workdir6/coll1_1758829728
cd 2f d6 b8 fb 7b 92 ce 37 84 2a 14 07 e5 bd 45
32 97 88 12 d7 ec e7 68 08 81 32 57 e5 28 25 9d
29 64 17 9f 02 6d bd d9 be e8 62 9e 18 b5 fe 25
0e 98 d1 c7 d7 7e c8 30 2f bd ae dd ad be 9d 00
Block 2: workdir6/coll2_1758829728
cd 2f d6 b8 fb 7b 92 ce 37 84 2a 14 07 e5 bd 45
32 97 88 12 d7 ec e7 68 08 81 32 57 e5 28 25 9d
29 64 17 9f 02 6d bd d9 be e8 62 9e 18 b5 02 26
0e 98 d1 c7 d7 7e c8 30 2f bd ae dd ad be 9d 00
Found collision!
[*] Step 6 completed
[*] Number of backtracks until now: 1
[*] Collision generated: input.txt.coll input2.txt.coll
bbfb0268fa9c508de491736353a7a0f9 input.txt.coll
bbfb0268fa9c508de491736353a7a0f9 input2.txt.coll
[*] Process completed in 308 minutes (1 backtracks).

Only one problem: *I forgot the freakin' null char!*

kali@kali:~/Downloads/hashclash/doors$ cat input.txt.coll | ./door
You said: sp3akfr1end4nd3nt3r=b�u�M뀓�1��0E�q�
Nope :/

Let's clean up and try that again:

kali@kali:~/Downloads/hashclash/doors$ rm *.coll *.bin step*.log
kali@kali:~/Downloads/hashclash/doors$ rm -r workdir* upper_1_640000/ logs/ data/
kali@kali:~/Downloads/hashclash/doors$ perl -e 'print "sp3akfr1end4nd3nt3r\0"' > input.txt
kali@kali:~/Downloads/hashclash/doors$ perl -e 'print "\0"' > input2.txt
kali@kali:~/Downloads/hashclash/doors$ ../scripts/cpc.sh input.txt input2.txt

And at this point I'm worried if this will finish before the CTF is over, so I quickly spun up a 32x64 instance on digitalocean and ran the same thing there:

root@ubuntu-c-32-64gib-sfo2-01:~/hashclash/doors# perl -e 'print "sp3akfr1end4nd3nt3r\0"' > file1.txt
root@ubuntu-c-32-64gib-sfo2-01:~/hashclash/doors# perl -e 'print "\0"' > file2.txt
root@ubuntu-c-32-64gib-sfo2-01:~/hashclash/doors# hexdump -C file1.txt
00000000 73 70 33 61 6b 66 72 31 65 6e 64 34 6e 64 33 6e |sp3akfr1end4nd3n|
00000010 74 33 72 00 |t3r.|
root@ubuntu-c-32-64gib-sfo2-01:~/hashclash/doors# hexdump -C file2.txt
00000000 00 |.|
root@ubuntu-c-32-64gib-sfo2-01:~/hashclash/doors# ../scripts/cpc.sh file1.txt file2.txt

The 32 vcpu run finished first, in about 3 hours.

Found collision!
[*] Step 10 completed
[*] Number of backtracks until now: 3
[*] Collision generated: file1.txt.coll file2.txt.coll
08172ba29c07c72c055d4f58c786434a file1.txt.coll
08172ba29c07c72c055d4f58c786434a file2.txt.coll
[*] Process completed in 214 minutes (3 backtracks).

So this was the input I used in my solution:

root@ubuntu-c-32-64gib-sfo2-01:~/hashclash/doors# cat file1.txt.coll | base64 --wrap=0

root@ubuntu-c-32-64gib-sfo2-01:~/hashclash/doors# cat file2.txt.coll | base64 --wrap=0

For comparison, the 8 vcpu run on my Ryzen 2700X finally finished after about 8 hours. It probably would have taken a matter of minutes on a good GPU.

## Solution

We have a pair of files now with different prefixes but the same MD5 hash, and we know how to use that to get past the gatekeeper. Pass in file2, then file1:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from pwn import *

# base64 encoded file1.txt.coll

# base64 encoded file2.txt.coll

p = process(['ncat','--ssl','7b00000094b6a46399d93bdb.challenges.broker4.allesctf.net','1337'])

# Our local copy of gatekeeper.py prompts for "Give me your input:"
# But the remote service instead prompts for "Speak friend and enter: "
p.recvuntil('Speak friend and enter: ')
p.recvuntil('Speak friend and enter: ')

Run it and we get our flag:

[+] Starting local process '/usr/bin/ncat' argv=[b'ncat', b'--ssl', b'7b00000094b6a46399d93bdb.challenges.broker4.allesctf.net', b'1337'] : pid 15477
[DEBUG] Received 0x1fd bytes:
b'Welcome to the "Doors of Durin"\n'
b"I'm the gatekeeper of this ancient place\n"
b"A long time ago those doors weren't in need of a gatekeeper. But in recent time, especially after the big success of J.R.R. Tolkien, everyone knows the secret words. The passphrase to open the door to the precious flag!\n"
b'The flag had a lot of visitors and wants to be kept alone. So its my job to keep anyone out\n'
b'Only real skilled hackers are allowed here. Once you have proven yourself worthy, the flag is yours\n'
b'Speak friend and enter: '
[DEBUG] Sent 0x401 bytes:
[DEBUG] Received 0x16 bytes:
b'Doing magic, stand by\n'
[DEBUG] Received 0x31 bytes:
b"b'You said: \\nNope :/\\n'\n"
b'Speak friend and enter: '
[DEBUG] Sent 0x401 bytes:
[-] Receiving all data: Failed
[DEBUG] Received 0x16 bytes:
b'Doing magic, stand by\n'
[DEBUG] Received 0x75 bytes:
b"b'You said: sp3akfr1end4nd3nt3r\\nFlag: ALLES{st0p_us1ng_md5_alr34dy_BabyRage_1836d}\\n\\x7f\\n'\n"
b'Speak friend and enter: '

The flag is:


Original writeup (https://github.com/dobsonj/ctf/tree/master/writeups/2020/allesctf/doors_of_durin#doors-of-durin).
hellmanSept. 6, 2020, 8:28 p.m.


Has a script to generate identical prefix, where you can choose your prefix and delta is in 10th byte. Runs in 15 minutes on a laptop if lucky enough.