Rating: 2.3

# Shark has a long tail

**Category: Misc** \
**Points: 663**

## Desciption

We intercept the attack traffic and we know that there is a message in packets encoded in some tricky way. Can you help us decode it.

## Challenge

- Given SharkHasALongTail.pcap
- Find The Flag

## Solution

We were give a pcap file:
1. [SharkHasALongTail.pcap](https://github.com/Red-Knights-CTF/writeups/blob/master/2020/affinity_ctf_lite/Shark%20has%20a%20long%20tail/SharkHasALongTail.pcap)

As all of us would do, i opened that pcap file in `Wireshark`. I literally
tried everything, everything was normal. Then I saw something interesting.

The `TCP` header length of every packet was under `255` which means it could be decimal

Reading the documentation of `tshark` wireshark command line utility lead me to
this `tshark -r SharkHasALongTail.pcap -T fields -e tcp.len`

This gives the `TCP` header length of all packets

Copy all those numbers and paste them into `CyberChef`

Use `From Decimal` Recipe:
FLAG - `AFFCTF{TCPDUMP_Never_Disappoints}`

Original writeup (https://github.com/Red-Knights-CTF/writeups/tree/master/2020/affinity_ctf_lite/Shark%20has%20a%20long%20tail).