Tags: reverse-engineering 


# Magic Word

**Category**: Reverse Engineering \
**Points**: 120

## Discription

We need a magic word to get the response here, can you discover it?

## Challenge

- Given magicword binary
- Print flag

## Solution

We were given a binary file:
1. [magicword](https://github.com/Red-Knights-CTF/writeups/blob/master/2020/affinity_ctf_lite/Magic%20Word/magicword)

Running binary we were asked to enter a input


It was a simple binary that compare two strings. So we need to print out the right string(flag)

You can use any any debbuger you like. For this challenge i have used ```edb``` .
Stepover all the instructions until ```Incorrect Input``` is printed on the screen


Stepover one instruction and now we are on a ```jmp``` instrction that will take us to the end of the binary, but we want to print the flag on our screen.
So we will fill the jmp instruction with ```nop```


Gradually stepover the instructions and you will get the flag printed on your screen


FLAG - AFFCTF{h4v3AG00dD4y}

Original writeup (https://github.com/Red-Knights-CTF/writeups/tree/master/2020/affinity_ctf_lite/Magic%20Word).