Tags: osint
<br/><br/> First of all, you need to understand what are these values: (eNB ID, MCC and MNC)
And here is a table that gives a simple explanation about (eNB ID, MCC and MNC):
<br/><br/> ... <br/><br/>
In the challenge file, we have those 3 values: <br/><br/> 310
81907 <br/><br/> ... <br/><br/>
Now you need to identify those values (I mean that you need to know which one is the eNB ID and which one is the MCC and which one is the MNC)
To do that, search for a list of MCC and MNC, and here is a good one: (https://www.mcc-mnc.com/)
If you search for 310 in that site, you will find a lot of results, but if you search for 410, you will find 8 results only, so it's better to check the fewer results:
Nice, you now know that:
Now you need to locate that cell tower...
One of the best sites to locate cell towers is (www.cellmapper.net)
You can search for a specific tower in cellmapper:
If you put the eNB ID there, you will find a tower:
that's the tower you are looking for!