Rating: 5.0

# IoT Grill - BalCCon2k20 CTF (pwn, 497p, 1 solved)
## Introduction

IoT Grill is a pwn task.

An archive containing an ARM firmware and a qemu script to run it is provided.

The fimrware simulates a connected grill. It is possible to change the
temperature settings, start the grill and update the device key.

## Reverse engineering

Reversing an ARM firmware can be time consuming.

Fortunately, looking at cross references to strings such as `Device key` helps
find the menu function. It also helps identify the `printk` function.

By looking at the cross references it is possible to identify the main function.

The `Poweroff` menu option leaves the function.

The `Grill Cevape` menu option prints a string.

The `Change temperature setting` changes the temperature between 50 and 500

The `Update device key` updates the device key. There is special case if the key
starts with `B64:` : it will decode the input as base64.

char *string;
size_t size;
size_t clearSize;
char buffer[0x24];

printk("Enter a new device key> ");
string = readString();
size = strlen(string);

if(0 == strncmp(string, "B64:", 4)) {
/* Don't write, but calculate the size and write in in clearSize */
b64_decode(NULL, 0, &clearSize, string + 4, size - 4);

/* Decode into buffer */
b64_decode(buffer, clearSize, &clearSize, string + 4, size - 4);
} else {
/* ... */

This function is vulnerable to a classic stack-based buffer overflow.

## Exploitation

This challenge was solved by using a simple ROP chain that calls `printk(flag)`.

The ROP chain is the following :
0x00001458: pop {r0, pc}
0x00004043: "BCTF{flag}"

0x00002CB0: printk

The only particularity of the ARM architecture is that instructions in THUMBS
mode must have their least significant bit set.

The `changeKey` function returns using `pop {r4, r5, r6, r7, pc}`. This has to
be taken into account when padding the stack.

**Flag**: `BCTF{c0ngr4ts_y0u_put_a_gr1ll_on_th3_n3t_and_n0w_cevap3_ar3_burn3d}`

## Appendices
### pwn.php


Original writeup (https://github.com/TFNS/writeups/blob/master/2020-09-25-BalCCon/iot_grill/README.md).